Thursday, December 30, 2010 0 comments
Buy 5 Get 1 FREE ends TOMORROW!

Pocket Diapers,
Wednesday Winner at Nicki's Diapers! Week 7
Boise Wiebers is the winner of Bumkins Super Bib Pet Parade! Please contact us at media@nickisdiapers.com with your address. You have 7 days to claim your prize.
Wednesday Winner
Sunday, December 26, 2010 5 comments
Rumparooz Diaper Review!
I picked up a Rumparooz One-Size Pocket Diaper to try out, and I'm in love. The first thing that caught my eye was the cover patterns -- how CUTE! When I started to look at the features of these diapers, I realized how awesome they are.
First -- double inner gussets. What!? So amazing at keeping in poo! I really like this feature, and am impressed that they don't leave marks or anything on my little guy.
The sizing is fairly generous, and I admit that I haven't tried it on my big boy, but I can venture a guess that it would fit him fine. There is still a lot of room to grow for my 22lb boy.
Another unique thing about this diaper is the soaker system. The insert has several different options based on the size and absorbency needs of your child. You can snap the insert into small, medium, or large. You can then add the contoured doubler for even more absorbency in the front for a boy of in the middle for a girl -- where it counts! With both inserts, it's pretty bulky but VERY absorbent and still awesome for daytime.
I personally love it as a naptime diaper. Have you tried a Rumparooz?
First -- double inner gussets. What!? So amazing at keeping in poo! I really like this feature, and am impressed that they don't leave marks or anything on my little guy.
The sizing is fairly generous, and I admit that I haven't tried it on my big boy, but I can venture a guess that it would fit him fine. There is still a lot of room to grow for my 22lb boy.
Another unique thing about this diaper is the soaker system. The insert has several different options based on the size and absorbency needs of your child. You can snap the insert into small, medium, or large. You can then add the contoured doubler for even more absorbency in the front for a boy of in the middle for a girl -- where it counts! With both inserts, it's pretty bulky but VERY absorbent and still awesome for daytime.
I personally love it as a naptime diaper. Have you tried a Rumparooz?
One Size Diapers,
Pocket Diapers,
Thursday, December 23, 2010 39 comments
Nicki's Weekly Giveaway: Bumkins Super Bib Pet Parade
Ready for your chance to win a Bumkins Super Bib Pet Parade? There are a few ways you can enter. You can do each one of the entries however you must post back here to our blog and tell us WHAT you did. Be sure you follow the Nicki’s Diapers blog - publicly for your chance to win!
We will post our winner on Wednesday, December 29th.
How do you enter to win? (Each worth 1 entry per day unless otherwise stated)
- Follow the Nicki’s Diaper blog publicly.
- Blog about our giveaway and link back to our site. When you post back here you must link to the URL where you blogged. (2 entries)
- Follow Nicki’s Diapers @nickisdiapers and Best Bottom Diapers @best_bottom on Twitter and Tweet about this giveaway. Leave the URL where you Tweeted.
- Tweet @best_bottom and @nickisdiapers #clothdiapers (1 entry for each unique tweet)
- Tweet @planetwise #clothdiapers #wetbags (1 entry for each unique tweet)
- Like Nicki’s Diapers, Planet Wise and Best Bottom Diapers on Facebook - Be sure to state your facebook name when you post back here.
- Suggest the following facebook pages to your friends: Nicki’s Diapers , Best Bottom Diapers , Planet Wise. You must post back here telling us which friend accepted your page suggestion. (1 entry per page for each person you suggest that LIKES us)
- Grab our button and place them on your blog. Post a link to the blog here. (2 entries per blog - per button)
- Start or comment on a discussion on the Nicki's Diapers facebook page discussion board.
- Blog about your choice to cloth diaper and include a link to www.nickisdiapers.com (2 entries)
- Tag @nicki's diapers or @best bottom diapers in a facebook post.
- Have a friend subscribe to our blog. Post their username in your comment. You can do this as many times as you can get friends to subscribe!
- Talk about Nicki's Diapers on any forum and include a link to www.nickisdiapers.com.
- Sign up for the Nicki's Diapers newsletter (enter your email address on the top right of our homepage).
- Start a thread about this giveaway on any baby or cloth diapering related forum and include a link to your thread. (2 entries)
- Place an order at nickisdiapers.com, myswimbaby.com or clothdiaperclearance.com between 12-23-10 and 12-28-10. Include your order number in your entry.
Good luck to you all!
Weekly Giveaway
Wednesday, December 22, 2010 3 comments
Babysitters and Cloth Diapers
When I first started cloth diapering my daughter over a year ago, I thought that I might be the only person willing to change her diapers. The words "cloth diapers" have a scare factor for many people. At first, even my husband was skeptical about my decision to use cloth. However, I have found that my husband, the grandparents, and even babysitters are quite willing to change cloth diapers, as long as I make it easy for them.
When I first started leaving my daughter in the church nursery in cloth, I told the nursery workers that they could just page me if she needed changed. I didn't know if they would be willing to mess with an unfamiliar way of diapering, and I knew that they had several children to watch. The ladies quickly told me that if I would tell them what to do, they would be willing to do it. They just didn't want to get it "wrong." From that point on, I realized that if changing my baby isn't really any more trouble than any other diaper change, people will give cloth a try.
So what is my routine for sitters? First of all, I make sure that anyone watching my daughter knows how to change her. I usually demonstrate a diaper change in front of anyone who hasn't seen her cloth diapers. I also keep it simple. Even though I love to use snap diapers, I know that most people are more comfortable with velcro; it is just so much more familiar, and it's easier to get the fit right on the first try. So I only leave hook and loop closure pocket diapers, like Bum Genius or Thirsties Duo Diapers, for babysitters. (And I do stuff my pockets ahead of time!) Also, I don't expect anyone to pull out the inserts or dump the poop out of the diaper. I just ask them to place it in a medium-size wet bag, and I deal with that part later. That way, a babysitter only has to take off one diaper and put on a clean one - just like any diaper change. What could be easier?
By Guest Blogger: Angel N.
When I first started leaving my daughter in the church nursery in cloth, I told the nursery workers that they could just page me if she needed changed. I didn't know if they would be willing to mess with an unfamiliar way of diapering, and I knew that they had several children to watch. The ladies quickly told me that if I would tell them what to do, they would be willing to do it. They just didn't want to get it "wrong." From that point on, I realized that if changing my baby isn't really any more trouble than any other diaper change, people will give cloth a try.
So what is my routine for sitters? First of all, I make sure that anyone watching my daughter knows how to change her. I usually demonstrate a diaper change in front of anyone who hasn't seen her cloth diapers. I also keep it simple. Even though I love to use snap diapers, I know that most people are more comfortable with velcro; it is just so much more familiar, and it's easier to get the fit right on the first try. So I only leave hook and loop closure pocket diapers, like Bum Genius or Thirsties Duo Diapers, for babysitters. (And I do stuff my pockets ahead of time!) Also, I don't expect anyone to pull out the inserts or dump the poop out of the diaper. I just ask them to place it in a medium-size wet bag, and I deal with that part later. That way, a babysitter only has to take off one diaper and put on a clean one - just like any diaper change. What could be easier?
By Guest Blogger: Angel N.
Monday, December 20, 2010 10 comments
Love your Cloth Diapers!
When my twins were newborns prefolds and covers were all we used! We love prefolds, they are easy to use and dry extremely fast, so you don't need to have a ton. However, when it comes to prefolds, in my experience they get wet a lot faster, thus you end up using a bunch through the day. When the babies were a few months old we decided to branch out to other cloth diaper styles. After much research, we made the decision to add Bum Genius to our prefold stash.
I purchased 18 Bum Genius 3.0 - 9 boy colors & 9 girl colors! When a friend of mine (we'll call her Jane) found out that I was cloth diapering my infant twins, Jane decided that she would give cloth diapering a try with her 13 months old. We each placed our orders at the same time. Jane's diapers ended up arriving about 10 days before mine did.
When mine arrived, I read the manufactures guidelines and washing instructions. Then I did about 8 prep washes to ensure they would absorb as much as they possible could.
But...Jane washed them once. She told me she didn't think it was really that important to prep them and all she really wanted to do was "get the factory smell" out of the diapers.
Life is busy, having kids is hectic, and living in 2 different states, Jane and I ended up not talking for a few months.
During those few months, when one of the twins would poo, I would spray it out and if there was staining I would use a scrub brush and try to get the stain out, then wash it with in 2 hours. When the diapers were wet I put them in a wet bag until, the wet bag contained a full load (12-24 dipes). My diapers were ONLY washed with other diapers. ONLY dried with other diapers. I only used laundry soap made for cloth diapers...if for some reason we were out I would use a tiny amount of a natural free and clear. I NEVER used bleach or any other harsh chemicals. I NEVER EVER would use a dryer sheet. If my diapers were not absorbing like before , I would simply do 3 hot loads with NO laundry soap, they would always be back absorbing like before, they had just a little build up...happens to the best of us!
When I finally got a chance to talk to Jane, all she did was complain about the diapers, how horrible they were, how they leaked everywhere, and how they smelled so bad. I just listened to her rant. After she was done, I asked her how she had been caring for the diapers. "How I've been caring for the diapers?" she asked me, like I was crazy. I explained what I meant. As she shared with me, I was HORRIFIED! Jane told me this: When her baby would poo, she would shake to diaper over the toilet to remove the poo...Ok, that's good! Then, She would toss the dirty diaper in a laundry basket with all the dirty clothes, bath towels, and anything else that needed to be washed. Every diaper that had been wet would be tossed into the laundry basket as well, again with everything else that was dirty. In addition to this, when Jane would do her laundry load, EVERYTHING would go in together. No separation of diapers and other items. I started to get a little concerned about the condition these diaper were in. Jane also regularly used these Bleach, heavy duty laundry soap, liquid fabric softener, and fabric drier sheets. I understood now why the diapers were leaking so badly. I gave her a few suggestions, like: doing a soak and maybe a few strip loads with no soap. I also encouraged her to stop using the bleach and fabric softener. Most importantly, I told her to wash her diapers with only diapers. She told be she would give those suggestions a try. We chatted about our kids, then hung up.
A few weeks later, the phone rang...it was Jane! She told me that my suggestions had totally transformed her diapers. They had been holding up over night, they weren't leaking & most importantly they didn't stink! Then out of the blue she said: "I need your address" -"ok, why" I asked. Jane responded "I decided that cloth diapers aren't for me and I just want them gone". I was actually really surprised by this. When I shared that I was confused, she told me "we'll they were transformed for about a week, then I decided to go back to washing the way I was, it is just so much easier that way" My first thought...UGH. I gave a few suggestions, she responded back. I knew there was no point, her mind was made up. I gave her my address and that was that.
I received a box of 5 Bum Genius 3.0's soon after. Call me naive, but I was shocked at the condition of these diapers. When I compared my BG 3.0 to Jane's BG 3.0's, I was surprised. My diapers looked like they were maybe 6ish months old, Jane's looked like they were about 5 years old. (both mine and Jane's dipes were 10 month old in the photos) On my diaper the velcro was still stiff and held the diaper wonderfully together. The velcro on Jane's was almost unrecognizable as velcro, horribly curled & pilled, and not 'sticky' at all. In addition to this the inserts were rough and almost blue from all the bleach. Note: In all photos my diaper is the Dark Green, Jane's is the Light Green.
My husband looked at these sad diapers and told me: " Well if anyone can bring these back to life, its you". On a positive note the PUL was actually in pretty good condition. So I set out on a journey of repair. After 8 washed the water was still coming out soapy, it took 12-14 for the water to be 100% soap free...whoa. The smell of harsh cleaner was still too strong. I did a over night soak, and that really seemed to help with the chemical smell. I tested the diapers out on the twins, they don't leak, honestly I am stunned. However the velcro is pretty shot, and doesn't hold at all. With a little more TLC I know these Diapers will be back in great working condition, in addition I have plans to convert them to snaps.
I share with you this story, not to bad mouth Jane, but to share the importance of proper diaper care. It takes a little extra work, but done correctly, diapers can stay in beautiful condition for years. I also understand that cloth diapering can be difficult, and may not be for everyone, but if it is something you are considering, do your homework, know the Do's and Don'ts of Cloth Diapering. Cloth Diapering can be a wonderful and even fun experience when the proper care is taken!
Loving my dipes,
Mama of 3, cloth diapering Twins
I purchased 18 Bum Genius 3.0 - 9 boy colors & 9 girl colors! When a friend of mine (we'll call her Jane) found out that I was cloth diapering my infant twins, Jane decided that she would give cloth diapering a try with her 13 months old. We each placed our orders at the same time. Jane's diapers ended up arriving about 10 days before mine did.
When mine arrived, I read the manufactures guidelines and washing instructions. Then I did about 8 prep washes to ensure they would absorb as much as they possible could.

Life is busy, having kids is hectic, and living in 2 different states, Jane and I ended up not talking for a few months.
During those few months, when one of the twins would poo, I would spray it out and if there was staining I would use a scrub brush and try to get the stain out, then wash it with in 2 hours. When the diapers were wet I put them in a wet bag until, the wet bag contained a full load (12-24 dipes). My diapers were ONLY washed with other diapers. ONLY dried with other diapers. I only used laundry soap made for cloth diapers...if for some reason we were out I would use a tiny amount of a natural free and clear. I NEVER used bleach or any other harsh chemicals. I NEVER EVER would use a dryer sheet. If my diapers were not absorbing like before , I would simply do 3 hot loads with NO laundry soap, they would always be back absorbing like before, they had just a little build up...happens to the best of us!
When I finally got a chance to talk to Jane, all she did was complain about the diapers, how horrible they were, how they leaked everywhere, and how they smelled so bad. I just listened to her rant. After she was done, I asked her how she had been caring for the diapers. "How I've been caring for the diapers?" she asked me, like I was crazy. I explained what I meant. As she shared with me, I was HORRIFIED! Jane told me this: When her baby would poo, she would shake to diaper over the toilet to remove the poo...Ok, that's good! Then, She would toss the dirty diaper in a laundry basket with all the dirty clothes, bath towels, and anything else that needed to be washed. Every diaper that had been wet would be tossed into the laundry basket as well, again with everything else that was dirty. In addition to this, when Jane would do her laundry load, EVERYTHING would go in together. No separation of diapers and other items. I started to get a little concerned about the condition these diaper were in. Jane also regularly used these Bleach, heavy duty laundry soap, liquid fabric softener, and fabric drier sheets. I understood now why the diapers were leaking so badly. I gave her a few suggestions, like: doing a soak and maybe a few strip loads with no soap. I also encouraged her to stop using the bleach and fabric softener. Most importantly, I told her to wash her diapers with only diapers. She told be she would give those suggestions a try. We chatted about our kids, then hung up.
A few weeks later, the phone rang...it was Jane! She told me that my suggestions had totally transformed her diapers. They had been holding up over night, they weren't leaking & most importantly they didn't stink! Then out of the blue she said: "I need your address" -"ok, why" I asked. Jane responded "I decided that cloth diapers aren't for me and I just want them gone". I was actually really surprised by this. When I shared that I was confused, she told me "we'll they were transformed for about a week, then I decided to go back to washing the way I was, it is just so much easier that way" My first thought...UGH. I gave a few suggestions, she responded back. I knew there was no point, her mind was made up. I gave her my address and that was that.
I received a box of 5 Bum Genius 3.0's soon after. Call me naive, but I was shocked at the condition of these diapers. When I compared my BG 3.0 to Jane's BG 3.0's, I was surprised. My diapers looked like they were maybe 6ish months old, Jane's looked like they were about 5 years old. (both mine and Jane's dipes were 10 month old in the photos) On my diaper the velcro was still stiff and held the diaper wonderfully together. The velcro on Jane's was almost unrecognizable as velcro, horribly curled & pilled, and not 'sticky' at all. In addition to this the inserts were rough and almost blue from all the bleach. Note: In all photos my diaper is the Dark Green, Jane's is the Light Green.
My husband looked at these sad diapers and told me: " Well if anyone can bring these back to life, its you". On a positive note the PUL was actually in pretty good condition. So I set out on a journey of repair. After 8 washed the water was still coming out soapy, it took 12-14 for the water to be 100% soap free...whoa. The smell of harsh cleaner was still too strong. I did a over night soak, and that really seemed to help with the chemical smell. I tested the diapers out on the twins, they don't leak, honestly I am stunned. However the velcro is pretty shot, and doesn't hold at all. With a little more TLC I know these Diapers will be back in great working condition, in addition I have plans to convert them to snaps.
I share with you this story, not to bad mouth Jane, but to share the importance of proper diaper care. It takes a little extra work, but done correctly, diapers can stay in beautiful condition for years. I also understand that cloth diapering can be difficult, and may not be for everyone, but if it is something you are considering, do your homework, know the Do's and Don'ts of Cloth Diapering. Cloth Diapering can be a wonderful and even fun experience when the proper care is taken!
Loving my dipes,
Mama of 3, cloth diapering Twins
Saturday, December 18, 2010 0 comments
Blueberry Diaper Review
Blueberry is one of my favorite diaper brands. I just love the quality and fit of their diapers. I bought a few of the One Size Deluxe Pocket diapers for my youngest son, and I love them.
The fit is excellent on him. I would say that this probably isn't the best option for tiny newborns, as the sizing is very generous. My 25lb one year old still fits in the medium rise and the second to smallest waist snaps! I really like that this is one diaper I never feel concerned about leaving red marks on legs or belly.
Excellent absorbency. I use both microterry inserts with my heavy wetter, and I haven't had a leak yet. I do like that there's an option for bamboo or microfiber/hemp as well.
The fleece inner is great for wicking moisture away from baby and the gussets do a great job at holding in messes.
The fit is excellent on him. I would say that this probably isn't the best option for tiny newborns, as the sizing is very generous. My 25lb one year old still fits in the medium rise and the second to smallest waist snaps! I really like that this is one diaper I never feel concerned about leaving red marks on legs or belly.
Excellent absorbency. I use both microterry inserts with my heavy wetter, and I haven't had a leak yet. I do like that there's an option for bamboo or microfiber/hemp as well.
The fleece inner is great for wicking moisture away from baby and the gussets do a great job at holding in messes.
Blueberry One Size,
Diaper Review
Thursday, December 16, 2010 83 comments
Help us get to 2000 Followers!!
The Nicki's Diapers Blog is sneaking up on 2000 followers and we'd love to have you help us get there! Invite your friends! Invite your family! Invite your husband!!
Once we hit 2000 followers, we're giving away a gift package worth over $100! The gift package includes:

- Manhatten Toys Nursing Pet of choice
- Sophie the Giraffe
- Moby Doll Carrier
- Under the Nile Fruit or Veggie of choice
- Bumkins Long Sleeved Bib
- Babylegs
- Piggy Paint in choice of color

Flip Diaper Review
I've tried a lot of different diapers over the past few years, and one that remains in my rotation (although I only have one) is the Flip diaper system by bumGenius.
It consists of a cover plus insert, making it an AI2/hybrid diaper. The covers are one-size, making it economical. You simply place soiled inserts into the pail and place a clean insert in the cover. Easy. I find the fit excellent on my boys -- the stretch is very forgiving and generous in the upper weight range, and the cover fits both my 22lb boy and my 35lb boy well (with room to grow!)
The cloth insert choices are Stay-Dry or Organic Cotton, and are both one-size -- you fold them to create the correct length (small, medium, or large). There are ALSO disposable inserts, in packs of 18, which make traveling or caregiver situations even easier!
Overall, I really like the Flip system and would suggest it to those looking for a multitude of options. Have you tried the Flip diapers?
It consists of a cover plus insert, making it an AI2/hybrid diaper. The covers are one-size, making it economical. You simply place soiled inserts into the pail and place a clean insert in the cover. Easy. I find the fit excellent on my boys -- the stretch is very forgiving and generous in the upper weight range, and the cover fits both my 22lb boy and my 35lb boy well (with room to grow!)
The cloth insert choices are Stay-Dry or Organic Cotton, and are both one-size -- you fold them to create the correct length (small, medium, or large). There are ALSO disposable inserts, in packs of 18, which make traveling or caregiver situations even easier!
Overall, I really like the Flip system and would suggest it to those looking for a multitude of options. Have you tried the Flip diapers?
Diaper Review,
Flip Diapers,
Hybrid Diapers,
Organic Diapers
Wednesday, December 15, 2010 0 comments
Wednesday Winner at Nicki's Diapers! Week 6
Jessica (Gemara D'Jessica) is the winner of Moby Swaddle Blanket and matching Hat - Moss Color! Please contact us at media@nickisdiapers.com with your address. You have 7 days to claim your prize.
Moby Wrap,
Swaddle Blanket,
Wednesday Winner,
Weekly Giveaway
Friday, December 10, 2010 88 comments
Nicki's Weekly Giveaway: Moby Swaddle Blanket and matching Hat - Moss
Ready for your chance to win a Moby Swaddle Blanket and matching Hat - Moss Color? There are a few ways you can enter. You can do each one of the entries however you must post back here to our blog and tell us WHAT you did. Be sure you follow the Nicki’s Diapers blog - publicly for your chance to win!
We will post our winner on Wednesday, December 15th.
How do you enter to win? (Each worth 1 entry per day unless otherwise stated)
- Follow the Nicki’s Diaper blog publicly.
- Blog about our giveaway and link back to our site. When you post back here you must link to the URL where you blogged. (2 entries)
- Follow Nicki’s Diapers @nickisdiapers and Best Bottom Diapers @best_bottom on Twitter and Tweet about this giveaway. Leave the URL where you Tweeted.
- Tweet @best_bottom and @nickisdiapers #clothdiapers (1 entry for each unique tweet)
- Tweet @planetwise #clothdiapers #wetbags (1 entry for each unique tweet)
- Like Nicki’s Diapers, Planet Wise and Best Bottom Diapers on Facebook - Be sure to state your facebook name when you post back here.
- Suggest the following facebook pages to your friends: Nicki’s Diapers , Best Bottom Diapers , Planet Wise. You must post back here telling us which friend accepted your page suggestion. (1 entry per page for each person you suggest that LIKES us)
- Grab our button and place them on your blog. Post a link to the blog here. (2 entries per blog - per button)
- Start or comment on a discussion on the Nicki's Diapers facebook page discussion board.
- Blog about your choice to cloth diaper and include a link to www.nickisdiapers.com (2 entries)
- Tag @nicki's diapers or @best bottom diapers in a facebook post.
- Have a friend subscribe to our blog. Post their username in your comment. You can do this as many times as you can get friends to subscribe!
- Talk about Nicki's Diapers on any forum and include a link to www.nickisdiapers.com.
- Sign up for the Nicki's Diapers newsletter (enter your email address on the top right of our homepage).
- Start a thread about this giveaway on any baby or cloth diapering related forum and include a link to your thread. (2 entries)
- Place an order at nickisdiapers.com, myswimbaby.com or clothdiaperclearance.com between 12-10-10 and 12-14-10. Include your order number in your entry.
Good luck to you all!
Moby Wrap,
Swaddle Blanket,
Weekly Giveaway
Wednesday, December 8, 2010 2 comments
Wednesday Winner at Nicki's Diapers! Week 5
Crystal Biehl is the winner of TWO Tots Bots EasyFit One-Size Diapers! Please contact us at media@nickisdiapers.com with your address. You have 7 days to claim your prize.
Tots Bots,
Wednesday Winner,
Weekly Giveaway
Monday, December 6, 2010 2 comments
Blueberry OS Deluxe Pocket
Blueberry is one of my favorite diaper brands. I just love the quality and fit of their diapers. I bought a few of the One Size Deluxe Pocket diapers for my youngest son, and I love them.
The fit is excellent on him. I would say that this probably isn't the best option for tiny newborns, as the sizing is very generous. My 25lb one year old still fits in the medium rise and the second to smallest waist snaps! I really like that this is one diaper I never feel concerned about leaving red marks on legs or belly.
Excellent absorbency. I use both microterry inserts with my heavy wetter, and I haven't had a leak yet. I do like that there's an option for bamboo or microfiber/hemp as well.
The fleece inner is great for wicking moisture away from baby and the gussets do a great job at holding in messes.
The fit is excellent on him. I would say that this probably isn't the best option for tiny newborns, as the sizing is very generous. My 25lb one year old still fits in the medium rise and the second to smallest waist snaps! I really like that this is one diaper I never feel concerned about leaving red marks on legs or belly.
Excellent absorbency. I use both microterry inserts with my heavy wetter, and I haven't had a leak yet. I do like that there's an option for bamboo or microfiber/hemp as well.
The fleece inner is great for wicking moisture away from baby and the gussets do a great job at holding in messes.
Blueberry One Size,
By Casey
Friday, December 3, 2010 0 comments
10 Things I Have Learned While Cloth Diapering TWINS
1. Do research and be Picky:
There is nothing more annoying than spending money on 12 of the new "it" diaper only to find out that the: fit is not good for your baby. The diaper doesn't absorb like it was supposed to. The fabric isn't as soft as you thought it would be. In doing the research on different types of cloth diapers you can explore all the pro and cons for each type and get a idea what is right for your personal situation, it might be time consuming, but it is worth it. There is a particular diaper that everyone seems to LOVE, I decided to get each of the twins one...thank goodness I only got 2. I ended up hating them after the very first use. Tip: Choose a number of different diaper you like, then buy one or two of each brand. This way you can try a bunch of different kind and find out the ones you love and the ones you hate. Without breaking the bank!
2. Diaper Rash Cream and Cloth Diapers don't mix:
Diaper Rash cream will cause you diapers to leak. It take A LOT of elbow grease to get it out of the diaper. I learned this the hard way. Now if I have to use a rash cream, I either use a 100% cloth diaper safe cream ( like Earth Mama Angel Baby) or a just simply put a fleece doubler in. That way, my babies are getting the relief they need but is isn't hurting the diaper!
3. Never under load or overload the washer:
I have a top loader, and I have learned my lesson! A underloaded washer results in a HUGE waste of water, and time. A overloaded washer results in the diapers on top not getting completely submerged in the wash, thus leaving them stinky because they were not properly cleaned. I have found it is best to have a load that consist of 12-24 diapers, that way they still have room to rub up against each other to get a nice deep clean! Hint: Don't have enough diapers for a full load but MUST do the load? It simple toss in a clean hand towel or two!
4. Organization is key:
Having twins I wash a average of about 50 diapers a week! There have been nights when I have just been too tired to go and get them out of the dryer to stuff and fold them. That can create a viscous cycle of leaving the diapers in the drier or on the clothes line until they are needed, and lets face it that is not convenient. With so many diapers my husband and my self have created a system. In the evening, once the diapers have been dried weather from the clothes line or the drier, we put all the diapers, inserts, doublers, and covers in a basket. While watching t.v or chatting with each other about the day, we stuff all the pockets, fold all the prefolds & snap and prepare all the diapers and covers for the next day. That way when I need a clean diaper it is quick and easy to grab one and know that is ready to go!
5. ALWAYS clean a soiled diaper as soon as possible:
There is nothing more nasty than forgetting about a soiled diaper for a day or two. Without giving details, I have too learned this the hard way. I can say I love my diaper sprayer. It cleans the diaper quick and easy, right in the toilet. All you do is flush and TA DA! The diaper sprayer quickly became a must have in our home!
Hint: Once a soiled diaper has been cleaned to the best of your ability, soak for about 15 minutes in hot water. Then with a stiff bristled brush ( like a fingernail brush) using only hot water scrub the diaper. This will help prevent stains and get the diaper even cleaner in the wash.
6. Line Drying and Sunning Cloth Diapers works wonders:
Recently I was having ummm...well a stinky issue with some of my diapers. A friend suggested line drying them! So I did. Not only did the diapers dry incredibly fast, but the stink was gone, and bonus the sun removed 99.9% of the stains some of them had.
Hint: No outside line? Me either. It's easy to make one. The dollar store sells clothes line cord and clothes pins. I made my clothes line on my deck, tying to one post at one end of the deck and the other at...yup you guessed it, the other end of the deck! You can make yours where ever you want by simply tying the cord to a tree, a post or what ever you have, then tie the other end to what ever you can! Then you are ready to line dry!!!
7. No matter how careful you are with laundry soap there still might be detergent build up in your dipes:
I opened the dryer, and YUCK a blast of stink! It was horrific. After some research I discovered it was detergent build up. I learned that adding too much soap causes this hideous smell. I started using hardly any detergent.
Hint: Can't seem to get rid of that nasty smell not matter what you do? Try this: Soak 12-24 diaper in a HOT wash for at least a hour (when doing this I do it over night). Once your soak is complete continue you was cycle with no detergent. After cycle is complete, rinse again. The water from my washer empties into a tub sink so I was able to see the water, I was shocked to see after 3 rinses the water was still coming out with suds. When the water no longer had suds. I dried the diapers...NO STINK!!!
8. A durable large wet bag can be your best friend:
When cloth diapering, it can get stinky between washes. My cloth diapering top 'must have' Item is my wet bag!! When we first started cloth diapering, I thought ' we don't need to spend money on a wet bag' Whoa was I wrong. Plastic bags don't cut it. I have amazed us how a horrible stinky room can suddenly be fresh by simply zipping our wet bag!!! Our wet bag it very large and can easily zip with 18 diapers (BumGenius) in it!
9. Prefolds and Covers are fantastic option:
For my husband and my self prefolds are indispensable! Nothing is easier, dries faster, or is as trim. Prefolds. They are a wonderful 'go to' choice. While I'm at home it's easy! Grab a prefold, a snappi, and a pair of wool longies! This is a perfect combination for fall!
Hint: Don't have Wool? First of all, I highly recommend looking into wool as a possible option for your family, you be so happy you did! But, if you don't have wool and feel wool just isn't for you. Try this: cover your prefold with a Flip cover or a Bummis Super Whisper wrap or Super Brite...or your favorite cover!
10. Cloth Diapering is Addicting!:
When I first started cloth diapering nearly 5 years ago. I had 5 AIO's, 12 prefolds, and 8 diaper pins. I had just started out and didn't know about ALL the different types, styles,and brands of diapers. In 2008 out when we found out I was pregnant with the twins we started buying our cloth diapers...The addiction had not set in yet! I started by buying 24 indian prefolds, then 24 more prefolds...enter addiction!!! My twins are now 1! I am very proud of their stash!!
We currently have:
By Guest Blogger - Britni : Mama of 3! Cloth Diapering twins!
There is nothing more annoying than spending money on 12 of the new "it" diaper only to find out that the: fit is not good for your baby. The diaper doesn't absorb like it was supposed to. The fabric isn't as soft as you thought it would be. In doing the research on different types of cloth diapers you can explore all the pro and cons for each type and get a idea what is right for your personal situation, it might be time consuming, but it is worth it. There is a particular diaper that everyone seems to LOVE, I decided to get each of the twins one...thank goodness I only got 2. I ended up hating them after the very first use. Tip: Choose a number of different diaper you like, then buy one or two of each brand. This way you can try a bunch of different kind and find out the ones you love and the ones you hate. Without breaking the bank!
2. Diaper Rash Cream and Cloth Diapers don't mix:
Diaper Rash cream will cause you diapers to leak. It take A LOT of elbow grease to get it out of the diaper. I learned this the hard way. Now if I have to use a rash cream, I either use a 100% cloth diaper safe cream ( like Earth Mama Angel Baby) or a just simply put a fleece doubler in. That way, my babies are getting the relief they need but is isn't hurting the diaper!
3. Never under load or overload the washer:
I have a top loader, and I have learned my lesson! A underloaded washer results in a HUGE waste of water, and time. A overloaded washer results in the diapers on top not getting completely submerged in the wash, thus leaving them stinky because they were not properly cleaned. I have found it is best to have a load that consist of 12-24 diapers, that way they still have room to rub up against each other to get a nice deep clean! Hint: Don't have enough diapers for a full load but MUST do the load? It simple toss in a clean hand towel or two!
4. Organization is key:
Having twins I wash a average of about 50 diapers a week! There have been nights when I have just been too tired to go and get them out of the dryer to stuff and fold them. That can create a viscous cycle of leaving the diapers in the drier or on the clothes line until they are needed, and lets face it that is not convenient. With so many diapers my husband and my self have created a system. In the evening, once the diapers have been dried weather from the clothes line or the drier, we put all the diapers, inserts, doublers, and covers in a basket. While watching t.v or chatting with each other about the day, we stuff all the pockets, fold all the prefolds & snap and prepare all the diapers and covers for the next day. That way when I need a clean diaper it is quick and easy to grab one and know that is ready to go!
5. ALWAYS clean a soiled diaper as soon as possible:
There is nothing more nasty than forgetting about a soiled diaper for a day or two. Without giving details, I have too learned this the hard way. I can say I love my diaper sprayer. It cleans the diaper quick and easy, right in the toilet. All you do is flush and TA DA! The diaper sprayer quickly became a must have in our home!
Hint: Once a soiled diaper has been cleaned to the best of your ability, soak for about 15 minutes in hot water. Then with a stiff bristled brush ( like a fingernail brush) using only hot water scrub the diaper. This will help prevent stains and get the diaper even cleaner in the wash.
6. Line Drying and Sunning Cloth Diapers works wonders:
Recently I was having ummm...well a stinky issue with some of my diapers. A friend suggested line drying them! So I did. Not only did the diapers dry incredibly fast, but the stink was gone, and bonus the sun removed 99.9% of the stains some of them had.
Hint: No outside line? Me either. It's easy to make one. The dollar store sells clothes line cord and clothes pins. I made my clothes line on my deck, tying to one post at one end of the deck and the other at...yup you guessed it, the other end of the deck! You can make yours where ever you want by simply tying the cord to a tree, a post or what ever you have, then tie the other end to what ever you can! Then you are ready to line dry!!!
7. No matter how careful you are with laundry soap there still might be detergent build up in your dipes:
I opened the dryer, and YUCK a blast of stink! It was horrific. After some research I discovered it was detergent build up. I learned that adding too much soap causes this hideous smell. I started using hardly any detergent.
Hint: Can't seem to get rid of that nasty smell not matter what you do? Try this: Soak 12-24 diaper in a HOT wash for at least a hour (when doing this I do it over night). Once your soak is complete continue you was cycle with no detergent. After cycle is complete, rinse again. The water from my washer empties into a tub sink so I was able to see the water, I was shocked to see after 3 rinses the water was still coming out with suds. When the water no longer had suds. I dried the diapers...NO STINK!!!
8. A durable large wet bag can be your best friend:
When cloth diapering, it can get stinky between washes. My cloth diapering top 'must have' Item is my wet bag!! When we first started cloth diapering, I thought ' we don't need to spend money on a wet bag' Whoa was I wrong. Plastic bags don't cut it. I have amazed us how a horrible stinky room can suddenly be fresh by simply zipping our wet bag!!! Our wet bag it very large and can easily zip with 18 diapers (BumGenius) in it!
9. Prefolds and Covers are fantastic option:
For my husband and my self prefolds are indispensable! Nothing is easier, dries faster, or is as trim. Prefolds. They are a wonderful 'go to' choice. While I'm at home it's easy! Grab a prefold, a snappi, and a pair of wool longies! This is a perfect combination for fall!
Hint: Don't have Wool? First of all, I highly recommend looking into wool as a possible option for your family, you be so happy you did! But, if you don't have wool and feel wool just isn't for you. Try this: cover your prefold with a Flip cover or a Bummis Super Whisper wrap or Super Brite...or your favorite cover!
10. Cloth Diapering is Addicting!:
When I first started cloth diapering nearly 5 years ago. I had 5 AIO's, 12 prefolds, and 8 diaper pins. I had just started out and didn't know about ALL the different types, styles,and brands of diapers. In 2008 out when we found out I was pregnant with the twins we started buying our cloth diapers...The addiction had not set in yet! I started by buying 24 indian prefolds, then 24 more prefolds...enter addiction!!! My twins are now 1! I am very proud of their stash!!
We currently have:
- 20 Pocket Diapers
- 25 Fitteds
- 5 AIO's
- 10 covers
- 52 Regular Prefolds
- 48 Newborn Prefold ( I still use these as boosters)
- 20 Fleece doublers
- 10 Knit wool covers - longies - shorties - skirties - diaper cover styles
By Guest Blogger - Britni : Mama of 3! Cloth Diapering twins!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010 305 comments
Nicki's Weekly Giveaway: 2 Tots Bots EasyFit OS Diapers!
Ready for your chance to win TWO Tots Bots EasyFit One-Size Diapers? There are a few ways you can enter. You can do each one of the entries however you must post back here to our blog and tell us WHAT you did. Be sure you follow the Nicki’s Diapers blog - publicly for your chance to win!
We will post our winner on Wednesday, December 8th.
How do you enter to win? (Each worth 1 entry per day unless otherwise stated)
- Follow the Nicki’s Diaper blog publicly.
- Blog about our giveaway and link back to our site. When you post back here you must link to the URL where you blogged. (2 entries)
- Follow Nicki’s Diapers @nickisdiapers and Best Bottom Diapers @best_bottom on Twitter and Tweet about this giveaway. Leave the URL where you Tweeted.
- Tweet @best_bottom and @nickisdiapers #clothdiapers (1 entry for each unique tweet)
- Tweet @planetwise #clothdiapers #wetbags (1 entry for each unique tweet)
- Like Nicki’s Diapers, Planet Wise and Best Bottom Diapers on Facebook - Be sure to state your facebook name when you post back here.
- Suggest the following facebook pages to your friends: Nicki’s Diapers , Best Bottom Diapers , Planet Wise. You must post back here telling us which friend accepted your page suggestion. (1 entry per page for each person you suggest that LIKES us)
- Grab our button and place them on your blog. Post a link to the blog here. (2 entries per blog - per button)
- Start or comment on a discussion on the Nicki's Diapers facebook page discussion board.
- Blog about your choice to cloth diaper and include a link to www.nickisdiapers.com (2 entries)
- Tag @nicki's diapers or @best bottom diapers in a facebook post.
- Have a friend subscribe to our blog. Post their username in your comment. You can do this as many times as you can get friends to subscribe!
- Talk about Nicki's Diapers on any forum and include a link to www.nickisdiapers.com.
- Sign up for the Nicki's Diapers newsletter (enter your email address on the top right of our homepage).
- Start a thread about this giveaway on any baby or cloth diapering related forum and include a link to your thread. (2 entries)
- Place an order at nickisdiapers.com, myswimbaby.com or clothdiaperclearance.com between 11-30-10 and 12-7-10. Include your order number in your entry.
Good luck to you all!
One Size Diapers,
Tots Bots,
Weekly Giveaway
Tuesday, November 30, 2010 1 comments
Wednesday, November 24, 2010 1 comments
Wednesday Winner at Nicki's Diapers! Week 4
Moby Wrap,
Wednesday Winner
Saturday, November 20, 2010 0 comments
Item of the Week!

Regularly $18.99, NOW $15.99
Item of the Week runs Wednesday through the following Wednesday!
Wednesday is DOUBLE DEAL DAY with overlapping Items of the Week!

Item of the Week,
Overnight Cloth
It's the middle of the night. Your baby wakes up, and you feel that dreaded cold, wet fabric clinging. A leak. Now instead of going back to sleep, you have to change a diaper in the dark and wake baby up even more...not particularly enjoyable with cloth OR disposable diapers.
So how do you get through a night and stay dry? My experience with my two heavy wetter boys will hopefully benefit you.
We ran the gamut of nighttime cloth choices.
When the little one came along, we did the same with him right off the bat. The Mother-ease seemed trimmer and less overwhelming on him overnight, so for a long time it was one brand on one boy and another on the other boy...very confusing.
Finally, I found one diaper that works great on both boys for overnight that isn't quite so difficult....Dream-Eze Organic Cotton AIO. For cotton, it is amazingly absorbent and I haven't had leaks! I love these diapers.
It seems the trick to successful overnights is finding a diaper combination that:
So how do you get through a night and stay dry? My experience with my two heavy wetter boys will hopefully benefit you.
We ran the gamut of nighttime cloth choices.
- Prefolds and Blueberry minkee covers. No dice, leaks and midnight changes.
- Tried adding hemp doublers to things. Still not enough absorbency.
- Hemp seemed more absorbent, so we started using hemp fitteds. Success! No leaks! BabyKicks Organic One-Size Fitteds really work well for us at night, especially with an extra hemp doubler inside.
- Mother-ease One Size Fitteds in Bamboo Terry are awesome, too. Bamboo is so soft!
When the little one came along, we did the same with him right off the bat. The Mother-ease seemed trimmer and less overwhelming on him overnight, so for a long time it was one brand on one boy and another on the other boy...very confusing.
Finally, I found one diaper that works great on both boys for overnight that isn't quite so difficult....Dream-Eze Organic Cotton AIO. For cotton, it is amazingly absorbent and I haven't had leaks! I love these diapers.
It seems the trick to successful overnights is finding a diaper combination that:
- fits your child correctly
- has enough absorbency
- is trim enough to be comfortable.
- Leaks? Add a doubler or switch to a wool soaker/longies.
- Too bulky? Switch to hemp or bamboo.
- Red bottom? Try adding a liner to wick moisture away from the skin.
Friday, November 19, 2010 182 comments
Win a FREE Moby Wrap! Nicki's Weekly Giveaway
Ready for your chance to win one of the popular Moby Wraps in Indigo? There are a few ways you can enter. You can do each one of the entries however you must post back here to our blog and tell us WHAT you did. Be sure you follow the Nicki’s Diapers blog - publicly for your chance to win!
We will post our winner on Wednesday, November 24th.
How do you enter to win? (Each worth 1 entry per day unless otherwise stated)
- Follow the Nicki’s Diaper blog publicly.
- Blog about our giveaway and link back to our site. When you post back here you must link to the URL where you blogged. (2 entries)
- Follow Nicki’s Diapers @nickisdiapers and Best Bottom Diapers @best_bottom on Twitter and Tweet about this giveaway. Leave the URL where you Tweeted.
- Tweet @best_bottom and @nickisdiapers #clothdiapers (1 entry for each unique tweet)
- Tweet @planetwise #clothdiapers #wetbags (1 entry for each unique tweet)
- Like Nicki’s Diapers, Planet Wise and Best Bottom Diapers on Facebook - Be sure to state your facebook name when you post back here.
- Suggest the following facebook pages to your friends: Nicki’s Diapers , Best Bottom Diapers , Planet Wise. You must post back here telling us which friend accepted your page suggestion. (1 entry per page for each person you suggest that LIKES us)
- Grab our button and place them on your blog. Post a link to the blog here. (2 entries per blog - per button)
- Start or comment on a discussion on the Nicki's Diapers facebook page discussion board.
- Blog about your choice to cloth diaper and include a link to www.nickisdiapers.com (2 entries)
- Tag @nicki's diapers or @best bottom diapers in a facebook post.
- Have a friend subscribe to our blog. Post their username in your comment. You can do this as many times as you can get friends to subscribe!
- Talk about Nicki's Diapers on any forum and include a link to www.nickisdiapers.com.
- Sign up for the Nicki's Diapers newsletter (enter your email address on the top right of our homepage).
- Start a thread about this giveaway on any baby or cloth diapering related forum and include a link to your thread. (2 entries)
- Place an order at nickisdiapers.com, myswimbaby.com orclothdiaperclearance.com between 11-19-10 and 11-23-10. Include your order number in your entry.
Good luck to you all!
Moby Wrap,
Weekly Giveaway
Thursday, November 18, 2010 7 comments
Aplix vs. Snaps
Many diaper companies offer the option of snaps or aplix (velcro, hook and tab) on their diapers. What's the difference?
Mostly, it comes down to personal preference. There are some pros and cons that I can highlight for you, however, that might help you make an informed buying decision.
Pros: I have always felt that you can get a more customized fit with velcro. No "between-snaps" size. I have heard others say that the fabric doesn't wear as badly around velcro tabs as around snaps, but I haven't experienced this firsthand. It can also be easier for caregivers to use -- no remembering which set of snaps to use.
Cons: Velcro can curl over time, lose its sticky power, and some children (like my youngest) can learn to undo it more easily than snaps.
Pros: More durable. Snaps never lose their hold. More difficult for little hands to undo.
Cons: More likely to be "between sizes". Takes longer to do than velcro. Can be more confusing for caregivers. Sometimes causes wear on fabric.
All said and done, I use both. Velcro BG 3.0s on my big boy, and I've switched to snap Best Bottoms for my little one as he learned how to undo the other covers. They each have their merits, which do you prefer??
Mostly, it comes down to personal preference. There are some pros and cons that I can highlight for you, however, that might help you make an informed buying decision.
Pros: I have always felt that you can get a more customized fit with velcro. No "between-snaps" size. I have heard others say that the fabric doesn't wear as badly around velcro tabs as around snaps, but I haven't experienced this firsthand. It can also be easier for caregivers to use -- no remembering which set of snaps to use.
Cons: Velcro can curl over time, lose its sticky power, and some children (like my youngest) can learn to undo it more easily than snaps.
Pros: More durable. Snaps never lose their hold. More difficult for little hands to undo.
Cons: More likely to be "between sizes". Takes longer to do than velcro. Can be more confusing for caregivers. Sometimes causes wear on fabric.
All said and done, I use both. Velcro BG 3.0s on my big boy, and I've switched to snap Best Bottoms for my little one as he learned how to undo the other covers. They each have their merits, which do you prefer??
Aplix vs. Snaps,
Best Bottom Diapers,
By Casey
Wednesday, November 17, 2010 0 comments
Wednesday Winner at Nicki's Diapers!
Stacy is the winner of the Moo Cow Single Aden & Anais Muslin Wrap. Please contact us at media@nickisdiapers.com with your address. You have 7 days to claim your prize.
Aden and Anais,
Wednesday Winner
Monday, November 15, 2010 3 comments
Our Cloth Diaper Journey
When I was pregnant, I started looking in to cloth diapers. I was amazed at how cool (and cute) they were. I started thinking of all the money we could save by using cloth. I thought about how my baby would never have to wear a plasticy, papery disposable diaper. Then I thought about how to convince my husband that we needed to do this.
After the talk about money savings, better for baby, better for the environment, he couldn’t get past the ick factor. He was afraid that our washing machine was going to become a poopy mess. I explained how breast fed baby poop is water soluble, and that you just swish or spray off other poops. I did everything I could to assure him that our washing machine would do just fine. After all of that, I still couldn’t get him on board.
Fast forward to August 2010.
Our adorable little boy is 3 months old. We’ve been using sposies since the day he was born, and every poop equals a change of clothes. No matter what brand we tried, he leaked out of all of them.
Then, one day, while buying a $40 box of diapers, I made a decision. We were going to try cloth, and I was going to convince my husband that this was the way to go. I was tired of ruined clothes, and money down the drain. Amazingly, my husband agreed!
Two weeks later, I bought my first cloth diapers! I bought 5 bumGenius 3.0’s. It was enough to get us cloth diapering at least half the day, and I was washing every night. After about a week, we knew that we didn’t like the pocket diapers. They didn’t fit him well, and we were having leaking issues.
We were going to buy Flip diapers, because we could get them locally, but we had a few concerns about them. We didn’t like the one-size insert, or the fact that there is nothing to hold them in place. We talked about buying Flips and making our own sized inserts, and possibly adding something to hold them in place. Then I did a Google search.
“Diapers like Flips”
And I discovered Best Bottom diapers. They had sized inserts, snaps to hold the inserts in, and they had double leg gussets to help hold in the poo. Yes please! They addressed all the concerns we had with the Flips, plus some. So, I sold my bG’s and ordered some Best Bottom’s.
We immediately loved them. The materials are so nice (nicer than the bG’s I think), they are super trim, and they don’t leak! Better still, my husband loves them!
We are now a full time Best Bottom family. I’ve even branched out and purchased some Imagine prefolds and Kissaluv’s contours. All from Nicki’s! As for my husband, he is officially a cloth diaper lover! He even offered to install a diaper sprayer for me, and I didn’t even have to ask!
By Guest Blogger: Nikki Moore
After the talk about money savings, better for baby, better for the environment, he couldn’t get past the ick factor. He was afraid that our washing machine was going to become a poopy mess. I explained how breast fed baby poop is water soluble, and that you just swish or spray off other poops. I did everything I could to assure him that our washing machine would do just fine. After all of that, I still couldn’t get him on board.
Fast forward to August 2010.
Our adorable little boy is 3 months old. We’ve been using sposies since the day he was born, and every poop equals a change of clothes. No matter what brand we tried, he leaked out of all of them.
Then, one day, while buying a $40 box of diapers, I made a decision. We were going to try cloth, and I was going to convince my husband that this was the way to go. I was tired of ruined clothes, and money down the drain. Amazingly, my husband agreed!
Two weeks later, I bought my first cloth diapers! I bought 5 bumGenius 3.0’s. It was enough to get us cloth diapering at least half the day, and I was washing every night. After about a week, we knew that we didn’t like the pocket diapers. They didn’t fit him well, and we were having leaking issues.
We were going to buy Flip diapers, because we could get them locally, but we had a few concerns about them. We didn’t like the one-size insert, or the fact that there is nothing to hold them in place. We talked about buying Flips and making our own sized inserts, and possibly adding something to hold them in place. Then I did a Google search.
“Diapers like Flips”
And I discovered Best Bottom diapers. They had sized inserts, snaps to hold the inserts in, and they had double leg gussets to help hold in the poo. Yes please! They addressed all the concerns we had with the Flips, plus some. So, I sold my bG’s and ordered some Best Bottom’s.
We immediately loved them. The materials are so nice (nicer than the bG’s I think), they are super trim, and they don’t leak! Better still, my husband loves them!
We are now a full time Best Bottom family. I’ve even branched out and purchased some Imagine prefolds and Kissaluv’s contours. All from Nicki’s! As for my husband, he is officially a cloth diaper lover! He even offered to install a diaper sprayer for me, and I didn’t even have to ask!
By Guest Blogger: Nikki Moore
Best Bottom Diapers,
Flip Diapers
Thursday, November 11, 2010 169 comments
Weekly Giveaway

- Follow the Nicki’s Diaper blog publicly.
- Blog about our giveaway and link back to our site. When you post back here you must link to the URL where you blogged. (2 entries)
- Follow Nicki’s Diapers @nickisdiapers on Twitter and Tweet about this giveaway. Leave the URL where you Tweeted.
- Tweet @nickisdiapers #clothdiapers (1 entry for each unique tweet)
- Like Nicki’s Diapers, Planet Wise and Best Bottom Diapers on Facebook - Be sure to state your facebook name when you post back here.
- Suggest the following facebook pages to your friends: Nicki’s Diapers , Best Bottom Diapers , Planet Wise. You must post back here telling us which friend accepted your page suggestion. (1 entry per page for each person you suggest that LIKES us)
- Grab our button and place them on your blog. Post a link to the blog here. (2 entries per blog - per button)
- Start or comment on a discussion on the Nicki's Diapers facebook page discussion board.
- Blog about "tricks" you use(d) to get your newborn to sleep and include a link to www.nickisdiapers.com (2 entries)
- Tag @nicki's diapers in a facebook post.
- Have a friend subscribe to our blog. Post their username in your comment. You can do this as many times as you can get friends to subscribe!
- Talk about Nicki's Diapers on any forum and include a link to www.nickisdiapers.com.
- Sign up for the Nicki's Diapers newsletter (enter your email address on the top right of our homepage).
- Start a thread about this giveaway on any baby or cloth diapering related forum and include a link to your thread. (2 entries)
- Tell us what your favorite Aden & Anais Muslin Wrap print is from www.nickisdiapers.com
- Place an order at nickisdiapers.com, myswimbaby.com or clothdiaperclearance.com between November 11th and November 16th. Include your order number in your entry.
Good luck to you all!
Weekly Giveaway
Item of the Week
Item of the Week,
How I became a Full Time Cloth Head
So, during each pregnancy I have devoured diaper sales and rummage through every Sunday paper in search of fabulous coupons! By the time my last pregnancy ended, at over 41 weeks, I had 96 packages of diapers! Very proud of my bargains, I stacked them by size and stood back to admire my stash! We happily diapered our 4th baby boy in disposables for 6 months. I had never ever giving any positive thought to cloth diapering. “ That “ was for people who had tons of time, not a busy mom like me, and didn’t care about scrubbing poop! Boy was I wrong. If you had told me that by my sons 8 month birthday that I would be full time cloth diapering mom I would have told you that you were off your rocker!!
My current obsession with cloth started innocently on You Tube as I watch videos of moms that clothed their babies. Then I posted my own video about my slight interest in cloth and the encouraging response was overwhelming! I decided I would purchase I few super cheap diapers on eBay……it was all down hill from there! I soon discovered much bigger sites to feed my need for cloth! After figuring out the lingo: inserts, Bummis, AIO, OS, I was hooked!
Today we are a 100% cloth family, with a good sized collection of fluff and even have cloth wipes. I am still shocked by the amount of wonderful product to chose from and the warm knowledgeable community that surrounds cloth but I am over joyed to now know enough to share my experience with other mothers who inquire about cloth. Nearly one month after a life of disposables, we barely have any garbage, will save a ton of money with our next baby (whenever that is ) and whole heartily enjoy putting our chunky monkey in his adorable fluff! Needless to say we have returned all the disposables to the store!
By Guest Blogger: Jennifer Suess - Cloth Addict
My current obsession with cloth started innocently on You Tube as I watch videos of moms that clothed their babies. Then I posted my own video about my slight interest in cloth and the encouraging response was overwhelming! I decided I would purchase I few super cheap diapers on eBay……it was all down hill from there! I soon discovered much bigger sites to feed my need for cloth! After figuring out the lingo: inserts, Bummis, AIO, OS, I was hooked!
Today we are a 100% cloth family, with a good sized collection of fluff and even have cloth wipes. I am still shocked by the amount of wonderful product to chose from and the warm knowledgeable community that surrounds cloth but I am over joyed to now know enough to share my experience with other mothers who inquire about cloth. Nearly one month after a life of disposables, we barely have any garbage, will save a ton of money with our next baby (whenever that is ) and whole heartily enjoy putting our chunky monkey in his adorable fluff! Needless to say we have returned all the disposables to the store!
By Guest Blogger: Jennifer Suess - Cloth Addict
Cloth Diaper Addict,
One Size Diapers
Tuesday, November 9, 2010 2 comments
New to Cloth? Become a Cloth Diaper expert!!
Do you think of diaper pins and plastic pants when you think of cloth diapering? There is a new generation Cloth diapers that are so far from this image, and cloth diapering is definitely something that families who want to save money should explore. You will not believe how easy it! It is budget friendly and Eco friendly!!
I am not nearly as Eco-conscious as I wish I were. However, I am the stereotypical mother that many of you may think of when thinking of cloth diapering. I'm a baby wearer, I'm a breastfeeding mama, but at the same time, I am just a mom who enjoys saving some serious bucks.
First thing First
How much money can I save?
For disposable diapers, the average cost per diaper nationwide is $0.28 per diaper. The total cost for this figure (3 ½ years, 8 diaper changes per day) would be $2,862.72.
For cloth diapering, the costs range widely and it can be difficult to give exact figures on how much these cost. Cloth diapering (including the cost of cloth wipes & laundering) can range between $200-1300 dollars. This figure ultimately depends on whether or not you choose the most expensive diapers or the less expensive. Regardless of the style that you chose, you still come out financially ahead by using the cloth versus the disposable.
Before you go shopping, know the lingo!
Researching cloth diapering can be really overwhelmed - trying to figure out what types of diapers went with what, which was the best kind, what abbreviations mean. Ahhhh It can make a girl go crazy!!!
Here is a easy to understand break down:
They are a traditional cloth diaper with a thick strip down the middle. These are typically worn with a diaper cover. They are one of the least expensive options for cloth diapering & dry extremely fast! They come in three sizes- Preemie (4-10 pounds), Infant (newborn to 15 pounds) & Premium (15-30 pounds).
DSQ Prefold - Diaper Service Quality:
These are more absorbent than the store brands such as Gerber.
CPF - Chinese Prefold:
These are a very popular type of prefold on the market.
Another option for prefolds are Indian Prefolds which are softer than the CPF and are made of gauze rather than twill. They are more absorbent, but can wear out a little faster than the Chinese Prefolds.
When your child outgrows the preemie or infant size they work fantastic to double up your stuffing at nighttime.
Diaper Covers:
If you are interested in using the prefolds, you will need to purchase waterproof diaper covers too. A prefold can be folded inside of the diaper cover and the diaper cover simply covers the prefold and acts as a waterproof barrier.
My favorites are Bummis Super Whisper Wrap, Bummis Super Brite and Flip
Fitted Diapers:
Fitted diapers also are used with Diaper Covers. Instead of using a prefold, you can use a fitted diaper which has elastic gathering in the legs and has snaps or a Velcro closure to keep the diaper together. Place the diaper cover over the fitted diaper, and you are go to go! Fitted diapers are some of our favorites!
Contoured Diapers:
These diapers are very similar to the fitted, but are missing the elastic gatherings around the legs and waist. The diaper has wings that need to be fastened. These also require a diaper cover.
Pocket Diapers:
Pocket diapers are usually made with two layers of fabric sewn together to form a pocket for an absorbent insert. This type of diaper just fastens on and does not need a diaper cover over it.
Inserts are used for pocket diapers. They can be made of a variety of materials- micro-terrycloth, regular terry cloth, hemp, or you can just use prefolds as inserts.
"Doubler" just means using more than one insert, which you could do if you were away for an extended amount of time or at nighttime before bed, to prevent leaking.
All In One:
Abbreviated to AIO. An All In One is a cloth diaper that has a waterproof cover and an absorbent inner liner that is all in one piece...hence the name. These diapers fasten usually with a hook/loop or snap fasteners. These are awesome! We love ours, however they do take longer to dry.
One Size Diaper:
Abbreviated to OS. A one size diaper usually fits the child from the day they are born (8lbs)until they are 30-35 pounds. These diapers usually have snaps that go across the diaper (making it smaller or bigger) and they can be folded over to create smaller sizes. As the child grows, the snaps on the legs can become larger. Our Favorites!!! We love BumGenius.
Wool Soaker/ Wool Pants:
A wool soaker is a diaper cover that is made exclusively of wool. Wool has a high lanolin content, so it works well as a diaper cover. Wool is really quite amazing! You can get knit wool in many different styles: Soakers, Pants, Shorts, and even skirts! If you are going to explore this option you will need to do extra research on them. Wool need special care.
How do I wash and take care of Cloth Diapers?
All of the above diapers & covers can go in the washing machine, excluding the Wool. I put in two tablespoons of detergent. I recommend an additive free detergent or a detergent specifically for cloth diapers. This will help prevent detergent build up in you diapers that can cause stink. If the diapers have been stained I like to have a stiff bristled brush on hand. I rinse the stained diaper under hot water and give it a nice scrub, this can really help get rid of the stain or at least fade it. When you are ready to wash selected hot/cold. I like to end with a second rinse.
After the diapers were done washing, You have a few options:
You can throw all the diapers in the dryer.
You can throw just the prefolds and diaper inserts into the dryer and dried them on medium-high heat. The diaper covers and pocket diapers can be line dried- weather permitting. They will dry quickly.
Another option for staining is in the sun. The sun acts as a bleaching agent and can take any staining out of them, literally within a couple of hours!
NEVER ever use any fabric softener or fabric softener sheets when washing your diapers. The fabric softener leaves a residue that can cause your diapers to no longer absorb, and they will leak.
Always check the manufacturer's guidelines for each particular type of diaper that you buy on how to wash it and if the diaper needs several washes before being use. Read those guidelines and use your own best judgment on how you choose to launder your diapers.
Why are my diapers leaking?
Probably time to strip your diapers. If your diapers have been absorbing fine and all of a sudden the diapers stop absorbing, they may need to be stripped.
Two or three washes (without detergent) should do the job.
It is very important to not use a ton of detergent- two tablespoons or less does the trick and diapers always smell fresh and clean.
Brown spotting on my diapers- it's not poo.
What could that be from? Diaper rash creams can leave spotting on your diapers. Make sure to only use diaper creams that say that they are "safe for cloth diapers". However if you find yourself needing to use a regular diaper cream, its easy to just lay a fleece doubler in the diaper. This keeps the cream from touching the diaper, and then I didn't have to invest any money into special creams.
What about cloth diapering a newborn?
I didn't find cloth diapering a newborn to be as difficult as everyone claimed it would be. And I did it with Twins!!! We did have a box of preemie/newborn disposable diapers, until the babies fit the cloth diapers. Once the twins were finally enough to fit in the cloth diapers, we never looked back.
The laundry was not as much of an issue as every said and thought it would be either. When you have a newborn twins, you are already throwing in load after load. One more load didn't seem bad because of how often we were already doing the laundry.
I'm done with diapers, Now what?
If you are planning on having more children, I would suggest keeping them for the next child. When the next child comes, you will have no diapers to buy! If this is your last child though, selling the diapers can be a great way to make back some of the money you spent on them.
Favorite Brands?
Some of my favorites are Prefolds with Wool covers - bumGenius 3.0 - Bummis Covers - Bummis Bamboozle - Flip - Monkey Doodlez AIO.
A great little tip: buy 1or 2 diapers each of the brands/styles you are interested in. That way you can explore a bunch of different diapers, find out what works the best for you and your baby, and not break the bank. You'll know exactly what you want and will be able to create the stash you want with diaper you know you like!
Now, go forth and Cloth Diaper with confedence!!
By Guest Blogger: Britni - Mama to 3, cloth diapering Twins!!
I am not nearly as Eco-conscious as I wish I were. However, I am the stereotypical mother that many of you may think of when thinking of cloth diapering. I'm a baby wearer, I'm a breastfeeding mama, but at the same time, I am just a mom who enjoys saving some serious bucks.
First thing First
How much money can I save?
For disposable diapers, the average cost per diaper nationwide is $0.28 per diaper. The total cost for this figure (3 ½ years, 8 diaper changes per day) would be $2,862.72.
For cloth diapering, the costs range widely and it can be difficult to give exact figures on how much these cost. Cloth diapering (including the cost of cloth wipes & laundering) can range between $200-1300 dollars. This figure ultimately depends on whether or not you choose the most expensive diapers or the less expensive. Regardless of the style that you chose, you still come out financially ahead by using the cloth versus the disposable.
Before you go shopping, know the lingo!
Researching cloth diapering can be really overwhelmed - trying to figure out what types of diapers went with what, which was the best kind, what abbreviations mean. Ahhhh It can make a girl go crazy!!!
Here is a easy to understand break down:
They are a traditional cloth diaper with a thick strip down the middle. These are typically worn with a diaper cover. They are one of the least expensive options for cloth diapering & dry extremely fast! They come in three sizes- Preemie (4-10 pounds), Infant (newborn to 15 pounds) & Premium (15-30 pounds).
DSQ Prefold - Diaper Service Quality:
These are more absorbent than the store brands such as Gerber.
CPF - Chinese Prefold:
These are a very popular type of prefold on the market.
Another option for prefolds are Indian Prefolds which are softer than the CPF and are made of gauze rather than twill. They are more absorbent, but can wear out a little faster than the Chinese Prefolds.
When your child outgrows the preemie or infant size they work fantastic to double up your stuffing at nighttime.
Diaper Covers:
If you are interested in using the prefolds, you will need to purchase waterproof diaper covers too. A prefold can be folded inside of the diaper cover and the diaper cover simply covers the prefold and acts as a waterproof barrier.
My favorites are Bummis Super Whisper Wrap, Bummis Super Brite and Flip
Fitted Diapers:
Fitted diapers also are used with Diaper Covers. Instead of using a prefold, you can use a fitted diaper which has elastic gathering in the legs and has snaps or a Velcro closure to keep the diaper together. Place the diaper cover over the fitted diaper, and you are go to go! Fitted diapers are some of our favorites!
Contoured Diapers:
These diapers are very similar to the fitted, but are missing the elastic gatherings around the legs and waist. The diaper has wings that need to be fastened. These also require a diaper cover.
Pocket Diapers:
Pocket diapers are usually made with two layers of fabric sewn together to form a pocket for an absorbent insert. This type of diaper just fastens on and does not need a diaper cover over it.
Inserts are used for pocket diapers. They can be made of a variety of materials- micro-terrycloth, regular terry cloth, hemp, or you can just use prefolds as inserts.
"Doubler" just means using more than one insert, which you could do if you were away for an extended amount of time or at nighttime before bed, to prevent leaking.
All In One:
Abbreviated to AIO. An All In One is a cloth diaper that has a waterproof cover and an absorbent inner liner that is all in one piece...hence the name. These diapers fasten usually with a hook/loop or snap fasteners. These are awesome! We love ours, however they do take longer to dry.
One Size Diaper:
Abbreviated to OS. A one size diaper usually fits the child from the day they are born (8lbs)until they are 30-35 pounds. These diapers usually have snaps that go across the diaper (making it smaller or bigger) and they can be folded over to create smaller sizes. As the child grows, the snaps on the legs can become larger. Our Favorites!!! We love BumGenius.
Wool Soaker/ Wool Pants:
A wool soaker is a diaper cover that is made exclusively of wool. Wool has a high lanolin content, so it works well as a diaper cover. Wool is really quite amazing! You can get knit wool in many different styles: Soakers, Pants, Shorts, and even skirts! If you are going to explore this option you will need to do extra research on them. Wool need special care.
How do I wash and take care of Cloth Diapers?
All of the above diapers & covers can go in the washing machine, excluding the Wool. I put in two tablespoons of detergent. I recommend an additive free detergent or a detergent specifically for cloth diapers. This will help prevent detergent build up in you diapers that can cause stink. If the diapers have been stained I like to have a stiff bristled brush on hand. I rinse the stained diaper under hot water and give it a nice scrub, this can really help get rid of the stain or at least fade it. When you are ready to wash selected hot/cold. I like to end with a second rinse.
After the diapers were done washing, You have a few options:
You can throw all the diapers in the dryer.
You can throw just the prefolds and diaper inserts into the dryer and dried them on medium-high heat. The diaper covers and pocket diapers can be line dried- weather permitting. They will dry quickly.
Another option for staining is in the sun. The sun acts as a bleaching agent and can take any staining out of them, literally within a couple of hours!
NEVER ever use any fabric softener or fabric softener sheets when washing your diapers. The fabric softener leaves a residue that can cause your diapers to no longer absorb, and they will leak.
Always check the manufacturer's guidelines for each particular type of diaper that you buy on how to wash it and if the diaper needs several washes before being use. Read those guidelines and use your own best judgment on how you choose to launder your diapers.
Why are my diapers leaking?
Probably time to strip your diapers. If your diapers have been absorbing fine and all of a sudden the diapers stop absorbing, they may need to be stripped.
Two or three washes (without detergent) should do the job.
It is very important to not use a ton of detergent- two tablespoons or less does the trick and diapers always smell fresh and clean.
Brown spotting on my diapers- it's not poo.
What could that be from? Diaper rash creams can leave spotting on your diapers. Make sure to only use diaper creams that say that they are "safe for cloth diapers". However if you find yourself needing to use a regular diaper cream, its easy to just lay a fleece doubler in the diaper. This keeps the cream from touching the diaper, and then I didn't have to invest any money into special creams.
What about cloth diapering a newborn?
I didn't find cloth diapering a newborn to be as difficult as everyone claimed it would be. And I did it with Twins!!! We did have a box of preemie/newborn disposable diapers, until the babies fit the cloth diapers. Once the twins were finally enough to fit in the cloth diapers, we never looked back.
The laundry was not as much of an issue as every said and thought it would be either. When you have a newborn twins, you are already throwing in load after load. One more load didn't seem bad because of how often we were already doing the laundry.
I'm done with diapers, Now what?
If you are planning on having more children, I would suggest keeping them for the next child. When the next child comes, you will have no diapers to buy! If this is your last child though, selling the diapers can be a great way to make back some of the money you spent on them.
Favorite Brands?
Some of my favorites are Prefolds with Wool covers - bumGenius 3.0 - Bummis Covers - Bummis Bamboozle - Flip - Monkey Doodlez AIO.
A great little tip: buy 1or 2 diapers each of the brands/styles you are interested in. That way you can explore a bunch of different diapers, find out what works the best for you and your baby, and not break the bank. You'll know exactly what you want and will be able to create the stash you want with diaper you know you like!
Now, go forth and Cloth Diaper with confedence!!
By Guest Blogger: Britni - Mama to 3, cloth diapering Twins!!
Thursday, November 4, 2010 4 comments
Prefolds, pockets, and hybrids Oh MY!
When I had my first son two years ago, cloth diapering was not even an option. I knew nothing about it and didn’t even consider it. I had one friend who clothed and I was briefly exposed to a prefold and snappy and that was it. So for us it was disposables, the mass amount of money we literally were throwing away.
So 6 months after our son was born we were given the shock of our lives…baby number two was on the way. Yes, more diapers, more clothes, more food, and less sleep. As we crunched the numbers over and over again, me working was not an option with the cost of childcare. With that being decided, I knew we had to cut costs so I started researching cloth diapers thinking this would be a great way to save money. Boy was I amazed at what I found. Not only were there prefolds but pockets, AIO, AI2, hybrids, covers, WAHMS, fitted, wool, and organic. I was so overwhelmed and didn’t know where to begin. Luckily that wonderful friend that first exposed me to this bizarre concept was able to shed a little light on all of this and refer me to a local class at a cloth diapering store.
So I got my husband on board (well as much as I could) and convinced him to take me to the seminar, which was an hour away. It was very informative but still overwhelming. With baby number two fast approaching I bought a Bum Genius One Size pocket to try along with some fitted with covers. We tried the BG on our 1 year old and thought this was it. It was easy, worked well and looked adorable. Well now that we were about to go down to one income, the upfront cost of buying new diapers was not in our budget. Insert Nicki’s Diapers gently used section here.
Oh Nicki’s Diapers… It has been my best friend and worst enemy. You can get such great deals but it becomes SO stressful because you want to be the first one to get the deal and don’t want to miss anything. I was able to snag some great newborn Bum Genius diapers that worked really well.
We later moved onto Fuzzi Bunz sized diapers (another great find at Nicki’s Diapers gently used section) and I even convinced my mom to get me some brand new diapers as a gift.
How did I learn what what worked and what didn’t? Trial and error. If my son soaked through something is one wetting then I knew it would not work for us. Also I looked at convenience of it. Pockets are great for going out (also they are so cute) and the husband prefers to put those on.
I still consider myself a newbie when it comes to clothing. We clothed until about 6 months and then we started using disposables again for some reason. We recently started clothing again and are loving it. We do it full time and I couldn’t be happier. In our stash are mostly prefolds, covers, and pockets of all brands. I still feel there is so much out there to learn. I have not gotten the perfect wash routine down, haven’t found the perfect night or nap diaper, and haven’t tried all the wonderful brands and types out there.
My advice to newbie’s… if you can attend a workshop. They are informative and very helpful. Try as many types as you can, even if its one of each so you can figure out what works best for you. Nicki’s offer packages where you can get a variety to try and can send back what you don’t like. It's their 15 day promo. Don’t give up. Clothing takes a lot of work in the beginning. It’s hard to figure things out but everyone in the clothing business is very helpful. Don’t be afraid to stray from the “name brand” diapers. Yes they are wonderful but there are also a lot of wonderful diapers out there at great prices.
So take a deep breath, research and try to talk to someone, and enjoy that fact that you are saving money, saving the earth, and covering your little ones bottom is the most adorable diapers out there.
By Guest Blogger - Christina McMahon
So 6 months after our son was born we were given the shock of our lives…baby number two was on the way. Yes, more diapers, more clothes, more food, and less sleep. As we crunched the numbers over and over again, me working was not an option with the cost of childcare. With that being decided, I knew we had to cut costs so I started researching cloth diapers thinking this would be a great way to save money. Boy was I amazed at what I found. Not only were there prefolds but pockets, AIO, AI2, hybrids, covers, WAHMS, fitted, wool, and organic. I was so overwhelmed and didn’t know where to begin. Luckily that wonderful friend that first exposed me to this bizarre concept was able to shed a little light on all of this and refer me to a local class at a cloth diapering store.
So I got my husband on board (well as much as I could) and convinced him to take me to the seminar, which was an hour away. It was very informative but still overwhelming. With baby number two fast approaching I bought a Bum Genius One Size pocket to try along with some fitted with covers. We tried the BG on our 1 year old and thought this was it. It was easy, worked well and looked adorable. Well now that we were about to go down to one income, the upfront cost of buying new diapers was not in our budget. Insert Nicki’s Diapers gently used section here.
Oh Nicki’s Diapers… It has been my best friend and worst enemy. You can get such great deals but it becomes SO stressful because you want to be the first one to get the deal and don’t want to miss anything. I was able to snag some great newborn Bum Genius diapers that worked really well.
We later moved onto Fuzzi Bunz sized diapers (another great find at Nicki’s Diapers gently used section) and I even convinced my mom to get me some brand new diapers as a gift.
How did I learn what what worked and what didn’t? Trial and error. If my son soaked through something is one wetting then I knew it would not work for us. Also I looked at convenience of it. Pockets are great for going out (also they are so cute) and the husband prefers to put those on.
I still consider myself a newbie when it comes to clothing. We clothed until about 6 months and then we started using disposables again for some reason. We recently started clothing again and are loving it. We do it full time and I couldn’t be happier. In our stash are mostly prefolds, covers, and pockets of all brands. I still feel there is so much out there to learn. I have not gotten the perfect wash routine down, haven’t found the perfect night or nap diaper, and haven’t tried all the wonderful brands and types out there.
My advice to newbie’s… if you can attend a workshop. They are informative and very helpful. Try as many types as you can, even if its one of each so you can figure out what works best for you. Nicki’s offer packages where you can get a variety to try and can send back what you don’t like. It's their 15 day promo. Don’t give up. Clothing takes a lot of work in the beginning. It’s hard to figure things out but everyone in the clothing business is very helpful. Don’t be afraid to stray from the “name brand” diapers. Yes they are wonderful but there are also a lot of wonderful diapers out there at great prices.
So take a deep breath, research and try to talk to someone, and enjoy that fact that you are saving money, saving the earth, and covering your little ones bottom is the most adorable diapers out there.
By Guest Blogger - Christina McMahon
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