The GroVia One-Size Diaper System has a one size diaper that is different! This diaper system has 2 parts. First the shell - the design of the shell is waterproof and minimizes diaper waste and cost because it is reusable! Second is the soaker - when the organic cotton Soaker Pad is wet, simply remove it and snap in a fresh Soaker Pad. If the shell is wet, allow it to air dry and use for the next diaper change. If the GroVia Shell is soiled, start fresh with a new GroVia Shell.

Each shell set comes with 1 organic Soaker Pad. Extra one-size organic cotton Soaker Pads are available in packs of 2. One-size organic cotton Boosters are also available in packs of 2. You will find that using 2-4 Gro Baby Shells are enough per day, but newborn babies may need more.
The GroVia Organic Cotton Soaker Pads are super absorbent but trim. With a layer of waterproof backing, leg gussets and 6 layers of organic cotton they won't leak for even a heavy wetter! Each shell includes 1 GroVia Organic Cotton Soaker Pad. Also available in 2 packs.
To enter to win a Vanilla Grovia Shell and Soaker Set, sponsored by the manufacturer , leave a comment on our blog with a link to each entry (examples: your blog post, your comment on our FB page, etc.). You may only do each entry option once per weekly giveaway. Winner will be posted 9/16. Winner must email annie@nickisdiapers.com within one week to claim your prize.
- Become a subscriber of the Nicki's Diapers Blog if if you already are, comment on any blog post other than the weekly giveaway.
- "Like" Nicki's Diapers on Facebook of if you already do, post a comment on the page (saying "commenting for the giveaway" does not qualify as a comment.)
- Post a comment on your Facebook page and include a link to the Nicki's Diapers Website.
- Follow Nicki's Diapers on Twitter or if you already do, Tweet about Nicki's Diapers.
- Post a fan picture on the Nicki's Diapers Facebook Page
- Blog about Nicki's Diapers including a link to the Nicki's Diapers website.
- Talk about Nicki's Diapers on a Forum and include a link to any page on the Nicki's Diapers website (counts as double entry, please comment twice for this entry!)
- Grab one of our buttons and put it on your blog, if it already is, let us know!
- Tag Nicki's Diapers in a Facebook Post
- Tell us system for storing soiled diapers

1 – 200 of 275 Newer› Newest»I am a follower and just commented on the nursing bra item of the week
I am so laid back as far as diapers go - clean diapers in one laundry bin, dirty diapers in another - if something is super stinky - ill put it in a waterproof pouch...
Like on facebook and posting for the giveaway
like you on facebook!!
I have a fan photo on FB of my baby in chunky monkey Bestbottom diaper
I have a button on http://theklauers.blogspot.com
my system for soiled diapers are spray them off and put them in the diaper bucket!1 Is ther a better way?
Commented on the nursing bra post!
Oh I already did this before I even knew I had to! I posted a comment about how much I love your inserts and diapers! :)
Soiled diapers are stored in a regular trash can from Target with a Planetwise pail liner
already a facebook fan :)
simple human trashcans for storing soiled diapers - the inner layer of the can is removable for easy washing!
Liked on Facebook and posted on the ND FB page
I posted a comment on your blog about Bottombumpers
I just started following, and commented on the Nursing bra post.
I'd love a chance to win! My system for storing soiled diapers is in a Diaper Genie (leftover from my 'sposie days)! I also have a wetbag that I use :)
Our dirties go in what is actually a dog food container (sold by target) large but still fits under bathroom sink, has gasket & latch on lid. This has worked good for us because, with an HE washer sometimes I think a wet system works better for us. I can use this "pail" either way
I like you on Facebook and just left a comment!
I follow you and just commented on your item of the week bottom bumpers :)
I am a follower and I commented on the bottombumpers post!
I'm a blog subscriber and I commented on the Wednesday, September 8, 2010
"Item of the Week" post about the Nursing Bras under Alycia Cove!
I like you on facebook and I commented
Our diapers are stored in a simple dry pail. It's a black plastic garbage can with a push top latch, lined with either a WAHMies or Thirsties pail liner. I have a new wetbag for on the go coming to me soon, too!
I like you on facebook and left you a comment!
I just started following you on Twitter! @xiabelle
I'm a Nicki's Diapers FB Fan and I posted the following comment on your wall on 9/9/10:
"I wish you guys had a retail store in Western Ma! I can honestly say you have the best and most varied selection of cloth I've seen, plus all the other baby and mama gear is just the icing on the cake! Keep up the good work!"
I tagged you in a facebook post!
I posted a comment on my FB wall about Nicki's!
I already like you on FB and left a comment!
I subscribe.
southcarolinamommy at gmail dot com
I'm a twitter follower (@lilfluffers) and I tweeted!
Like you on FB: Karen Bridges
southcarolinamommy at gmail dot com
Following on twitter @SCMOMOF2BOYS
southcarolinamommy at gmail dot com
I use my Bummis wet bag for soiled diapers.
southcarolinamommy at gmail dot com
I posted a fan picture of my son in his BGOS 4.0 on 9/9/10 on Nicki's FB Page!!
I posted a comment about Nicki's on my FB page and included a link to your website.
I tweeted about Nicki's
I blogged about Nicki's and my BBs on my Adventures in Cloth Diapering page. And there's a link!
Your button is on my blog
We use a regular plastic trash can with a lid and have a liner in it. Since we use a sprayer, we also keep a small trash can lined with an old pillowcase in the bathroom so we don't have to carry a dripping diaper to the big can.
I blogged about Nicki's Diapers!
I commented on the mommy's necklaces blog post.
I just became a subscriber to your blog.
My Baby Bee is on your FB fan page in her mint green BB.
I follow u on FB terri armentrout
tlstolze at yahoo dot com
I like Nicki's Diapers on Facebook.
We store dirty diapers in a trash can with a plastic liner! I replace the liner often....cant afford a pail liner just yet!
I follow ur blog and subscribe via email (did both tonight)
tlstolze at yahoo dot com
I store all of the soiled diapers in a Planet Wise wetbag. It keeps all of the stinkies out of our house and sealed in the bag until wash day. It works great!
I'm a follower and I commented on the item of the week nursing bra!
questfortheperfectclothdiaper at yahoo dot com
I commented on the nursing bra (item of the week) I loved it!
tlstolze at yahoo dot com
I like Nicki's Diapers on FB and commented on the wall!
questfortheperfectclothdiaper at yahoo dot com
I use a dry pail for storing the dirty diapers!
questfortheperfectclothdiaper at yahoo dot com
I posted about this giveaway in my FB status and tagged you! Robyn Lucas
questfortheperfectclothdiaper at yahoo dot com
I store all on the knickernappies (I think that's it) bag I bought online. Then I wash them all & the bag, too. I'm wondering how the daycare people will like/not like using cloth once the disposables I gave them run out!
I grabbed your button! Find it here....
questfortheperfectclothdiaper at yahoo dot com
I follow your blog on Google Reader. I commented on the announcement post for the winner of the EasyFit One Size. I really, really love the colors of those dipes! =)
I "like" you on FB. I commented on the FB link to this blog post.
I started a thread on diaperswappers!
I started a thread on diaperswappers entry #2
We use a dry pail method to store diapers and have it lined with a Kissaluvs antibacterial pail liner...sometimes I spray diapers with diluted Bac-Out before putting them into the pail. Then we try to wash every other day! Have also put tea tree oil on the tab inside the liner though this is not super necessary as we haven't noticed any odor otherwise....
I posted a link to you on my FB page. http://www.facebook.com/editaccount.php?notifications=1&md=cGhvdG9fY29tbWVudDtmcm9tPTY2NzQyODA1NTt1aWQ9NTIwODE1MzExO3BpZD02NTY3NTU3O2FwaV9waWQ9MjIzNjg4NDcyODAwNzYzNjYxMzt0bz01MjA4MTUzMTE=#!/profile.php?id=520815311
My storage system for soiled diapers is pretty simple. I spray off as much as I can then squeeze out excess water. I then store the diapers in a pail liner that's inside a regular 13gallon trash can. Works great and so far no stains!!
I store my soiled diapers in a wet bag until time to wash.
We use a large Ziplock baggie for the diaper bag and an old washed out kitty litter bucket for diapers at home.
Posted a pic on FB!
Following & commented on the 9/8 item of the week post!
I store my dipes in a planet wise hanging wet bag.
I recommended Nicki's on a forum and linked!
Since I get to do this one twice:
I recommended Nicki's on a forum and linked!
I follow the blog using Google Reader! I commented on the Hotsling item of the week on the blog.
I "like" Nicki's Diapers on FB and commented on your FB page (Rachel Clark)
We actually use the FuzziBunz hanging wet bag that we purchased with our initial cloth diapering order (from Nicki's of course!) and everything that goes in stays in until it goes into the washing machine.
like nicki's diapers on fb
I follow the blog and commented on the nursing bra item of the week.
I follow your blog
I liked Nikki's diapers on Facebook
storage system for soiled diapers is the garbage can since we are currently using disposables and now changing to cloth. We plan to use the hanging wet/dry bag from planet wise for soiled cloth diapers after we spray them off.
I posted a comment about Nikki's Diapers on my FB Page.. here is the link.. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Nickis-Diapers/145632806625?v=wall#!/MamaMuck
I blogged about Nikki's Diapers and included a link.. here is mine http://themisadventuresofafamilyof8.blogspot.com/2010/09/another-awesome-giveaway.html
I'm planning on using a dry pail - I have some drawstring pail liners to use. Right now I have a 5 gallon bucket to use...not sure if that will work out or not.
I follow your blog and am subscribed to newsletter email. I commented on the Bottombumpers item of the week post.
heidikittelson at gmail dot com
Already like you on facebook, so left a comment on wall.
heidikittelson at gmail dot com
Already follower you on twitter (@hkittelson), so tweeted: http://twitter.com/hkittelson/status/24077286180
heidikittelson at gmail dot com
My system right now for storing dirty diapers is to use a wet bag and some small camping bags that are waterproof. I still need to get myself a hanging wet bag or pail liner.
heidikittelson at gmail dot com
Like on FB, and commented on the Best Bottoms cookies N cream.
Commented on blog post about Bottom Bumpers.
Left a comment on my Wall with a link to www.nickisdiapers.com
Not sure how to post a link to that, since it's on my wall.
I keep a dry diaper pail. I simply use a diaper pail liner in a regular 5 gallon bucket. I wash every other day, though I might be moving to every day since I have two in diapers. To combat smell, I not only rinse & wrint out the poopy diapers, but I do that with the wet ones also! My boys have stinky pee, so it really helps with odor & is worth the extra time involved.
Tweeted, linking to your store. @satiglenn
I have a hamper under the changing table, and two liners that I change out. Dirties go in there, and cleans go on the shelves. Simple.
Made a comment on the item of the week for September 8, 2010.
I am a follower and commented on this weeks item of the week.
I store my dirty diapers in wet bags!!
I am a follower and commented on the nursing bra item of the week!
billnshay24 at hotmail.com
Already a fan on facebook and commented on the giveaway post about cloth diapers!
billnshay24 at hotmail.com
My system for storing wet diapers is in a trash can with a lid and an odor obsorbing liner. I do not have a pail or wet bags yet since I just started! Those will be our next purchases!
billnshay24 at hotmail.com
Im a follower now...
I plan on storing the diapers in a secure diaper pail- I'm expecting my first, so this will all be new to me!
My system for storing soiled diapers is to toss them all in a wet bag...then into the wash 2-3 days later (We haven't started solids yet so the smells are not too bad!!)
Left a link in a forum post (Mama407)
Left a link in a forum post (Mama407)
Entry #2
I bloged about Nicki's Diapers and included a link to this giveaway. (Entry #48)
I subscribe to your blog and left a comment in the item of the week blog post.
I am a follower and I commented on the bottombumper AIO
I posted a comment on the Facebook page
commented on my Facebook and left the link
commented on a diff blog post (item of the week- nursing bras)
coreybelle86 at yahoo dot com
I don't have a system for soiled diapers yet (i still do mostly disposables) I only have 3 cloth diapers i use and i wash them as soon as all three are dirty... i dont have a wet bag or pailliner yet so i just set them under the cahnging table until it is time to wash
coreybelle86 at yahoo dot com
i liek nickis diapers on fb
coreybelle86 at yahoo dot com
I am a follower and just posted on the item of the week post.
I posted on facebook on your post : What is your child going to be for Halloween? -my name is Samantha Clarkston.
I have your button on my blog.
I store soiled diapers in a wet bag.
I posted about Nickisdiapers on my facebook! My name is Samantha Clarkston.
I tweeted on twitter about nickisdiapers as MrClarkston!
I blog about nickisdiapers here : http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=451183227&blogId=528714266
I have your button on my blog here: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=451183227&blogId=528714266
I store my soiled diapers either in my wet bag or in my diaper pail!
I liked you on facebook~!
I became a subscriber~!
Put your button on my blog~!
I store wet soiled diapers a pail, and dirty in a bucket in my laundry sink. Easy access to washing machine and I launder them every other day.
I commented on August 26 giveaway winner and I follow your blog.
I store diapers in a lined pail with a pop-up lid.
I posted a fan picture on your Facebook page of my diaper changing table.
Your button is on my blog
I commented on the Item of the Week.
I plan to store soiled diapers in a lidded pail with a liner. We willsee what tricks I need to keep it from stinking too much!
I already Like Nicki's Diapers on facebook, so I just commented on the ND facebook page Halloween costume question--there are so many fun costume ideas on there!
emily dot muller at gmail dot com
I commented on this post:
emily dot muller at gmail dot com
We use the Planet Wise wet bags in a large diaper pail that I can open with my foot. I have to keep it in the corner now because my son has figured out how to open it, too! Since we use Imse Vimse liners from Nickis, I flip the solids into the toilet and dump the rest of the diaper in the pail. Stink is never too bad, even when I stretch out to three days.
emily dot muller at gmail dot com
I subscribe to the blog.
I'm a subscriber of Nicki's Diapers Blog and left a comment on the Item of the Week (Nizo Nursing Bras).
I "like" Nickis Diapers on facebook and commented on the Halloween post.
I use a trashcan with a lid from Target with a GroVia or PlanetWise pail liner.
Just became a member and am considering switching to cloth diapers - am a little overwhelmed and would love to 'win' some product to push me further along :)
Susbriber to Nicki's Diapers blog.
Like Nicki's Diapers on Facebook
Blog follower and commented on the item of the week post.
sarah.robot at gmail dot com
I use a 13 gallon trashcan with a lid and have wet bags that go fit the trashcan. I have one blueberry and one fuzzibunz wetbag. Works great.
Facebook fan of Nicki's Diapers and commented.
sarah.robot at gmail dot com
I follow you on twitter and tweeted:
sarah.robot at gmail dot com
We just got a Mother Ease Diaper Pail and LOVE it! It has a carbon filter so the stinkies aren't bad.
sarah.robot at gmail dot com
dirty diapers go in a cheap step-can lined w/ a homemade liner
have your button on my blog
Commented on your Hotsling post.
madelinemiller at gmail dot com
Commented on your FB page re Halloween.
madelinemiller at gmail dot com
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/MadelineMiller/status/24153101273
madelinemiller at gmail dot com
Blogged: http://www.clothdiapergiveaways.com/2010/09/nickis-diapers-weekly-giveaway.html
madelinemiller at gmail dot com
I plan on using a regular pail with a lid.
madelinemiller at gmail dot com
already follow and commented on Nizo Allure Nursing Bras
fb fan Nancy P. and commented on your question What is your child going to be for Halloween?
follow and tweet
I have a flip top trash can with a liner for diapers in the baby room and a hanging wet bag in the laundry room. When we get home from the sitter I put the diapers from her house in the hanging wet bag.
I follow the Nicki's Diapers blog.
janel807 at hotmail dot com
I store the dirty diapers in a planetwise hanging bag - it's great, I NEVER smell anything, and it hangs in our small laundry room.
janel807 at hotmail dot com
I became a subscriber of your blog!
I became a facebook fan!
I posted a link on my facebook page to your website: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000584389126&v=wall&story_fbid=159242550753293
tweeted about you http://twitter.com/mmmboct/status/24161516921
For soiled diapers, I spray them with water to get the poo off, then spray with bac-out, then put in the diaper pail. Easy!
I plan on storing the soiled diapers in a dry pail. If breastfeeding goes as planned, I will not need to spray the diapers :)
I already follow so http://nickisdiapers.blogspot.com/2010/09/item-of-week.html?showComment=1284252598342#c2077655556783806646commented on another post:
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I shared on FB: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Nickis-Diapers/145632806625?ref=ts&v=wall#!/profile.php?id=100000579513433&v=wall&story_fbid=151115154912061&ref=mf
I follow you on twitter
I will use a diaper pail for soiled, and a basket for new ones
I follow you and I posted a comment on the nursing bras.
I "like" you on FB and posted a comment regarding the fit of the Best Bottom diapers.
I have a button on my blog.
I rinse my dirties in the toilet and then keep in my PlanetWise bag until wash day! Works great. Sits in my livingroom with no issues!
Posted a comment on my FB page about getting my new Best Bottoms and inclued the link to you!
I talked about you on a forum at diaperpin.com about someone deciding between GroVia or Best Bottoms.
I'm a subscriber as of today. Don't know how to link to that one.
I would probably settle for a pail with a diaper pail with wetbags for when out.
FaceBook 'liker' with a comment!
I store my dirty diapers in a trashcan with a pail liner or Planet Wise wet bag.
I subscribe to your blog.
I like Nicki's Diapers on facebook and made a comment.
I have posted a comment no my facebook with a link back to your blog.
It can be seen here:
I now follow you on twitter, my id is purple1982
I use a few systems for storing wet diapers...in the bedroom where we sleep we keep a large planet earth wetbag for nightly changes...in the baby's room/office we keep a motion sensor trash can lined with a washies pail liner...and on the go we use a medium planet earth wetbag. Then when the pail liner is full we throw it into a wash!
i now subscribe to your blog. :)
We just have a step-on trash can with a drawstring PUL pail liner. Nothing fancy!
like you on facebook. :D
I like you on FB (becky carroll)
bcarroll9494 AT yahoo DOT com
I posted you link on DiaperSwappers
bcarroll9494 AT yahoo DOT com
I'm a GFC blog follower
bcarroll9494 AT yahoo DOT com
I put my soiled dipes in a large (homeade) wetbag in a 13 gallon lidded trash bin. In the diaper bag I take 2 small wetbags. One filled with clean wet cloth wipes and the other for dirties.
bcarroll9494 AT yahoo DOT com
I follow the blog (is that what you mean by subscribe?)
I commented how much I like my BB dipe in your post here:
bcarroll9494 AT yahoo DOT com
oops forgot to double enter this:
I posted you link on DiaperSwappers
bcarroll9494 AT yahoo DOT com
I'm a follower and commented on the Rockin Green Detergent review.
kristen.diviney at gmail.com
new subscriber of the Nicki's Diapers Blog
"Like" Nicki's Diapers on Facebook
Jill A.
Subscriber and commented on the Item of the Week: http://nickisdiapers.blogspot.com/2010/09/items-of-week.html
bekki1820cb at gmail
Already subscribe so I commented on the Wednesday, September 8, 2010 Item of the Week post.
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com
Posted on Nicki's Diaper FB Page!
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com
Posted on my facebook status!
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com
Follow Nicki's Diapers on Twitter & Tweet!
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com
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