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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Getting Down with the Cloth Diaper "CD" Lingo!

If you're new to the world of cloth diapering, or still trying to figure things out, you've probably seen your fair share of abbreviations and terms on different cloth diapering forums or Facebook discussions. Making sure you've found the correct diaper for your child can be overwhelming enough, much less trying to figure out what a HHOSS is! We've compiled a list of the most common cloth diapering related abbreviations, including diaper brands, to help you through!

  • AI2: all in two , usually has a snap in liner
  • AIO: all in one diaper
  • AP: Attachment Parenting
  • ATD: All Together Diapers
  • BBH: Baby Beehinds
  • BG: Bumgenius
  • BOV: bamboo organic velour
  • BKs: Babykicks
  • BSWW: Bummis Super Whisper Wrap
  • BV: bamboo velour
  • BB: Best Bottom
  • BB: Blueberry
  • BW: BumWear
  • CB: Cotton Babies
  • CRAT: Aristocrat
  • CD: cloth diaper
  • CPF: Chinese prefolds
  • DSQ: diaper service quality
  • EBF: exclusively breastfed (you’ll see in reference to how a diaper holds EBF poo)
  • EO: essential oil
  • FB: Fuzzi Bunz
  • FL: front loader (washing machine)
  • GN: gender neutral
  • GV: GroVia
  • HH: Happy Heiny's
  • IPF: indian prefold
  • IV: Imse Vimse
  • JB: Joey Bunz
  • KL: Kissaluvs
  • KND: Knickernappies Diapers
  • KP: Kiwi Pie
  • LB: Little Beetles
  • ME: Motherease
  • MEAF: Motherease Air Flow
  • NB: newborn
  • OC: organic cotton
  • OCV: organic cotton velour
  • OS: one size - a diaper that usually fits a child from birth up until about 35 lbs
  • OSS: One-Size Snap
  • OV: organic velour
  • PF: prefold
  • PUL: polyurethane laminate
  • PW: Planet Wise
  • RaR: Rump-a-rooz
  • RnG: Rockin' Green
  • QD: quick dry
  • SB: Swaddlebees
  • SB: Softbums
  • SC: suedecloth
  • SS: side snapping
  • TTO: tea tree oil
  • UBCPF: unbleached chinese prefolds
  • UBIPF: unbleached Indian prefolds
  • UTN: Under the Nile
The list is long and I'm sure there are many that I haven't covered! A few months into cloth diapering, these terms will start to come second nature and you'll be chatting it up with the pros!

Can you think of some terms that are missing from the list? Leave a comment with your additions and we'll randomly draw a winner on October 26th to win a Planet Wise Snack Pack!


Janea said...

How about "sposies" for disposable diapers. :)

Allison said...

nak=nurse at keyboard
ff=formula fed
lpd=lovely pocket diapers

amaroq45 said...

Ds or dd: dear son/ dear daughter

Holly Wilson said...

TL= top loader

Jennann said...

F&C - Free and Clear laundry detergents!!!

jules said...

ND= nicki's diapers!

Sarah Carlson said...

wham = work at home mom

Sarah Carlson said...

Ooops...I meant wahm.

Jill said...

isn't OBV something?
how about OK for 'oh katy'

cleanfreak said...

lo--lavender oil
bo--blow out

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...


Angela said...

Certainly can't forget BM = bowel movement (hopefully we all know that one). We're CDing, so we see those ALL the time. :)

Oh, and BLW = Baby Led Weaning

Mompinionated said...

HD-Heartland Dreams
HC-Hyena Cart

HappyEAV said...

I see DH (dear husband) all the time for diapers that are "DH" friendly =)

Ashley Jossick said...

GM- Goodmama
MF- Microfiber/Microfleece

Anonymous said...

Pretty obvious...but HE on detergents....

Kristen said...

BF - breastfed

Kate said...

FF: Formula Fed

Angel894 said...

FF - Formula Fed
Woolies - Wool Soakers

A Horvath said...

Pd for pocket diaper... Thats how i always refer to mine.

Unknown said...

WCW = wild child woolies now wild coconut wear

SeZ = snap-ez

Sbish = sustainablebabyish

HL = holden's landing

NN = nifty nappy/growing up green

If you want to get into wool types let me know =) BFL, etc.

MamaHunfy said...

OBV-Organic cotton velour
MEOS-Mother ease one size
WOTB-Whats on the bum?
TPU-The other waterproof material that I can't spell lol
BB-Bottom Bumpers

hun423 at

MV said...

I can't think of anything to add, but for a new CDing momma, this is very helpful.

Unknown said...

EB- Econobum
OBV- Organic Bamboo Velour
AB- Alva Baby Diapers

serenityspeaks at ymail dot com

donnelsongirls3 said...

Obv- organic bamboo velour :) and also DH- dear husband bc we tend to refer to them quite a bit!

lindsaytaylortaylor said...

PP for Poo Pocket!

Nichole said...

I really cant think of any more. Maybe EF - earth friendly. Crunchy.

Anonymous said...

Mf microfiber
Ods etc.

Kat F said...

EUC: excellent used condition, for used diapers
GUC: good used condition

Kristen said...

CV - cotton velour
GFSE- grapefruit seed extract
TL- top loader
NIP- new in package

j said...

Conditions of items typically sold used..
EUC/GUC etc.

Sbish OBF

This list is a great idea :)

Brittney H said...

DD or DS... Those took me awhile to figure out

Erin said...

B4: Bububebe
FFS: Free For Shipping
ISO: In Search Of
IHA: I Have Available
FSOT: For Sale Or Trade

Amanda said...

DD, DS, DH....those took me a while to figure out. I have.been using cloth for over a year but haven't done much of the diaper chat. This is very helpful. What is LO?

Bonnie said...

b/s/t = buy/sell/trade because part of the fun of cd'ing is b/s/t'ing!

Kirsten said...

Fluff/Fluffy - CD reference term.

Mrs. M said...

MMAO - Make me an offer (when b/s/t)


Momma K9 said...

EC-elimination communication. I had to google it after seeing it so many times!

Michelle said...

DS- darling son?
DD- darling daughter?
DH- darling husband?

konakow said...

RF- rear facing it's for car seats not diapering
FF- forward facing.

melly said...

when I started research into CDing I had to pick up lingo fast. Everywhere I read had LO for little one. And yes to DD and DS. Those are everywhere too. And BF.

Anonymous said...

EBF - Exclusively breast fed

EFF - Exclusively formula

EP - Exclusively pumping

EBM - Expressed breast milk

STTN - Sleeping through the night

FTM - First time Mom

FL - Front loader (washing machine)

Kelly Carter -

Amy said...

Ah, I think all mine were already suggested! Not an abbreviation, but a term "stash" :)

Rhinefan said...


Erin said...

No, but it is a very helpful list!! I always have to google these.

Amanda said...

Looks like you ladies have all the acronyms covered. Lol.

Valerie said...

LD- line dried... I'm pretty new at this and it's the only one I didn't see covered :)

Amanda said...

you had AP- attachment parenting... but I'll add CIO - Cry it out...

Jesseandleah said...

Thank you, soo helpful

Julie B. said...

KL0 for kissaluvs size zero. :)

Air Wife said...

DS - Diaper

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