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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Giveaway! Kissaluvs Marvels One-Size All-In-Ones!

Are you ready to win TWO Kissaluvs Marvels All-In-One Cloth Diapers?! 

You can do each one of the entries however you must post back here to our blog and tell us WHAT you did. Be sure you follow the Nicki’s Diapers blog - publicly for your chance to win!  We will post our winner on Tuesday, November 29th!

How do you enter to win? (Each worth 1 entry per day unless otherwise stated)

  • Blog about our giveaway and link back to our site.  When you post back here you must link to the URL where you blogged.  (2 entries)
  • Follow Nicki’s Diapers @nickisdiapers on Twitter and Tweet about this giveaway.  Leave the URL where you Tweeted.
  • Tweet @nickisdiapers #clothdiapers (1 entry for each unique tweet)
  • Tweet @planetwise #clothdiapers #wetbags (1 entry for each unique tweet)
  • Tweet @bestbottomdiapers #clothdiapers (1 entry for each unique tweet)
  • Like Best Bottom DiapersPlanet Wise and My Swim Baby on Facebook - Be sure to state your facebook name when you post back here. (1 entry for each)
  • Suggest the following facebook pages to your friends:  Nicki’s Diapers , Best Bottom Diapers , Planet Wise.  You must post back here telling us which friend accepted your page suggestion.  (1 entry per page for each person you suggest that LIKES us)
  • Grab our button and place them on your blog.  Post a link to the blog here. (2 entries per blog - per button)
  • Start or comment on a discussion on the Nicki's Diapers facebook page discussion board. 
  • Blog about your choice to cloth diaper and include a link to (2 entries)
  • Tag @nicki'sdiapers or @bestbottomdiapers, or @planetwise in a facebook post (1 entry for each tag)
  • Have a friend subscribe to our blog. Post their username in your comment. You can do this as many times as you can get friends to subscribe! 
  • Talk about Nicki's Diapers on any forum and include a link to
  • Sign up for the Nicki's Diapers newsletter (enter your email address on the top right of our homepage).
  • Start a thread about this giveaway on any baby or cloth diapering related forum and include a link to your thread.  (2 entries)
  • Place an order at or between 11/16/11 and 11/28/11. Include your order number in your entry.
  • Tell us whether you prefer to use a sized or a one-size cloth diaper!


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Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I follow publicly.

reallyareyouserious at gmail dot com

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Like you on FB. Krystyn H.
reallyareyouserious at gmail dot com

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I'd prefer a sized diaper.
reallyareyouserious at gmail dot com

Kiel said...

I follow the blog publicly!

(Cocoa Cream)
kiel dot lemon at gmail dot com

Kiel said...

I also follow nicki's on facebook
Kiel Anderson Lemon

Kiel said...

I haven't actually ever had the chance to try an AIO diaper, sized or OS, so I don't know which I would prefer! But I do generally like dipes and covers that last a long time as baby grows. :)

Jessica said...

I follow nicki's on facebook.

Jessica said...

I follow Nicki's blog on GFC publicly.

Kiel said...

Placed an order!
Order #ND-1102

Anonymous said...

all I've ever used is one size diapers

Anonymous said...

I'm following nickisdiapers on twitter

Anonymous said...

I like nickisdiapers on FB Rachel Leann (Ramey)

Anonymous said...

I like bestbottoms on FB

Anonymous said...

I like planetwise on Fb

Anonymous said...

I like myswimbaby on FB

Anonymous said...

I tagged nickisdiapers on FB!/tallperson13/posts/148023218633233

Anonymous said...

I tagged planetwise on FB!/tallperson13/posts/286119294761130

Anonymous said...

I tagged myswimbaby on FB!/tallperson13/posts/240896182640537

Anonymous said...

i tweeted!/tall_person13/status/136853257023791105

Anonymous said...

I tweeted!/tall_person13/status/136851631932313601

Anonymous said...

I tweeted!/tall_person13/status/136851495646806016

Anonymous said...

i tweeted!/tall_person13/status/136851273633902592

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog via gfc (samantha)
smoo06 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I like you on fb (Samantha Allen)
smoo06 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I like best bottom diapers (Samantha Allen)
smoo06 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I like planet wise on fb (Samantha Allen)
smoo06 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I prefer one sized diapers. :)
smoo06 at yahoo dot com

Boise Wiebers said...

I follow you.
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com

Boise Wiebers said...

Facebook fan too.
trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com

Boise Wiebers said...

Oops. I forgot to share my FB name ^^^. It's Trisha Wieber.

Hannah said...

I follow the blog publicly
Hannah Vander Wilt
hnnhhyr at gmail dot com

Hannah said...

I like Nicki's Diapers on FB
Hannah Vander Wilt
hnnhhyr at gmail dot com

Hannah said...

I prefer sized (or two-size like Thirsties Duo Wraps) diapers and covers.

hnnhhyr at gmail dot com

Hannah said...

I like Best Bottoms on FB
hnnhhyr at gmail dot com
Hannah Vander Wilt

Hannah said...

I like PLanet Wise on FB
hnnhhyr at gmail dot com
Hannah Vander Wilt

Hannah said...

I like My Swim Baby on FB
hnnhhyr at gmail dot com
Hannah Vander Wilt

Ashley Jossick said...

I follow publicly on GFC.

Ashley Jossick said...

I like you on FB (Ashley Nicole Jossick)

lipsticktraces88 at yahoo dot com

Ashley Jossick said...

I like Best Bottoms on FB (Ashley Nicole Jossick)

lipsticktraces88 at yahoo dot com

Ashley Jossick said...

I like Planet Wise on FB (Ashley Nicole Jossick)

lipsticktraces88 at yahoo dot com

Ashley Jossick said...

I prefer one-sized diapers.

lipsticktraces88 at yahoo dot com

Brittney H said...

I follow you publicly - aeprincess84

Samantha Farias said...

i follow Nicki's diaper blog publicly.

Samantha Farias said...

I "Like" Nicki's Diapers on Facebook

Samantha Farias

Samantha Farias said...

i like best bottom diapers on facebook
samantha farias

Samantha Farias said...

i like planet wise on facebook

samantha farias

Samantha Farias said...

i like my swim baby on facebook.

samantha farias

Natasha said...

I follow the blog

Samantha Farias said...

i signed up for nicki's diapers newsletter.

Natasha said...

I fb like you natasha brayman kelly

Samantha Farias said...

I prefer to use a sized diaper because i feel it is not as fluffy sometimes.

Ingersoll Family said...

Im Following Nicki's Diaper Blod Publicly, and I 'Like" Nicki's Diapers on Facebook

Ashley Ingersoll

Ingersoll Family said...

Im new to the whole cloth diaper world. so Im hoping to win some diapers so I can get started.. =D

Natasha said...!/natashakelly79/status/136961394678575104

Natasha said...

folllow on twitter natashakelly79

Natasha said...!/natashakelly79/status/136961870832742400 tweeted about giveaway natashakelly79

Caitlin said...

I follow Nicki’s Diaper blog publicly.

Caitlin said...

I liked Nicki's Diapers on FB.
Caitlin Reed

Natasha said...!/natashakelly79/status/136962241261080577 tweeted pw natashakelly79

Natasha said...!/natashakelly79/status/136962595767848960 i tweeted bbd natashakelly79

Natasha said...

i like bbd on fb natasha brayman kelly

Caitlin said...

I follow on @nickisdiapers on twitter.!/caitlinbruffey/status/136962611119013888

Natasha said...

i like pw on fb natasha brayman kelly

Natasha said...

i like msb on fb natasha brayman kelly

Caitlin said...

I liked Best Bottom Diapers on FB.
Caitlin Reed

Caitlin said...

I liked Planet Wise on FB.
Caitlin Reed

Caitlin said...

I liked My Swim Baby on FB.
Caitlin Reed

Natasha said...

my mil terry kelly likes nickis on fb

Caitlin said...

I signed up for the Nicki's Diapers newsletter.

Natasha said...

tagged nickis on a fb share of the cic contest stating cloth diapers are awesome! natasha brayman kelly

Caitlin said...

I prefer one-size diapers.

Natasha said...

signed up for the newsletter

MommaT said...

I like the page on facebook -- Tasha Bowers is the facebook name

MommaT said...

I follow the blog publicly - MommaT (Tasha Bowers)

MommaT said...

I like Best Bottom Diapers - Tasha Bowers is the facebook name

MommaT said...

I like My Swim Baby - Tasha Bowers on facebook

Natasha said...

Most of my little ones stash is OS. I guess I go with OS because it keeps it simple- other than the nb diapers I got I won't have to keep selling/buying/trading when he changes sizes. I do have a couple of sized covers and do like that it is a little trimmer.

MommaT said...

I perfer a one-size diaper because I like it to grow with the child and get my monies worth.

Chelsey said...

Follow the blog.

Chelsey said...

Like Nicki's Diapers. Chelsey Jorgensen

Chelsey said...

Like Best Bottoms. Chelsey Jorgensen

Chelsey said...

Like Planetwise. Chelsey Jorgensen

Anonymous said...

i like Nicki’s Diapers , Best Bottom Diapers , Planet Wise on FB - Melissa Benedict

i prefer a one size diaper because it's more cost-effective.

Chelsey said...

Like My Swim Baby.Chelsey Jorgensen

@GeekWillow said...

I follow you on GFC as Willow

@GeekWillow said...

I like you on Facebook as Bobbi Kilbarger

christelle said...

like you on facebook, christelle melin rodas

christelle said...

I like Best Bottom Diapers, Planet Wise and My Swim Baby on Facebook

Unknown said...

I follow this blog publicly

Felicia R said...

GFC follower as Felicia R

Unknown said...

I like nicki's diapers on FB (Amanda Steed)

Felicia R said...

"Like" Nicki's Diapers on Facebook

Felicia R said...

Following nickis diapers on twitter (@Loves_Fluff)!/Loves_Fluff/status/136986891751923713

Felicia R said...

Tweet @nickisdiapers #clothdiapers!/Loves_Fluff/status/136987156391534592

Felicia R said...

Tweet @planetwise #clothdiapers #wetbags!/Loves_Fluff/status/136987538442301440

Felicia R said...

Like Best Bottom Diapers on Facebook (Felicia R)

Felicia R said...

Like Planet Wise on Facebook (Felicia R)

Felicia R said...

Like My Swim Baby on Facebook (Felicia R)

Felicia R said...

I prefer one-sized diapers. We have been able to customize the fit as we go and only buy one diaper versus multiple sizes!

Brielle said...

I follow publicly!

Brielle said...

I like Nicki's Diapers on facebook.

Brielle Anfinson

Brielle said...

I prefer using one size cloth diapers. Then you never have to worry about not having the right size when you need it!

MamaHunfy said...

I follow publicly and like on fb (Vashti McMurray)

Regan said...

I like Nicki's Diapers on FB

Fieryone at sbcglobal dot net

Regan said...

I follow on GFC

Fieryone at sbcglobal dot net

Regan said...

Following and tweeted giveaway

Fieryone at sbcglobal dot net

Regan said...

I like My Swim Baby

Fieryone at sbcglobal dot net

Regan said...

I like Best Bottom Diapers

Fieryone at sbcglobal dot net

Regan said...

I like planet wise

Fieryone at sbcglobal dot net

Regan said...

I'm signed up for the newsletter

Fieryone at sbcglobal dot net

Regan said...

Your button is on my blog

Fieryone at sbcglobal dot net

Regan said...

Your button is on my blog (entry 2)

Fieryone at sbcglobal dot net

Regan said...

I love the trim fit of sized diapers but I prefer to buy OS so they last longer

Fieryone at sbcglobal dot net

kzoo said...

I follow Nicki's diapers on FB

Susanne Wedel
susanne.wedelvandillen at gmail dot com

kzoo said...

I follow you publicly on GFC


susanne.wedelvandillen at gmail dot com

kzoo said...

I like Best Bottom Diapers on FB.
susanne wedel
susanne.wedelvandillen at gmail dot com

kzoo said...

I prefer generally a one size diaper, as it fits all of our 3 boys. although now the oldes is slowly growing out of them and a sized one would be better for him. he just needs it for the night, but he is alreday 6.

susanne.wedelvandillen at gmail dot com

kzoo said...

I am signed up for your newsletter.

Kelley said...

like on facebook
best bottoms
prefer one-size, more cost efficient!

kelley mcginnis

Jen said...

I follow publicly.

jen dot leach @ gmail dot com

Jen said...

I like you on FB

Jen Leach

jen dot leach @ gmail dot com

Jen said...

I like the one size diapers the best because I have two kids in cloth diapers. The easier to adjust the better! And, a os aio would be perfect!

Anonymous said...

I tweeted!/tall_person13/status/137189975052656641

Anonymous said...

i tweeted!/tall_person13/status/137189854592241664

Anonymous said...

I tweeted!/tall_person13/status/137189775181484032

Caitlin said...

I tweeted!/caitlinbruffey/status/137212436683042816

Caitlin said...

I tweeted!/caitlinbruffey/status/137212921259376640

Caitlin said...

I tweeted!/caitlinbruffey/status/137213352849047552

Anonymous said...

I Follow the Nicki’s Diaper blog publicly.
mamajhaha gmail com

Anonymous said...

I "Like" Nicki's Diapers on Facebook- as Jen Nie
mamajhaha gmail com

Anonymous said...

mamajhaha gmail com

Anonymous said...

I like best bottom diapers on Facebook - as Jen Nie
mamajhaha gmail com

Anonymous said...

i like planet wise on facebook - as jen nie
mamajhaha gmail com

Anonymous said...

button on my blog - entry 1
mamajhaha gmail com

Anonymous said...

button on my blog - entry 2
mamajhaha gmail com

Anonymous said...

like on facebook
PageandKatie Housel

Anonymous said...

like planet wise on fb
PageandKatie Housel

Anonymous said...

like best bottom on fb
PageandKatie Housel

Anonymous said...

like my swim baby on fb
PageandKatie Housel

Anonymous said...

subscribed to newsletter

Anonymous said...

prefer one-size diapers over sized

Anonymous said...

told page housel to like you on fb

Anonymous said...

follow blog publicly

Regan said...!/AntiJuneCleaver/status/137422207637929984

tweeted @nickisdiapers and #clothdiapers

fieryone at sbcglobal dot net

Schurie Harrison said...

I follow publicly -schurie harrison

Schurie Harrison said...

i like nickis diapers on fb - schurie harrison

Schurie Harrison said...

i like best bottoms on facebook - schurie harrison

Schurie Harrison said...

i like planetwise on facebook -schurie harrison

Schurie Harrison said...

i prefer to use one size diapers.

Tiffany said...

Follow publicly via GFC.
etwilkins at gmail dot com

Tiffany said...

Like you on FB. Tiffany W.
etwilkins at gmail dot com

Tiffany said...

Like Best Bottom on FB. Tiffany W.
etwilkins at gmail dot com

Tiffany said...

Like Planetwise on FB. Tiffany W.
etwilkins at gmail dot com

Tiffany said...

Like My Swim Baby on FB. Tiffany W.
etwilkins at gmail dot com

Tiffany said...

Follow you and tweeted.!/IamMrsWilkins/status/137652290910814208
etwilkins at gmail dot com

Jillian said...

I wish more people would explain why they prefer one over the other - - we are expecting in December and have stocked both sized and one-sized diapers, thinking we would try them both out. (follow publicly)

Jill said...

follow publicly
jill dot shoemaker at gmail dot com

Jill said...

facebook follower jill dot shoemaker at gmail dot com

Jill said...

i get the newsletter jill dot shoemaker at gmail dot com

Regan said...

daily unique tweet!/AntiJuneCleaver/status/137963061217738752

fieryone at sbcglobal dot net

Nikki said...

Follow the Nicki’s Diaper blog publicly ngiraldi at gmail dot com

Nikki said...

"Like" Nicki's Diapers on Facebook Nikole Giraldi Homoroc ngiraldi at gmail dot com

Nikki said...

follow you and tweeted!/MissOsMom/status/137969254019514369 ngiraldi at gmail dot com

Nikki said...

tweeted!/MissOsMom/status/137969582236372992 ngiraldi at gmail dot com

Nikki said...

tweeted!/MissOsMom/status/137969873203634176 ngiraldi at gmail dot com

Nikki said...

Like Best Bottom Diapers on Facebook Nikole Giraldi Homoroc ngiraldi at gmail dot com

Nikki said...

Like Planet Wise on Facebook Nikole Giraldi Homoroc ngiraldi at gmail dot com

Nikki said...

Like My Swim Baby on Facebook Nikole Giraldi Homoroc ngiraldi at gmail dot com

Nikki said...

Signed up for the Nicki's Diapers newsletter ngiraldi at gmail dot com

Nikki said...

I like both Sized and One-Sized diapers -- I'll use whatever is on hand :) ngiraldi at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...!/tall_person13/status/138012423725649920


Anonymous said...

I tweeted!/tall_person13/status/138012529401143296

Anonymous said...

I tweeted!/tall_person13/status/138012353542361088

Christine said...

I follow the blog

Christine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christine said...

I follow your blog

Christine said...

i like you on FB (Christine Kangas)

Christine said...

I like planet wise on FB (Christine Kangas)

Christine said...

i like best bottom diapers on FB (christine kangas)

Christine said...

i like my swim baby on FB (Christine kangas)

Christine said...

I prefer OS diapers, although I recently started falling in love with the itti bitti d'lish (sized)

Christine said...

I have your button on my blog (1)

Christine said...

I have your button on my blog (2)

Anonymous said...

I tweeted!/tall_person13/status/138276668753190912

Anonymous said...

I tweeted!/tall_person13/status/138276835753594880

Anonymous said...

I tweeted!/tall_person13/status/138276993530728448

simplymerry said...

follow blog publicly (simplymerry)
simplymerry at gmail dot com

simplymerry said...

like you on facebook (mary michaud)
simplymerry at gmail dot com

simplymerry said...!/simplymerrier/status/138354695033987073
simplymerry at gmail dot com

simplymerry said...

like best bottom on facebook (mary michaud)
simplymerry at gmail dot com

simplymerry said...

like planetwise on facebook (mary michaud)
simplymerry at gmail dot com

simplymerry said...

like my swim baby on facebook (mary michaud)
simplymerry at gmail dot com

simplymerry said...

nicki's diapers button on my blog:
simplymerry at gmail dot com

simplymerry said...

subscribed to newsletter
simplymerry at gmail dot com

simplymerry said...

i prefer one-sized diapers
simplymerry at gmail dot com

Regan said...

Daily tweet!/AntiJuneCleaver/status/138451259714838528

fieryone at sbcglobal dot net

Felicia London said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Felicia London said...

Following Nicki's Diapers via GFC as Felicia London

gogreenauntie at gmail dot com

Felicia London said...

Following Nicki's Diapers on Facebook as Felicia London :)

gogreenauntie at gmail dot com

Felicia London said...

Liked Best Bottom Diapers on Facebook as Felicia London

gogreenauntie at gmail dot com

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