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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Product Review and Giveaway! Best Bottom Diapers Microfiber Doubler and Hemp/Organic Cotton Overnights

I didn't think I could love a diaper more, but I was recently proven wrong! Best Bottom Diapers has released new Micofiber Diaper Doublers and Hemp/Organic Cotton Overnight inserts, adding 2 new great options to a line of the most versitile cloth diapers available!

The Microfiber Diaper Doubler is made of 2 layers of microfiber and has snaps on both sides. Simply snap your Diaper Doubler into your Best Bottom Diaper Shell, and snap your Stay-Dry or Hemp/Organic Cotton insert (of the same size) on top! This is a great option for a heavy wetter, nap-time or long car rides! I've found it difficult to find a trim cloth diaper option that is absorbent enough to hold Emmett's heavy wetting. He's teetering on the edge of the next clothing size and in order to get a few more wears from them, we need a trim diaper! I've found these fit the bill perfectly!

If heavy wetting is a concern during the day, imagine what it's like at night! Emmett is still nursing every 3 hours at night, but we've found he is WIDE AWAKE for HOURS if we change his diaper. Enter... the Best Bottom Hemp/Organic Cotton Overnight insert! This insert snaps into your Best Bottom Diaper Shell and you snap a Stay-Dry or Hemp/Organic Cotton Insert on top. This creates a bullet-proof overnight diaper!

You might tag a look at the price tag and get scared off. $9.99 for an insert? The truth is hemp is one of your best options for absorbency but it's often a little pricer. But think of it this way, you'll only likely need 2 or 3 of them (depending on how often you wash) and buying a $9.99 insert to turn your daytime diaper into a night time diaper is a heck of a lot cheaper than buying a diaper specifically for night time!

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Jennifer said...

I don't know yet. We are still using disposables, but I have some Thirsties hemp doublers on their way to try out in our Rumparooz we already use.

gibsonfam said...

Happy Heinys One Size with both inserts, plus a hemp insert. Bulky but does the trick.

LittleMissCrazyhorse said...

Not sure, our baby is 65 pounds LOL. We are using cloth with the next one :)

Tami said...

For overnights we use any of our regular pocket diapers (BGs, HHs, Kawaiis) with a microfiber insert and HH hemp insert. Our daughter also wears fleece longies just in case :)

Michelle said...

I am about to get some BumGenius 4.0's to use overnight and I am soooo excited!!

Jenny McClamroch said...

Flip cover with an organic insert with a hemp babies double behind. Never fails!

rebecca said...

We love our Kissaluvs with Thirsties covers

SheenieW said...

Rumparooz OS pockets are my fav overnight diaper.

melanie swan said...

Well, my LO isn't due for another 10 days, so I don't know what my favorite overnight diaper is! But I'm really looking forward to trying out the Best Bottom overnight inserts!!!

Unknown said...

i LOVE our best bottoms!! we have a heavy wetter here too so i am def getting a few of these new liners a.s.a.p.!!

Jeania said...
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Jeania said...

We still use disposables overnight, would love to try these though.

jacqui + erik said...

best bottoms, of course! :D

Anonymous said...

Just about to get started with these!! Heard they are the best!!

The Mueller Family said...

For now my standby is: a loopy-do and hemp insert, with a snappi'd prefold...tucked into a thirsties duo snap wrap...covered in a aristocrats wool soaker!! I have a 6 mos old heavy wetter, this lasts from 9pm to 8am--NO LEAKS. But is quite the huge-diaper-butt!!I am loving the Best Bottom shell set that I have (only have one, with day inserts)--I would love to try it as an overnight option, maybe it would be trimmer! With cloth diapering three kids now, I find that each one requires a little different arrangement...and that combo changes over time...always trying new things!

Sabrina C said...

Our favorite overnight diaper is a Best Bottoms hook and loop shell with a hemp insert and a hemp overnight doubler.

Sweeney Family said...

We use either best bottom doublers or kissaluv organic large fitted with a blueberry cover. We are hoping to buy a wool cover as soon as I choose to get one.

Annette said...

The little guy isn't quite here yet, but I am very excited to try out these BB diapers!!!

Rachel said...

I haven't found an overnight option that I really love yet. Right now we're using a Sunbaby pocket diaper stuffed with a microfiber insert and bamboo fold-to-fit.

Katie said...

My favorite nighttime diaper for my 16 month old is a bumGenius 4.0 stuffed with 2 microfiber inserts and a Thirsties hemp insert. It's never leaked, but is always soaked by morning. I'm hoping she doesn't outgrow the absorbency :/

Anonymous said...

Fuzzibunz with both inserts

Anonymous said...

we use only best bottoms and we LOVE them! definitely my favorite!

Christine said...

rumparooz doublestuffed

Valeria B. said...

We haven't figured out a night time fix. we have tried kawaii heavy wetters. They're ok.

Allison said...

dd is a heavy wetter, so we've been doubling 2 toddler prefolds, nothing else is working!

Julie said...

I have yet to find an overnight diaper that works. I'm hoping this might be the answer!

Humanbasic said...

I don't know yet what our favorite overnight diaper will be. For the newborn stage we are just going to use prefolds, then I plan to switch to pocket and all-in-ones after.

Drea said...

Wool over an Orange Diaper Co fitted is our nighttime solution.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I've been using a prefold with a thirsties duo wrap.

beccajoy said...

Mother-ease one size with a wool cover is our current night time solution.

Brittney H said...

So far its some wahm fitteds with a thirsties duo wrap

Becki said...

My got to overnight has been a pocket with a prefold and microfiber insert as a doubler.

Mattie said...

I prefer Blueberry minky pocket diapers with 2 bamboo inserts for night-time.

Unknown said...

I love Knickernappies OneSize with LoopyDo inserts for nighttime.

Joelyn said...

We use the bumgenius 4.0 with both the newborn and regular inserts...has worked great!

Tabitha said...

I use the Imagine OS Pocket diaper stuffed with two inserts for nighttime.

Catherine said...

Imagine diaper with one extra newborn insert, soft, comfy and perfect!

mmcpher said...

I currently am searching for a good overnight diaper! Right now I use Kawaii Pocket diapers, stuffed with a Joey Bunz premium hemp insert, two hemp babies hemp doublers, and a thirsties hemp insert. My little boy can still soak through all that hemp! He is a HEAVY wetter at night and I need something else to try.

AGWIMOM said...

Best Bottom shell with a prefold :)

Renee said...

I still use disposables overnight -- would LOVE a better option!

Jenn said...

We love our best bottoms diapers with the microfleece overnighter.

Audra Michelle said...

Currently loving the Kawaii heavy wetter overnight diaper. I use one of the fluffy mf inserts plus a help insert. We cover with wool. We still have to change our heavy wetter once in the middle of the night, but it is better than 3 or 4 times or changing sheets every night!

Krystal said...

I love my best bottom diapers and would love to try hemp at night.

Mx2Lincoln said...

Best Bottoms are my faavorite diaper for everything including overnight

Danielle K said...

I've been using BumGenius overnight so far, but would love something better since we occasionally get leaks

danielleaknapp at gmail dot com

smplmr1 said...

I love my best bottoms and Bumgenius for nighttime.

tcharlet said...

My fav overnight is a bamboo fitted :)

corinnnichole said...

cozy's fluff pocket diaper

PageAndKatie Housel said...

our night diapers is a best bottom micro insert topped with cotton prefold.

Anonymous said...

I need a good night time diaper. :( I'm searching and need help!!

Marissa said...

Stuffed pocket diaper, stuffed with a BB overnight insert

bbailey said...

Right now we are using BG 3.0s on our 2.5 month old. She is a super heavy wetter so I've been stuffing them with two microfiber inserts and 1 homemade insert (2 layers bamboo double terry and 2 layers hemp fleece). We are still changing her twice in the middle of the night though. I'm always looking for something easier :)

Unknown said...

favorite night time diaper is a OS Fuzzibunz stuffed with a microfiber insert and a hemp doubler :)

JessicaR said...

We're loving our Ecobubs w/2 liners for night time. Though we also use 2 prefolds & are fine w/that too.

MamaHunfy said...

Thirsties Fab Fitted stuffed with a Thirsties Hemp prefold OR a Flip Organic Insert

allie said...

I have 2 favorite overnight diapers... The bumBenius 4.0 and Blueberries!

Unknown said...

Just started with cloth, I get my Kawaiis tomorrow but plan on using my fitted Fuzzibunz as my overnights. My daughter is not a heavy night wetter at all so I'm not worried about leaks!

Aross1582 said...

We use thirsties fitted w a Joey bunz hemp instert and a organic cv insert laid on top with various covers. Or short rounds fitted with an extra hemp or zorb or cv insert.

Mrs. H. Smith said...

Right now my favorite overnight diaper is Bum Genius AIO (Organics).

willoughbee said...

I use a Best Bottom hook & loop with overnight and stay dry inserts. Bulletproof. I want to try the new inserts, too.

Sarah said...

We only use best bottom diapers. During the day we use the regular stay dry insert, and overnight we combine that with a regular overnight insert. It works perfectly for us, we never have leaks!

kbant said...

Under the Nile organic Fitted with a prefold trifolded, all under a thirsties cover!

Jim's Mom said...

Love our best bottoms!

Mommy_D said...

We started out using BG Pockets for night time, but now we much prefer BB w/ the night time doubler. We've never had leaks and he's a great sleeper!

Julie G. said...

My favorite overnight diaper is a KAwaii with one fuzzibunz hemp insert and one of the microfiber inserts it comes with. Nice high rise and the waterproof lining by the tummy to keep my tummy sleeper dry all night!

Unknown said...

New to cloth diapers, so im going by recommendations, thinking that BumGenius is the best overnight. But i still think that it depends on the baby

Rachel said...

We're currently using KL0 overnight.

Kelly said...

sbish magics

Rebecca said...

We use Earth's best right now. Once I get my order from Nickis diapers I will start cloth diapering. We chose the best bottom diapers to be our first cloth diapers. It would be awesome to win!

Kara Smith said...

We currently use both best bottoms with a prefold on top of the regular insert and rumparoos with the 6r soaker and a best bottoms insert all stuffed in there :) We havn't had any leaks with this system so far!

Mallory G said...

for overnights I use my kissa wool cover over a premium Imagine prefold.

Unknown said...

Our Best Bottoms just arrived this evening so our first go is with the added overnighter (I ordered 3). We've been using Nature Babycare disposables up until now which were the most environmentally friendly disposable I was able to find but I am so excited to be switching over to cloth.

Heather @ Cookies For Breakfast said...

Not sure yet - just embarking on the cloth diaper adventure, but I'm going to guess Best Bottoms, because I've heard the best stuff about that brand!

Callie said...

For overnight, I use 3 microfiber inserts...its def. not my favorite. Still working on it!

Hailey said...

For overnight use hemp/cotton insert+bamboo insert

Unknown said...

We love the Best Bottom original overnight inserts with a hemp insert on top. We now have to use an Imagine cover at night due to our LO growing and stuffing the cover so much! This system works amazingly!!

Crystal said...

double stuff with a hemp sunbabies

Erin said...

We are using disposables at night!

Nikki and Adam said...

Love the BB with the overnight inserts. No leaks!

Kim said...

I've been using a Fuzzibunz stuffed with hemp and bamboo inserts.

Unknown said...

bumGenius 4.0 always work for us. No Leaks!
Kayla Miller

sweidem said...

I've been using tweedlebugs with both microfiber inserts, but I'm needing something more absorbent now.

amj20 said...

My 3-month old is finally sleeping longer stretches at night, I would love to try the overnight inserts for our BB's.

LeederB said...

Love Best Bottoms!!

Unknown said...

So far we like GMD workhorses with hemp/bamboo doublers and a Flip cover. Going to try Kawaii Bamboo pockets tomorrow night though!

Olivia said...

We use a Mother-Ease OS fitted with 2 inserts and an Air-Flow cover. Bulky but effective!

andrea said...

I like how trim Best Bottoms are and also the extra leg gussets for my lil wiggler!

Jessie Murray said...

Baby Kicks Hemp Prefold or a Diaper Rite cotton Prefold with a Best Bottoms Hemp insert.

Unknown said...

So far I just use BBs w an overnight insert or a sposie.
-Shanna C

Mags627 said...

Bumgenius 4.0 with a babykicks hemp doubler! Shoot this is Michelle Tompkins...I didn't realize my name was different.

a;ldskfmca[IOWMAE;FLKNS;IODF said...

My favorite night-time diaper right now is 2 Best bottom stay dry inserts with one doubler inside of a pocket diaper. The bestbottom shells are getting tight on my little one so we dont like to use them at night, she seems to wake up more often.

sarah said...

I would love to try these. Right now my youngest has super sensitive skin and I have to buy the pampers cruisers for bedtime and those are SO expensive!! I'd like to find a night-time cloth solution before our new bundle arrives so we could cut the cost of disposables down or just not have to buy them at all.

The Mindful Home said...

I have some Sandys that I need to add something to in order to get them to work for us for nights. These would be perfect!

mandafaulk said...

Best Bottom covers with either a BB stay dry & overnight insert or itti bitti d'lish are may favorite.

Unknown said...

We haven't found the perfect recipe yet, but most nights a BumGenius 4.0 with an extra hemp insert.

nirina said...

Currently my favorite nighttime diaper are tinytots bamboozle stretch fitted with a thirsties hemp insert and a BB cover.

~M said...

We have been using the Best Bottom shells with hemp or stay-dry inserts and microfiber overnights. But we've recently started getting leaks. :( Do you think that the hemp overnights are more absorbant than the microfiber ones? Thanks!

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