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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Planet Wise Moo-licious Pail Liner Giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


~Arin~ said...

I love any planet wise pail or wet bags...I have had a hard time not choosing 3 or 4 wet bags or liners...because the color schemes are just rocking!! But anything MOO MOO we adore in our home :)

Tami said...

i like the green giraffe print!

Anonymous said...

Moo print and pink giraffe print!!!

mama k said...

I love the green giraffe print. So cute. :)

Tiff Roltgen said...

Love the yellow to match our duck-themed nursery!

Sweeney Family said...

I love the moo print!

beccajoy said...

I love the Hoot print!

Ashley said...

I love the green giraffe pail liner!

kbant said...

moo print!

LittleMissCrazyhorse said...

I love the new Moo-licious print! Top favs include Avocado, Slate, and Periwinkle.

Krystal said...

I love my plant wise pail liners. I still think seeing a fun color in the diaper pail is fun.

Tabitha said...

I like all the solid colors.

Kendra said...

I suppose the cow print would fit our household... our dream is live on a farm and have at least one cow!!

Jenny McClamroch said...


Tawnia Munyon said...

I love the solid colors, but think the color giraffe prints are adorable. And I have two planet wise pail liners and love em.

Breanne said...

I like green

The Mueller Family said...

I love the moo print! so fun :) i currently only have white....

doknott said...

Love the Moo print & all the giraffes!

Regan said...

I like this one and Hoot

PS. I'm SOOO glad that you're using Rafflecopter now :)

Beth R said...

I love the giraffe print so cute

katharine said...

green giraffe!

The Blandos said...

LOVE the moo print :)

SheenieW said...

Love the giraffe prints!

Diddlepoyner said...

I like the green giraffe print!!

Unknown said...

I like the pink giraffe print!

Annette said...

I love the Hoot print!

docmama said...

Moo print, I think. Tough to choose!

Unknown said...

My favorite is the Moolicious but I also love the Lilac, the Pink Giraffe and Navy!

Ivory said...

I like the ocean solid color & the Blue Giraffe print!

amber710 said...

Our nursery is purple with green accents. Avocado would match perfectly. Setting that aside, Ocean is my fav! I love blue! :)

Humanbasic said...

I love the Moo print because our nursery color scheme is black, white, and light pink! Any of those colors would work though~

Kelley said...

I think the double chocolate would look best in our nursery. Wish there was a yellow!

jaysunjewels said...

I like the moo print because we are doing our baby boy's room in cowboy's and there are some cow prints on the bedding!

Bernice said...

I follow this blog!

Bernice said...

I like all the prints :)

Christine said...

I like celery

Unknown said...


alaskamom said...

I love all planet wise!! They are great quality wetbags and liners!

Michelle said...

I love the aqua swirl parrern!

Allison said...


Cara said...

I like the giraffe prints

Amy W said...

We love our moo print and would love a matching pail liner

Anonymous said...

Green Giraffe

AGWIMOM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AGWIMOM said...

I love Hoot print!

Anonymous said...

Pink giraffe!

Valeria B. said...

I love hoot print and this one.

elaine said...

My favorite planet wise print is art deco

Drea said...

Avocado pail liner

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I've been looking at the slate pail liner.

Jeania said...

I like the seaspray

Mattie said...

The only pail liner color I currently have is the Planet Wise Avocado. I think Moolicious and Hoot are adorable too though.

bananagrams said...

I like the seaspray color but also think the new prints are really cute

Penny said...

Lovin the moo!

JLJMommy said...

I like hoot and slate.
Kimberlie T.

Unknown said...

I love the moo print!

Joelyn said...

I went with white so it wouldn't change after always hanging it out on the washline.

Audra Michelle said...

any giraffe! my sis in law is a giraffe keeper at the zoo!

Mx2Lincoln said...

pink giraffe

smplmr1 said...

I love the pink giraffe!

HollyL said...

Love the moo print! Matches our diaper bag!!

bbailey said...

I'd have to go with the Moo print or the Owl print...but I can't choose between those two LOL

MamaHunfy said...

I love OWL!

JessicaR said...


Unknown said...

I just ordered 2 planet wise wetbags from you guys this past week, the prints are awesome and I love them!! (It was hard to choose so I got 2 different in a small and medium) I have to say that the raspberry or avocado pail liners are my favorites though. I just love the bright colors.

Mrs. H. Smith said...

I love all of the prints. I always have a difficult time picking just one!

Jim's Mom said...

Love them all!!!

Sarah M said...

I love Avocado!!

Kelly said...


Unknown said...

We bought the blue giraffe liner but it would be nice to have a back up for when it goes into the wash.

Heidi said...

Lol I want to make my diaper pail look like the garbage cans at Ben and Jerry's!

Jenni @ Monday Morning Coffee said...

I love the Moo-licious print, the blue giraffe, the purple and the orange best! :)

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