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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Rockin' Review: Rockin' Green Detergent!

If you are a cloth diaperer, or are considering switching to cloth diapers, one of your biggest questions or areas of interest are, "How do I get my diapers clean?". You've probably researched different wash routines and searched out different cloth diaper-friendly detergents. Well, look no further!
I was first introduced to Rockin' Green when I began working at Nicki's Diapers. I had already been cloth diapering for nearly 2 years and had tried a few different laundry detergents and dozens of different wash routines. Some of the failed miserably on the first try, others worked for a while but after a few weeks, we'd have stink/leaking/rash issues.
Since so many customers seemed to like Rockin' Green, I thought I would give it a try. I did a lot of research on the internet and found nothing but GREAT reviews on it! I wasn't sure what was at the root of my cloth diapering stink problems, but it seemed like whatever the problem was, Rockin' Green had an answer!
I read about the "Rockin' Soak" and decided to give it a try. I filled my washer up with hot water and 3 tablespoons of Rockin' Green. Then I dumped all my clean diapers in and let them soak. You could soak for as little as 30-60 minutes, or if you have bigger issues (or forget about the diapers soaking, like me :)) you can do an overnight Rockin' Soak! After you're done with the soak, empty your washer and run a couple washes without any detergent. Voila! Your diapers should come out smelling fresh and clean! I was so thrilled to open up my dryer and smell... NOTHING!! No funk, no overwhelming smell of detergent!
I've continued using Rockin' Green in my normal wash routine and I haven't had a single problem since! I'm officially a Rockin' Green "Groupie" and it's one of my favorites to suggest customers that come in with stink or build-up problems. Rockin' Green has recently re-vamped their site and their product! They've added a "Hard Rock" formula targeted for thos who have troubling hard water and they've also changed their scents to be 100% naturally scented!
Rockin' Green comes in 3 formulas and 6 scents, plus unscented! Chose from Soft Rock for those with sensitive little ones or soft water, Classic Rock for those with moderate hard water or those battling stinkies, and Hard Rock for those with very hard water. The scents have great names! Chose from Rage Against the Raspberries, Smashing Watermelons, Orangevana, Montley Clean, The Plain Green Teas, Lavender Mint Revival, and their unscented formula is Bare Naked Babies!
You can feel good using Rockin' Green. It's free of dyes, enzymes, whiteners and brightners. It's also 100% phosphate free, animal by-product free, never tested on animals and biodegradable!
Check back this week for your chance to win a bag of Rockin' Green Detergent in your choice of formula and scent!


Unknown said...

I love Rockin' Green! I was fighting the yucky stinks with our diapers and the "rockin soak" took care of them in one soak! So far I've only used the Bare Naked Babies but am eager to try their yummy scents!!

Anonymous said...

Love,love Rockin' Green! I exclusively wash EVERYTHING in RG! Love it for my diapers-no stinkies! I could eat my bag of Rage against the Raspberries! :0)

The Durhams said...

Rockin' Green definitely saved my diapers. They were repellent after a bought with really hard water, the wrong detergents, and a few diaper creams. Now they are absorbent as new.

Linde said...

I just ordered 2 samples! Can't wait to try...

Kendra said...

I have been looking at getting some. I have ammonia issues with my dipes. Thank you to who suggested it to me the other day online.

Katrina said...

ooh how much is that I need to try some of that..

Blondie said...

I've heard a lot of great things about Rockin Green. Looking forward to trying it out when our baby comes home in October!

Unknown said...

I am curious about it now too and I plan to try it...we've had the whole range of stinkies and seem to have found a sort of solution by washing diapers every other day using Country Save most of the time and Tide Free every once in a while. I still have to strip about once a month and I use Dawn and RLR. We still have residue issues- though no serious stinkies. Something has to be easier than our current routine...

Unknown said...

Oops...I forgot the computer was signed in under my husband, Jonathan.

Josefine said...

I did not know about the overnight soak routine!

Kendra said...

I plan on pickingn some up tomorrow!! Yeah. I have been waiting to wash my new dipes with this stuff.

Bethany said...

I really want to try this detergent!

Laurel said...

Now I think I need some of this, I really want to try the soak, my dipes smell clean except as you mentioned a faint "funk" when I open the dryer.

Becky D said...

Love, love love the hard rock. It has done wonders with my stinky microfibers! I'm not sure if I have hard or soft water, but the new formula is AMAZING.

ooshela said...

I recently did my first Rock the Soak and only for 3 hours and I could smell the difference! This stuff is great!

Momma K9 said...

I want to try this but our septic system won't handle the powder! :( I have read rave reviews of it's power to get rid of the stinkies!

Linda R. said...

I'm glad i found this post i had no idea with what to wash my cloth diapers thanks for the review

lyromero77 at gmail dot com

Kristen said...

I have some on the way and I can't wait to try it :)

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