- Follow the Nicki’s Diaper blog publicly.
- Blog about our giveaway and link back to our site. When you post back here you must link to the URL where you blogged. (2 entries)
- Follow Nicki’s Diapers @nickisdiapers on Twitter and Tweet about this giveaway. Leave the URL where you Tweeted.
- Tweet @nickisdiapers #clothdiapers (1 entry for each unique tweet)
- Like Nicki’s Diapers, Planet Wise and Best Bottom Diapers on Facebook - Be sure to state your facebook name when you post back here.
- Suggest the following facebook pages to your friends: Nicki’s Diapers , Best Bottom Diapers , Planet Wise. You must post back here telling us which friend accepted your page suggestion. (1 entry per page for each person you suggest that LIKES us)
- Grab our button and place them on your blog. Post a link to the blog here. (2 entries per blog - per button)
- Start or comment on a discussion on the Nicki's Diapers facebook page discussion board.
- Blog about "tricks" you use(d) to get your newborn to sleep and include a link to www.nickisdiapers.com (2 entries)
- Tag @nicki's diapers in a facebook post.
- Have a friend subscribe to our blog. Post their username in your comment. You can do this as many times as you can get friends to subscribe!
- Talk about Nicki's Diapers on any forum and include a link to www.nickisdiapers.com.
- Sign up for the Nicki's Diapers newsletter (enter your email address on the top right of our homepage).
- Start a thread about this giveaway on any baby or cloth diapering related forum and include a link to your thread. (2 entries)
- Tell us what your favorite Aden & Anais Muslin Wrap print is from www.nickisdiapers.com
- Place an order at nickisdiapers.com, myswimbaby.com or clothdiaperclearance.com between November 11th and November 16th. Include your order number in your entry.
Good luck to you all!
Follow the Nicki’s Diaper blog publicly
heatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com
Like Nicki’s Diapers on facebook - heatherscholten
heatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com
Like Planet Wise on facebook - heatherscholten
heatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com
Signed up for the Nicki's Diapers newsletter
heatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com
My favorite print is alpha bit
heatherandscott030709 at gmail dot com
I follow the blog.
I am a FB fan.
Nikki Moore
I tried to put your buttons on my blog: www.stegerandsteger.blogspot.com and I could not get the Nicki's Diapers button or Cloth Diaper Clearance to work. :(
I blogged about the giveaway at www.stegerandsteger.blogspot.com
I also signed up for the newsletter!
Fave print: jungle jam
I like Nickis on fb
Alison King
I like Best Bottoms on fb
Alison King
I follow Nickis blog
I receive your newsletter via email
Love the Little Man print!
I Follow the Nicki’s Diaper blog publicly.
I follow Nickis Diapers on twitter and tweeted about this giveaway.
I like nickis diapers on facebook
becky lassiter
I like planet wise on facebook
becky lassiter
I like Best Bottom Diapers on facebook
becky lassiter
I am signed up for nickis diapers newsletter
my favorite Aden & Anais Muslin Wrap print is star gazer
I follow your blog publicly
I like Nicki's Diapers on FB
Traci Holmes Walker
I like Planet Wise on FB
Traci Holmes Walker
I like Best Bottom Diapers on FB
Traci Holmes Walker
Signed up for newsletter
My favorite A&A muslin print is Jungle Jam
Like Nicki's Diapers on FB
I follow your blog.
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com
I tagged you in a FB post here: http://www.facebook.com/1Mom4Life
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com
I thing frog or starlight are my favorite Aden & Anais.
trishabear1970 at yahoo.com
I follow the blog publicly.
Like Nicki’s Diapers, Planet Wise and Best Bottom Diapers on Facebook
Caroline Marshall
caroline.m.marshall at gmail dot com
I follow the blog publicly
montejas at hotmail dot com
Like everyone on FB
Andrea Crisp Bowles
montejas at hotmail dot com
Your button is on my blog (1)
montejas at hotmail dot com
Your button is on my blog (2)
montejas at hotmail dot com
I subscribe to the newsletter
montejas at hotmail dot com
I am following your blog
mommyof2ny@ live.com
I tweeted @nickisdiapers is having an AWESOME giveaway she is giving away a muslim wrap so go on and check her out!!!
mommyof2ny@ live . com
I like nicki's diapers on FB
mommyof2ny at live.com
I like planet wise on fb
mommyof2ny at live.com
I follow your blog publicly.
I am a fan of all 3 on Facebook.
FB name: Heather Lambright Castillo
I signed up for Nicki's Diapers newsletter.:)
I like the alpha bit print wrap from your site.
I follow!
I am a blog follower!
I am a FB fan.
Katie Faust Tran
I like the Wishing Star pack of swaddlers.
I follow the blog publicly
I'm diggin the "jungle Jam" print
I follow the blog publicly!
I like ND, PW and BB on facebook!
Lori Fordham
Moo Cow is my favorite print!
I follow your blog
I follow you! Krystalbrook at aol dot com
I like you on facebook (Krystal Ewers)Krystalbrook at aol dot com
I like PLanet Wise on Facebook - Josefine Teneback Cays.
My favorite print is the fish.
I follow this blog.
I follow this blog
My favorite print is Mod.
I subscribed to your newsletter.
I "liked" Nicki's Diapers on fb (Abby Fula)
I follow your blog publicly!
My favorite print is the frogs!
follow publicly
I like the Alpha Bit prints
Following publicly sarah.g.ortiz@gmail.com
Blogged about contest @ http://twoortizesplusmore.blogspot.com/2010/11/another-giveaway.html
Got your button on my blog:
See the righthand side!
Love love love the monkey print from the Jungle Jam - 2 pack!
I follow your blog via google friend connect
ebickell at hotmail dot com
Google friend connect: uberabby
My favorite print is alpha bit.
My favorite print is 'monkey' :)
Your button is on my blog:
Your button is on my blog:
I love the jungle jam print! The link here wouldn't work so I visited A+A's site. Very cute stuff!!!!
I follow your blog
terraljones at gmail dot com
I like Nicki's Diapers, Planet Wise and BB Diapers on FB (terra l. jones)
terraljones at gmail dot com
My favorite print is Little Man
terraljones at gmail dot com
GFC - follower (waterlily_mc)
receive your emails
favorite print is the bumble bee
I suggested Nicki's Diapers to Danyel Rhinehart who "liked" it :)
My favorite print is Wishing Star
I follow your blog
I "liked" Nicki's Diapers on FB
I "Liked" best bottom diapers on FB
I "like" Planet Wise on FB
I added my email to receive your newsletter for the Madison Store and the online portion.
Follow the blog.
I'm blog follower!
I'm also a fan on facebook, noel holley
My favorite Aden & Anais Muslin Wrap print is Pyara!
I follow the Nicki’s Diaper blog publicly.
I Like Nicki’s Diapers, Planet Wise and Best Bottom Diapers on Facebook - My facebook name is Rebecca Henson.
I grabbed your button and placed it on my blog.- 2 entries
I Signed up for the Nicki's Diapers newsletter
I tweeted about this Give Away @ http://twitter.com/DreamMoonBeams
I am a public follower!
talitha dot oettinger at gmail dot com
I signed up for your newsletter!!
talitha dot oettinger at gmail dot com
I love the Aden & Anais Muslin Wrap print Jungle Jam =) TOO CUTE!!!
talitha dot oettinger at gmail dot com
My favorite is the bright blue stars!
I follow your blog publicly!
I follow Nicki's Diapers blog.
I follow publicly on GFC!
wendykate99 at yahoo dot com
I follow the blog!
I "like" you on fb for all three: Nicki's Diapers, Best Bottom Diapers, and Planet Wise.
Ellie Sears
I love the dino roar print muslin wrap!
I commented under the discussion on fb "Help: Wanting to Start Cloth Diapering.
Ellie Sears
I follow nickis diapers blog publicly
I follow nickis diapers on twitter
I tweeted @nickisdiapers #clothdiapers
I like nickis diapers on facebook
I like planet wise on facebook
Following the blog publicly.
I like best bottom diapers on facebook
becky lassiter
I follow you publicly.
I am signed up for nickis diapers newsletters
Roxanna Froese likes Nicki's Diapers on FB
Roxanna Froese likes Best Bottom Diapers on FB
I like the moo cow print.
Roxanna Froese likes Planet Wise on FB
I love the moo cow print!
my favorite print is twinkle pink
I 'like' Nickisdiapers on FB.
I tagged Nicki's in a FB post.
Oops. I think I may have already entered this giveaway. I thought it was a new one since it just came up on my FB page this evening. If it is a new one, I can't seems to get the pics to work for the different blankets so I can't pick a favorite at this time. I have heard they are fabulous though.
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com
I follow your blog.
I subscribe to the Nicki's Diapers newsletter.
jdeemarie @ gmail.com
I like the alpha bit prints the best.
i follow your blog publicly
I like star gazer
I follow your blog publicly.
I like Nicki's diapers on facebook.
Ashley Gentry Fendt
I like planet wise on facebook.
Ashley Gentry Fendt
I like best bottom diapers on facebook.
Ashley Gentry Fendt
I am a newsletter subscriber.
I don't know the name of my favorite print, but it has little blue lions on it. I have also had my eye on this cow print for a while.
"like" nicki's, planet wise, and best bottom on facebook - kvanderloo.
love the cow and frog prints.
Like Nicki's on FB
I follow Nicki's blog
I just blogged about sleeping newborns! Mine has slept 10 hours straight 2 nights in a row now!
I follow the blog publicly =)
I like all three on FB (Jessica Cochran)
I like the princess posie & the babycakes prints!!
my favorite print is the frog
My favorite print is the moo cow - love it!!!
I follow your blog!
I am a public follower!
talitha dot oettinger at gmail dot com
I signed up for your newsletter!!
talitha dot oettinger at gmail dot com
I love the Aden & Anais Muslin Wrap print Jungle Jam =) TOO CUTE!!!
talitha dot oettinger at gmail dot com
I placed an order this week, number 3518418.
talitha dot oettinger at gmail dot com
follow your blog publicly via GFC
angiedkelly at gmail dot com
Like you all on Facebook under Angie Dunlap Kelly
angiedkelly at gmail dot com
Have a button under cloth diapers at:
angiedkelly at gmail dot com
love the alpha bit pack.
angiedkelly at gmail dot com
Subscribed to your newsletter
angiedkelly at gmail dot com
Placed order #3511715
mrs.syntax at gmail dot com
I like Nicki's Diapers on FB and follow the blog publicly:)
gina.m.murray at gmail dot com
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