The folks at Planet Wise have certainly been busy! What can you expect to see rolling into Nicki's Diapers from them in the near future?
- New prints in the Planet Wise Wet Bags including some of your favorites from the Snack Line and more Organic prints!
- Snack Bags are now available in clear in snack, sandwich, quart and gallon sizes!
- Washable, 100% Cotton Reusable Napkins
- Lots of new prints in the Planet Wise Snack Bag Line!
- Nursing Covers in 14 beautiful prints!
- Wipes pouches in new prints, with a snap down design to prevent moisture wicking through the zipper.
- Flannel Wipes in fun, coordinated colors.
- 3 new prints in the Planet Wise Pail Liner; Hoot, Pink Giraffe and Blue Giraffe!

Planet Wise was so generous to sponsor a giveaway of one of their NEW Nursing Covers!
You can do each one of the entries however you must post back here to our blog and tell us WHAT you did. Be sure you follow the Nicki’s Diapers blog - publicly for your chance to win!
We will post our winner on Tuesday, October 11th!
How do you enter to win? (Each worth 1 entry per day unless otherwise stated)
- Follow the Nicki’s Diaper blog publicly.
- "Like" Nicki's Diapers on Facebook- Be sure to state your facebook name when you post back here.
- "Like" Planet Wise on Facebook- Be sure to state your facebook name when you post back here.
- Blog about our giveaway and link back to our site. When you post back here you must link to the URL where you blogged. (2 entries)
- Follow Nicki’s Diapers @nickisdiapers on Twitter and Tweet about this giveaway. Leave the URL where you Tweeted.
- Tweet @nickisdiapers #clothdiapers (1 entry for each unique tweet)
- Tweet @planetwise #clothdiapers #wetbags (1 entry for each unique tweet)
- Like Best Bottom Diapers and My Swim Baby on Facebook - Be sure to state your facebook name when you post back here. (1 entry for each)
- Suggest the following facebook pages to your friends: Nicki’s Diapers , Best Bottom Diapers , Planet Wise. You must post back here telling us which friend accepted your page suggestion. (1 entry per page for each person you suggest that LIKES us)
- Grab our button and place them on your blog. Post a link to the blog here. (2 entries per blog - per button)
- Start or comment on a discussion on the Nicki's Diapers facebook page discussion board.
- Blog about your choice to cloth diaper and include a link to (2 entries)
- Tag @nicki's diapers or @best bottom diapers in a facebook post.
- Have a friend subscribe to our blog. Post their username in your comment. You can do this as many times as you can get friends to subscribe!
- Talk about Nicki's Diapers on any forum and include a link to
- Sign up for the Nicki's Diapers newsletter (enter your email address on the top right of our homepage).
- Start a thread about this giveaway on any baby or cloth diapering related forum and include a link to your thread. (2 entries)
- Place an order at, or between 9/27/11 and 10/11/11. Include your order number in your entry.
- Tell us the most unique place you have nursed in public!
I "like" Nicki's Diapers and Planet Wise on Facebook - Jamie Roschbach Kasprovitz
blog follower
nicki's fb fan
planetwise fb fan
I "like" nicki's, planet wise, best bottom, swim baby on Facebook.
-Virginia McAlister
I "like"nicki's and planet wise, best bottom on facebook... -Melanie Lalonde
I'm a blog follower!
I like Nicki's Diapers on FB. - Abby Borders
I like Planet Wise on FB. - Abby Borders
My most unique NIP location was at a major league baseball stadium, in the bleachers/grassy hill area. DH scared me by telling me I was on the Jumbo Tron, but he was only kidding. It wouldn't have been such a big deal except that this was the first time I ever nursed in public, so I was pretty nervous!
i follow via gfc
Fb fan of Nicki's diapers - Jessi McCartney
Fb fan of Palnet wise - Jessi McCartney
Fb fan best bottom diapers - Jessi McCartney
Fb fan of my swim baby - Jessi McCartney
I follow Nicki's Diapers blog
FB fan of Planet Wise - The Pistachio Project
FB fan of Nicki's Diapers - The Pistachio Project
I already like Nicki's Diapers on FB - Tammy Kwon Harder
I already like Best Bottoms Diaper on FB - Tammy Kwon Harder
I follow Nicki's Diaper Blog publicly -
I liked planet wise on FB - Tammy Kwon Harder
I liked My Swim Baby on FB - Tammy Kwon Harder
I started a discussion on Nicki's Diaper FB - Tammy Kwon Harder
I entered in Nicki's Diapers Newsletter -
I ordered on 9/27/ order number is 3886414
I would like to a hawaiian print!
Started an entry at about your giveaway!
I •Follow the Nicki’s Diaper blog publicly. danaahudson at
I "Like" Nicki's Diapers on Facebook Dana Hudson danaahudson at
I "Like" Planet Wise on Facebook Dana hudson danaahudson at
My fb friend Katie Zellar Hincka liked you.....:)
I liked Planet Wise & Nicki's Diapers on Facebook - my name is Ellen Fondell. Thanks for this giveaway!!
I follow the Nicki's diaper blog publicly!
I like Nicki's Diapers on FB (Natalie Chilicki)
I like Planet Wise on FB (Natalie Chilicki)
i follow Nicki's blog publicly!!
i like Nicki's diapers on facebook! ID: Traci Martin-Robinson
i like Planet wise on facebook! ID: Traci Martin-Robinson
the most unique place i have nursed in public is while walking around shopping at babies r us! no one could even tell!
i follow nickis on twitter and tweeted!!/TraciRobinsons/status/118906964053987329
I publicly follow Nicki's Diapers blog!
I like Nicki's Diapers on Facebook. My username is Melissa "Glasgow" Jacobson
I like planet wise on facebook. My username is Melissa "Glasgow" Jacobson
I publicly follow Nicki's Diapers blog Julia Becker
I like Nicki's Diapers on Facebook Julia Becker
I like Planet Wise on Facebook Julia Becker
publicly followed he blog, like both nickis diapers and planet wise on fb natasha brayman kelly.
I publicly follow the blog, like nicki's diapers on facebook and like planet wise on facebook
I publicly follow Nicki's Diapers' blog!
I follow Planet wise on FB - Crystal Moore
I follow Nicki's Diapers on FB - Crystal Moore
gfc follower
like nickisdiapers on fb
like planetwise on fb kristin gross
I follow Nicki's Diapers on GFC as jessica sapalio
jsapalio at yahoo dot com
I like Nicki's Diapers on FB as Jessica Sapalio
jsapalio at yahoo dot com
I like Planet Wise on FB as Jessica Sapalio
jsapalio at yahoo dot com
I like Best Bottom Diapers on FB as Jessica Sapalio
jsapalio at yahoo dot com
Nursing at the beach was pretty unique!
jsapalio at yahoo dot com
Following your blog publicly ~ liked Planet Wise on FB as well as Nicki's Diapers on FB! Brittany McMillan on Facebook ~
I'm Nicki's fan on FB
(Mary Gualeni for FB account)
Nicki's FB fan (name is Laura Magill)
I already follow Nicki's Diapers Blog publicly!
I already like Nicki's Diapers on FB! Kelli Page
I just liked Planet Wise on FB! Kelli Page
GFC follower
hmahan_0529 @yahoo dot com
Like you on FB Heather Mahan
Like Planetwise on FB Heather Mahan
Like Best Bottom on FB Heather Mahan
hmahan_0529 @yahoo dot com
I like Nicki's Diapers on Facebook! Becky Timmers
I like Best Bottoms on facebook! Becky Timmers
I like Planet Wise on facebook! Becky Timmers
I'm following NickisdiaperBlog publicly.
(username KendraS.)
I "Like" Nickisdiapers on facebook.
username Kendra Seagraves
I "Like" Planet Wise on facebook.
username Kendra Seagraves
I "Like" Best Bottom Babies on facebook.
facebook id Kendra Seagraves
I "like" My Swim Baby on facebook
id Kendra Seagraves
I follow your blog publicly
I like nicki's diapers on facebook angie kunst
I like planet wise on facebook angie kunst
I Follow the Nicki’s Diaper blog publicly.
vnsscarv {at} gmail {dot} com
I like Nicki's diapers on FB as Vanessa Carvalho Coker.
vnsscarv {at} gmail {dot} com
I "Like" Planet Wise on Facebook as Vanessa Carvalho Coker.
vnsscarv {at} gmail {dot} com
Unique Tweet #1 @nickisdiapers and #clothdiapers:!/PsMamae/status/122816296160210944
vnsscarv {at} gmail {dot} com
#1 - Blogged about the giveaway:
vnsscarv {at} gmail {dot} com
#2 - Blogged about the giveaway:
vnsscarv {at} gmail {dot} com
Following @Nickisdiapers on twitter as @PsMamae and tweeted:!/PsMamae/status/122818878391857152
vnsscarv {at} gmail {dot} com
Unique tweet #1 @planetwise #clothdiapers #wetbags:!/PsMamae/status/122819171758247937
vnsscarv {at} gmail {dot} com
I "Like" Best Bottom Diapers on Facebook as Vanessa Carvalho Coker.
vnsscarv {at} gmail {dot} com
I "Like" My Swim Baby on Facebook as Vanessa Carvalho Coker.
vnsscarv {at} gmail {dot} com
#1 Grabbed the button:
vnsscarv {at} gmail {dot} com
#2 Grabbed the button:
vnsscarv {at} gmail {dot} com
Signed up for the Nicki's Diapers newsletter.
vnsscarv {at} gmail {dot} com
Most unique place I nursed in public was inside a TJMaxx store sitting in one of their furniture for sale.
vnsscarv {at} gmail {dot} com
Follow the Nicki’s Diaper blog publicly.
skklemm at gmail dot com
"Like" Nicki's Diapers on Facebook. Stephanie Klemm
skklemm at gmail dot com
"Like" Planet Wise on Facebook. Stephanie Klemm
skklemm at gmail dot com
Like Best Bottom Diapers on Fb. Stephanie Klemm
skklemm at gmail dot com
Like My Swim Baby on Facebook. Stephanie Klemm
skklemm at gmail dot com
Signed up for the Nicki's Diapers newsletter. skklemm at gmail dot com
I haven't nursed in public too often. I'd say the most unique would be on an airplane, in the airport, or at the bench in Cabela's :)
skklemm at gmail dot com
Commented on dicussion on Facebook:
vnsscarv {at} gmail {dot} com
#1 Blogged about my choice to cloth diaper:
vnsscarv {at} gmail {dot} com
#2 Blogged about my choice to cloth diaper (and linked to Nicki's Diapers):
vnsscarv {at} gmail {dot} com
Unique Tweet #2 @nickisdiapers and #clothdiapers:!/PsMamae/status/123090233163137025
vnsscarv {at} gmail {dot} com
Unique tweet #2 @planetwise #clothdiapers #wetbags:!/PsMamae/status/123090868419821568
vnsscarv {at} gmail {dot} com
blog follower
I follow this blog!
I like Nicki's Diapers on FB!
I like Planet Wise on FB!
I follow your blog publicly.
I follow Nicki's Diapers on Twitter!
I tweeted!!/KDozeman/status/123480098702753792
Tweeted again!!/KDozeman/status/123480739487555584
I like Nicki's Diapers, Best Bottom Diapers, My Swim Baby and Planet Wise on Facebook.
Facebook name is Deborah L Penkszyk
Another tweet!/KDozeman/status/123480816377532417
Like Nicki's on facebook ~ Kate Sharp
I like Planet Wise on facebook ~ Kate Sharp
I follow the blog ~ Kate Sharp
My name is mari martinez perez and like your page on Facebook
Order #3899592 mari perez
Signed up for your newsletter
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