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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Cloth Diapering From Day 1 Series: Building a Newborn Stash

Welcome to the second installment in our series, Cloth Diapering From Day 1! In this post, we will discuss everything you need to start cloth diapering your baby at birth, including how many diapers you will need (and various options that work well with newborns), what accessories are "must-haves" and what accessories are "nice to have".

First, we'll start with the diapers!    

How many diapers? A newborn may go through anywhere from 12-15 diapers/day! If this is your first baby, you might be floored by that number, but don't worry, you'll be a pro after just a few days! Also remember that some of those diapers will be from when baby decides it's "go" time right in the middle of a diaper change! Aren't you glad you can just toss that in the wash instead of throwing it out?! We recommend washing your cloth diapers every 2-3 days to prevent stinkies and stains. Put those 2 numbers together and to successfully cloth diaper a newborn, you will need 24-36 diapers! Remember that if you are using a system that has separate covers (like prefolds with covers or Best Bottom Diapers), you will need on average 1 cover for every 3 diapers.

What kind of diapers? This is really a personal preference and is going to depend on how much you want to invest in your newborn stash and what type of diaper you are comfortable changing. Some people like to have all of the same type of diaper, while others find that different types work best for different situations. I'm in that last group! Since one of our main reasons to cloth diaper was to save money, we like to use prefolds and make up the majority of our newborn stash since they are so cost-effective! But I'm like many of the sleep deprived moms out there, and the thought of trying to Snappi a prefold on and make sure everything is in the covers during middle of the night changes wears me out! In order to get the most use of our covers, I love using fitteds at night with them so make it just a bit more user-friendly in the dark :) I also like to have several newborn size all-in-ones or pockets on hand for those changing my baby who may not be familiar with cloth diapers, and some uber-trim Best Bottoms for light packing in my diaper bag!

So for me, an ideal newborn stash would be:
18 XS or Small Prefolds
6-8 XS or Small Diaper Covers
6 XS or Small Fitted Diapers
6 XS or Small Pockets/All-In-Ones
3 Best Bottom Shells and 9 Small Best Bottom Inserts

Other very popular options for many of our Nicki's Diapers customers for cloth diapering their newborn:
Option 1 "Economical": 36 XS or Small Prefolds, 10-12 XS or Small Diaper Covers
Option 2 "Easy": 24-36 XS or Small Pocket Diapers or All-In-Ones
Option 3 "Economical and Easy!": 9 Best Bottom Diaper Shells, 24-36 Best Bottom Diaper Inserts

Next, the accessories!

Must-haves: Besides your diapers, there are a few things that I strongly suggest you have on hand to make cloth diapering successful for you! The following things I consider "non-optional":
  • Dirty Diaper Storage- You will need to store the soiled diapers in either a diaper pail with a pail liner or a hanging wet bag. You can use a simple flip-top kitchen can or a pail designed specifically for cloth diapers. The most important thing to remember is to find one that allows air flow to the diapers. A tight fitting lid actually causes more odor than one that is loose fitting! Most pail liners will have either an elastic top to stretch to fit your pail, or a drawstring. I would suggest having 2 pail liners so that there is always one on the pail when washing. Another great option for dirty diaper storage is a hanging wet bag. I LOVE the Planet Wise Hanging Wet/Dry Bag for several reasons. They are seam sealed so I have zero leaking of odor or moisture. They have an extra "dry" pocket for storing clean diapers and the come in a huge variety of prints to match my baby's room! My favorite thing though, is that they travel SO well! No worries about toting a diaper pail with you, just toss dirty diapers in your Planet Wise Hanging Wet/Dry Bag and zip it up!
  • Diaper Closures- If you're using prefold or contour diapers, I strongly suggest using a Snappi or diaper pins to close the diaper under your cover. Newborn poop is notoriously runny and by making sure the diaper is on nice and snug, you'll be able to use your diaper covers many more times between washing. That means fewer covers to buy! There are many people who still like to use diaper pins, but I prefer Snappis to prevent poking myself or my baby :)
  • On-the-Go- Believe it or not, you WILL get out of the house those first several weeks and when you do, you'll need something to store a dirty diaper in your diaper bag. I suggest a Planet Wise Wet/Dry Bag. These smaller versions of the much-loved Hanging Wet/Dry Bags are perfect for keeping a clean diaper and wipes in the front "dry" pocket, and holding in any odor or moisture in the "wet" pocket. You might even find that for quick trips, you can toss your keys and wallet into the dry pouch and leave the big diaper bag at home!
  • Cloth Wipes- You're using cloth diapers, why not make it even easier with cloth wipes?! 20-30 or so cloth wipes should be plenty to get you 2-3 days between washing and instead of having to have a separate garbage can next to your changing table for disposable wipes, these can be tossed right in with your diapers! You can keep your wipes dry and spray them (or baby's bottom) when changing a diaper, or you can gold them in half and store them wet in a disposable wipes container. Try your hand at making your own wet wipe solution with water, lavender oil and chamomile oil, or use a pre-made concentrate like Lusa Wipe Juice!
  • Cloth Diaper Friendly Detergent- You'll want to make sure to take care of your diapers and keep them nice and absorbent! Chose a detergent that is free of additives, including softeners. Many people think a baby-friendly detergent is good for cloth diapers, when in reality many of them contain ingredients that may harm your diapers. Nicki's carries a wide selection of detergents that will work beautifully on your diapers! 
Nice-to-Have: If you want to make cloth diapering even EASIER, you might want to consider looking into these accessories, although I do consider them "optional".
  • Cloth "friendly" Diaper Cream- I say that in quotations because I really don't consider any diaper cream to be truly cloth diaper friendly. Some creams are certainly easier on your diapers and if you get a small amount on them, it won't ruin them! My favorite creams are Lusa Booty Balm (LOVE this on dry hands and faces, too!) and CJ's BUTT-er. If you are going to cloth diaper from birth, you will likely have to deal with sticky meconium poop and putting a little cream on your baby's bottom will make it easier to wipe it off. Again, I do recommend using a liner (see below!) with your CD "friendly" cream.
  • Liners- You can use either disposable or reusable liners to prevent diaper cream (see above!) from getting on your cloth diapers. Fleece liners can also be used to make natural fibers stay-dry. Both of my boys have been pretty sensitive to feeling wet, so I like to keep these on hand to use in our prefolds and fitted diapers. 
Are you ready for your chance to win a Cloth Diapering Accessory Kit?!

You can do each one of the entries however you must post back here to our blog and tell us WHAT you did. Be sure you follow the Nicki’s Diapers blog - publicly for your chance to win!  We will post our winner on Thursday, November 17th!

How do you enter to win? (Each worth 1 entry per day unless otherwise stated)

Follow the Nicki’s Diaper blog publicly.
  • "Like" Nicki's Diapers on Facebook- Be sure to state your facebook name when you post back here.

  • Blog about our giveaway and link back to our site.  When you post back here you must link to the URL where you blogged.  (2 entries)
  • Follow Nicki’s Diapers @nickisdiapers on Twitter and Tweet about this giveaway.  Leave the URL where you Tweeted.
  • Tweet @nickisdiapers #clothdiapers (1 entry for each unique tweet)
  • Tweet @planetwise #clothdiapers #wetbags (1 entry for each unique tweet)
  • Tweet @bestbottomdiapers #clothdiapers (1 entry for each unique tweet)
  • Like Best Bottom DiapersPlanet Wise and My Swim Baby on Facebook - Be sure to state your facebook name when you post back here. (1 entry for each)
  • Suggest the following facebook pages to your friends:  Nicki’s Diapers , Best Bottom Diapers , Planet Wise.  You must post back here telling us which friend accepted your page suggestion.  (1 entry per page for each person you suggest that LIKES us)
  • Grab our button and place them on your blog.  Post a link to the blog here. (2 entries per blog - per button)
  • Start or comment on a discussion on the Nicki's Diapers facebook page discussion board. 
  • Blog about your choice to cloth diaper and include a link to (2 entries)
  • Tag @nicki'sdiapers or @bestbottomdiapers, or @planetwise in a facebook post (1 entry for each tag)
  • Have a friend subscribe to our blog. Post their username in your comment. You can do this as many times as you can get friends to subscribe! 
  • Talk about Nicki's Diapers on any forum and include a link to
  • Sign up for the Nicki's Diapers newsletter (enter your email address on the top right of our homepage).
  • Start a thread about this giveaway on any baby or cloth diapering related forum and include a link to your thread.  (2 entries)
  • Place an order at or between 11/10/11 and 11/16/11. Include your order number in your entry.
  • Tell us what your essential cloth diapering accessories are!


    1 – 200 of 212   Newer›   Newest»
    April said...

    I consider clothespins part of my essential cloth diapering accessories. The sun is so amazing for cloth diapers. It doubles as a whitener and disinfectant.

    Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    I follow publicly.

    reallyareyouserious at gmail dot com

    Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    I like on FB. Krystyn H (will provide last name).

    reallyareyouserious at gmail dot com

    Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    I like Best Bottoms on FB. Krystyn H (will provide last name).
    reallyareyouserious at gmail dot com

    Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    I like Planet Wise on FB.

    Krystyn H (will provide last name).
    reallyareyouserious at gmail dot com

    Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    I'm thinking hemp inserts considering those are working super well for us right now....does that count as an accessory?

    reallyareyouserious at gmail dot com

    Mrs. Butler said...

    I follow the blog!

    Mrs. Butler said...
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    Mrs. Butler said...

    I like Nicki's on FB (Bekah Butler)

    Melissa said...

    I follow publicly and like you on Facebook! (Melissa Hunter)

    Melissa said...

    I follow you on Twitter (@melissastamps) and tweeted:!/melissastamps/status/134754091086778368

    Melissa said...

    I like Best Bottom Diapers on Facebook. (Melissa Hunter)

    Melissa said...

    I like Planet Wise on Facebook. (Melissa Hunter)

    Melissa said...

    I like My Swim Baby on Facebook. (Melissa Hunter)

    Melissa said...

    I tagged you in a Facebook post about the giveaway.

    Melissa said...

    I tagged Best Bottom Diapers in a Facebook post about the giveaway.

    Carrie said...

    A wet bag is so important. You don't want any stinkies!

    •Follow Nicki’s Diapers @nickisdiapers on Twitter and Tweet about this giveaway
    •Tweet @nickisdiapers #clothdiapers
    •Like Best Bottom Diapers, Plainet Wise on FB
    •Sign up for the Nicki's Diapers newsletter

    cswuensch at hotmail dot com

    Melissa said...

    I tagged Planet Wise in a Facebook post about the giveaway.

    Melissa said...

    I'm signed up for your newsletter.

    Caitlin said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    Caitlin said...

    I liked Nicki's Diapers on facebook.

    Caitlin Reed

    Caitlin said...

    I liked Best Bottom Diapers on facebook.

    Caitlin Reed

    Caitlin said...

    I liked Planet Wise on facebook.

    Caitlin Reed

    Caitlin said...

    I likes My Swim Baby on facebook.

    Caitlin Reed

    Renee said...

    I follow publicly and like on facebook as Renee Adcock Brown.

    Allison said...

    We used a diaper service for the first few months.

    Our "must have" accessories are cloth wipes and a diaper pail. Everything else is gravy.

    I follow publicly and "like" nickisdiapers on FaceBook.

    Emily Schultz said...

    -I follow the blog on GFC
    -I like Nicki's on Facebook
    -I posted on the ND fan page, asking about a wash routine for inserts, Emily Schultz
    -I like Best Bottom Diapers, Emily Schultz
    -I tweeted about the giveaway,!/emilyrebekah/status/134995470811537408
    -I tweeted BB and Nicki's about wanting to use my BB diapers when my baby arrives (because I surely do!)!/emilyrebekah/status/134994788536680448

    -I tagged Nicki's Daipers on a post about the giveaway

    Emily Schultz said...

    Right now my must have accessories: a washing machine and a baby. I have the first and one on the way ;)

    Sarah O said...

    I follow publicly ...

    Sarah O said...

    I like Nicki's Diapers on FB-
    Sarah Ortiz

    Sarah O said...

    Essential Cloth Diapering Accessories:
    Wet bags and the sprayer (ours is actually just a kitchen sprayer from home depot hooked to our toilet!)

    Sarah O said...

    Have your button on my blog!

    Right side of page a little ways down!

    Sarah said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    Sarah said...

    Liked Nicki's Diapers on FB! (Sarah Knaak Sells)

    sarahknaak at hotmail dot com

    Sarah said...

    Like Best Botton Diapers on FB

    Sarah Knaak Sells

    Sarah said...

    Like Planet Wise on FB

    Sarah Knaak Sells

    Sarah said...

    Like My Swim Baby on FB

    Sarah Knaak Sells

    Sarah said...

    Subscribed to Nicki's Diapers Newsletter.

    sarahknaak at hotmail dot com

    Sarah said...

    Essential CD accessories: Snappis, covers, inserts, prefolds, pocket dipes, cloth wipes, alcohol-free witch hazel (for cloth wipe solution), cloth-friendly rash cream, liners, wet bags!

    sarahknaak at hotmail dot com

    Cassidy said...

    I like planetwise on FB (already subscribed to your blog and liked Nicki's Diapers on FB)

    Cassidy Comstock

    Cassi said...

    I follow publicly!

    Cassi said...

    Follow Nickis Diapers on FB--Cassi Paulson

    Cassi said...

    Tweet and follow on Twitter: CasJP!/CasJP/status/135453394579095554

    Cassi said...

    Like Best Bottom Diapers--Cassi Paulson

    Cassi said...

    Like Planet Wise on Facebook--Cassi Paulson

    Cassi said...

    Like My Swim Baby on Facebook Cassi Paulson

    Vanessa C. said...

    I follow the Nicki’s Diaper blog publicly.
    vnsscarv [!at] gmail[!dot] com

    Vanessa C. said...

    "Like" Nicki's Diapers on Facebook as Ps Mamae
    vnsscarv [!at] gmail[!dot] com

    Amanda said...

    I follow your blog.

    amanda at

    Amanda said...

    I like Nicki's Diapers on Facebook!

    Amanda Few

    Amanda said...

    I like planetwise on Facebook.

    Amanda Few

    Amanda said...

    I like Best Bottoms on Facebook.

    Amanda Few

    Amanda said...

    I like my swim baby on Facebook.

    Amanda Few

    Amanda said...

    My essential accessories are covers, inserts, wet bags and tea tree oil. I love tea tree oil!

    Amanda Few

    Yvette said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    Yvette said...

    I “Like” Nicki’s Diapers on FB
    I “Like” Best Bottom Diapers, Planet Wise, and My Swim Baby on FB (Mickey Yvette Morris Simmons)
    I Suggested Best Bottom Diapers, Planet Wise, and My Swim Baby to my friends.
    Started a discussion on Nicki’s Diapers FB page (hoping for some insightful responses)
    Signed up for the newsletter
    Placed 2 orders at (#3937206, #3927858)* They are under my name Mickey YM Simmons but my husband’s email since I use his paypal account to pay. =)
    My essential accessories are the Wet Bags for SURE! I purchase a wet bag that I am mildly happy with but once I saw the Planet Wise Wet/Dry Bags I just had to have them. They seem to incorporate everything a Momma could want. I didn’t see the contest till after I ordered. =( I don’t know if I could have waited anyway. Way to excited to get these in! I am new to CD'ing so I am in the middle of trying to figure out what I need and what products are best. So this kit would be AWESOME!!!

    Caitlin said...

    A wetbag and snappis/diaper pins are my cloth diapering accessory essentials.

    Caitlin said...

    I am subscribed to Nicki's Diapers Newsletter.

    Caitlin said...

    I follow publicly.

    Jillian said...

    I follow publicly!

    Anonymous said...

    I like Nicki's Diapers, Best Bottom Diapers, Planet Wise and My Swim Baby on FB! My name is Pauletta.

    Anonymous said...

    I also posted a comment on FB to check out your site and wrote a post on my blog at

    Anonymous said...

    I am following publicly!!

    anfinsons said...

    I follow on FB!
    Brielle Anfinson

    Regan said...

    following Nicki's Diapers on GFC

    fieryone at sbcglobal dot net

    Regan said...

    I like Nicki's DIapers on FB

    fieryone at sbcglobal dot net

    Regan said...

    blogged about the giveaway

    fieryone at sbcglobal dot net

    Regan said...

    blogged about the giveaway (2nd entry)

    fieryone at sbcglobal dot net

    Regan said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    Regan said...

    Included @nickisdiapers and #clothdiapers on a tweet!/AntiJuneCleaver/status/136339631154266112

    fieryone at sbcglobal dot net

    Regan said...

    Tweeted about giveaway and I'm following @nickisdiapers!/AntiJuneCleaver/status/136339631154266112

    fieryone at sbcglobal dot net

    Regan said...

    I like Best Bottom Diapers on Facebook

    fieryone at sbcglobal dot net

    Regan said...

    I like Planet Wise on Facebook

    fieryone at sbcglobal dot net

    Regan said...

    I like My Swim Baby on Facebook

    fieryone at sbcglobal dot net

    Regan said...

    Your button is on my blog

    fieryone at sbcglobal dot net

    Regan said...

    I am subscribed to the newsletter with magickmoon73 at yahoo dot com

    fieryone at sbcglobal dot net

    Regan said...

    My essential accessories are my wet bags and my sprayer

    fieryone at sbcglobal dot net

    Anonymous said...

    I'm following nickisdiapers on twitter


    Anonymous said...

    I like nickis diapers on FB

    Rachel Leann (Ramey)

    Anonymous said...

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    Rachel Leann

    Anonymous said...

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    Anonymous said...

    I'm following planet wise on twitter


    Anonymous said...

    I like bestbottomsdiapers on FB

    Rachel Leann (ramey)

    Anonymous said...

    I like planetwise on FB

    Rachel Leann (Ramey)

    Anonymous said...

    I tweeted!/tall_person13/status/136468331640258561

    Anonymous said...

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    Anonymous said...

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    Anonymous said...

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    Anonymous said...

    I posted on FB!/tallperson13/posts/2165687181124

    Anonymous said...

    I like my swim baby on FB

    Rachel Leann (Ramey)

    Anonymous said...

    I don't know what I'd do without my hemp inserts, fleece liners, diaper spray and I love my diaper pail. I use to use larger wet bags for a pail and I hated it they would smell and it was hard to get in the bag with one hand and work the zipper, so I bought a diaper pail that u can step on to open and I love it.

    Christina said...


    cmcosman @

    Christina said...

    I follow on GFC (christina C)

    cmcosman @

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    Christina said...


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    Christina said...


    cmcosman @

    Christina said...


    cmcosman @

    Christina said...

    I like best bottom diapers on fb (christina cosman)

    cmcosman @

    Christina said...

    I like planet wise on FB (christina cosman)

    cmcosman @

    Christina said...

    I like my swim baby on FB (christina cosman)

    cmcosman @

    Christina said...

    I signed up for the newsletter

    cmcosman @

    Christina said...

    My CD essentials are GroVia AIOs for daytime, and Bum Genius, Kawaii Baby, and Thirsties wrap with hemp soakers for nightime. I use a diaper pail with wetbag liner.

    cmcosman @

    RachelCain said...

    I like Nicki's Diapers on FB (Rachel Cain) and follow the blog publicly.

    My essential cloth diapering accessories are washable wipes and spray bottle, Best Bottom and Bum Genius diapers, and extra prefolds.

    RachelCain said...

    oops my email is rachel1213 at gmail dot com

    Caitlin said...

    I follow @nickisdiapers on Twitter.


    I tweeted about the giveaway!/caitlinbruffey/status/136592968848117760

    Nikki said...

    Follow the Nicki’s Diaper blog publicly. ngiraldi at gmail dot com

    Nikki said...

    "Like" Nicki's Diapers on Facebook Nikole Giraldi Homoroc ngiraldi at gmail dot com

    Nikki said...

    follow you and tweeted!/MissOsMom/status/136611378667601920 ngiraldi at gmail dot com

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    tweeted!/MissOsMom/status/136620531620392961 ngiraldi at gmail dot com

    Nikki said...

    Like Best Bottom Diapers on Facebook Nikole Giraldi Homoroc ngiraldi at gmail dot com

    Nikki said...

    Like Planet Wise on Facebook Nikole Giraldi Homoroc ngiraldi at gmail dot com

    Nikki said...

    Like My Swim Baby on Facebook Nikole Giraldi Homoroc ngiraldi at gmail dot com

    Nikki said...

    Signed up for the Nicki's Diapers newsletter ngiraldi at gmail dot com

    Nikki said...

    The diaper sprayer is a must! ngiraldi at gmail dot com

    Kiel said...

    Don't know if it's too late for this or not, but I follow nicki's publicly!
    kiel dot lemon at gmail dot com

    Kiel said...

    I also like nicki's on facebook!
    Kiel Anderson Lemon

    Kiel said...

    I can't live without my snappis because trifolding just doesn't work on my slim baby. :) I also really like my planet wise wet/dry bag for going out and my diaper pail liner--makes wash day even easier!

    Kiel said...

    I just made an order at Nicki's! :)
    Order: ND-1102

    Anonymous said...

    I tweeted!/tall_person13/status/136851631932313601

    Anonymous said...

    I tweeted!/tall_person13/status/136849826376716290

    erinb80 said...

    FB fan - Erin Ford Becker

    erinb80 said...

    Like Planetwise on FB -Erin Ford Becker

    Boise Wiebers said...

    I follow you.
    trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com

    Boise Wiebers said...

    FB fan: Trisha Wieber
    trishabear1970 at yahoo dot com

    Rachel said...

    I follow this blog publicly

    Thanks: Management said...

    This will be my first baby in cloth.. my son previous was in disposables. I have a stash that I'm trying to grow... but it has NO NB diapers.. It is starting to make me really nervous!! I would love to win these.. it would give my stash a much needed boost!

    Rachel said...

    I like Nicki's Diapers on Facebook

    erinb80 said...

    Subscribed to newsletter

    Rachel said...

    I like Planet Wise on Facebook

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    I like Best Bottoms on Facebook

    Breanne said...

    I follow via GFC

    bmweida at yahoo dot com

    Breanne said...

    I like Nicki's Diapers on Facebook - Breanne T

    Breanne said...

    I like Best Bottoms on Facebook - Breanne T

    @GeekWillow said...

    I follow you on GFC as Willow

    Breanne said...

    I like Planetwise on Facebook - Breanne T

    @GeekWillow said...

    I like you on FB as Bobbi Kilbarger

    Hannah said...

    I follow this blog on GFC
    hnnhhyr at gmail dot com

    Hannah said...

    I like Nicki's Diapers on FB
    hnnhhyr at gmail dot com

    lizbif178718 said...

    i follow and have "liked". elizabeth strother

    Hannah said...

    I like PLanet Wise on FB
    FB name Hannah VW
    hnnhhyr at gmail dot com

    Hannah said...

    I like My Swim Baby on FB
    FB name Hannah VW
    hnnhhyr at gmail dot com

    Hannah said...

    My essential accessories would be wipes, a pail liner, and one small wet bag.

    hnnhhyr at gmail dot com

    Mrs. Butler said...

    I follow the blog!

    Mrs. Butler said...

    I follow on Twitter (@bekahbutler)

    Mrs. Butler said...

    I like PlanetWise on FB (bekah butler)

    Unknown said...

    Signed up for newsletter.

    Unknown said...

    My essentials are a small wetbag :)

    Natasha said...

    I like PW on fb Natasha Brayman Kelly

    Natasha said...

    i like nickis on fb Natasha Brayman Kelly

    Natasha said...

    i follow the blog

    Natasha said...

    i follow on twitter natashakelly79

    Natasha said...!/natashakelly79/status/136953912849739778 tweeted about it

    Natasha said...!/natashakelly79/status/136954575704965121

    Natasha said...!/natashakelly79/status/136954927338627073 pw tweet natashakelly79

    Natasha said...!/natashakelly79/status/136955309192257536 bb tweet natashakelly79

    Samantha Farias said...

    i follow nicki's diaper blog publicly
    -samantha farias

    Natasha said...

    i like bb diapers on fb natasha brayman kelly

    Natasha said...

    i like my swim baby on fb natasha brayman kelly

    Katie said...

    I "Like" Nicki's Diapers on Facebook (Katie Lunderman)

    Samantha Farias said...

    i "like" nicki's diapers on facebook.
    samantha farias

    Natasha said...

    tagged at nickis diapers in a fb share to the cuties in cloth contest stating cloth diapers are awesome!

    Samantha Farias said...

    i "Like" Best Bottom Diapers, Planet Wise and My Swim Baby on Facebook
    Samantha Farias

    Katie said...

    I "Like" Best Bottom Diapers on Facebook (Katie Lunderman)

    Samantha Farias said...

    i signed up for the Nicki's Diapers newsletter

    Katie said...

    My essential cloth diaper accessories are flushable liners

    Samantha Farias said...

    my essential cloth diaper accessories are snappis, prefolds, and a wetbag

    Natasha said...

    I absolutely LOVE my Planet Wise wetbags (one large for home, one medium for diaper bag)- would love to have a backup for laundry day and a wet/dry bag too. I also LOVE my snappi. Wish I had tried both of these years ago when I was cd'ing #1!!

    Natasha said...

    I signed up for the newsletter

    Chelsey said...

    Like Nicki's Diapers. Chelsey Jorgensen

    Chelsey said...

    Follow the blog.

    Chelsey said...

    Like Best Bottoms. Chelsey Jorgensen

    Chelsey said...

    Like Planetwise. Chelsey Jorgensen

    Chelsey said...

    Like My Swim Baby.Chelsey Jorgensen

    Anonymous said...

    i like Nicki's Diapers on Fb - Melissa Benedict
    i like Best Bottom Diapers on FB
    i like Planet Wise on FB

    my essential cloth diapering accessory is cloth wipes.

    ~Melissa Benedict

    jdeemarie said...

    I follow the blog as jdeemarie

    jdeemarie @

    jdeemarie said...

    I'm a Facebook fan of yours (Jodi J)

    jdeemarie said...

    I'm a Facebook fan of Best Bottoms (Jodi J)

    jdeemarie said...

    I'm a Facebook fan of Planetwise (Jodi J)

    jdeemarie said...

    I love my pins (for my prefolds) and find that diaper cream is necessary for my little one's sensitive skin but I don't know what I'd do without my cloth wipes - I just can't stand using disposable wipes.

    Unknown said...

    I am following the Nicki's diapers blog publicly

    Unknown said...

    I like Nicki's Diapers on FB (name Amanda Steed)

    Brielle said...

    I follow the blog publicly!

    Brielle said...

    I like Nicki's Diapers on FB.

    Brielle Anfinson

    Brielle said...

    My cloth diapering essentials are my Bum Bum Balm and my wet bag. Never leave home without them!

    Regan said...!/AntiJuneCleaver/status/136993751624204289

    daily tweet

    fieryone at sbcglobal dot net

    jules said...

    i like nicki's on FB.

    julia dellaria-terrill

    jules said...

    i like best bottoms on FB.

    julia dellaria-terrill

    jules said...

    i like my swim baby on FB.

    julia dellaria-terrill

    jules said...

    i like planet wise on FB.

    julia dellaria-terrill

    jules said...

    i've signed up for the nicki's newsletter.

    julia dellaria-terrill

    jules said...

    We used dry cloth wipes whenever we used diaper cream instead of the liners.

    Regan said...

    following on GFC

    Fieryone at sbcglobal dot net

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