You can do each one of the entries however you must post back here to our blog and tell us WHAT you did. Be sure you follow the Nicki’s Diapers blog - publicly for your chance to win!
We will post our winner on Thursday, September 1st!
- Follow the Nicki’s Diaper blog publicly.
- Blog about our giveaway and link back to our site. When you post back here you must link to the URL where you blogged. (2 entries)
- Follow Nicki’s Diapers @nickisdiapers on Twitter and Tweet about this giveaway. Leave the URL where you Tweeted.
- Tweet @nickisdiapers #clothdiapers (1 entry for each unique tweet)
- Tweet @planetwise #clothdiapers #wetbags (1 entry for each unique tweet)
- Like Beco Baby Carrier on Facebook- REQUIRED!
- Like Nicki’s Diapers, Planet Wise and Best Bottom Diapers on Facebook - Be sure to state your facebook name when you post back here.
- Suggest the following facebook pages to your friends: Nicki’s Diapers , Best Bottom Diapers , Planet Wise. You must post back here telling us which friend accepted your page suggestion. (1 entry per page for each person you suggest that LIKES us)
- Grab our button and place them on your blog. Post a link to the blog here. (2 entries per blog - per button)
- Start or comment on a discussion on the Nicki's Diapers facebook page discussion board.
- Blog about your choice babywear and include a link to (2 entries)
- Tag @nicki's diapers, @bestbottomdiapers, or @Beco Baby Carrier in a facebook post.
- Have a friend subscribe to our blog. Post their username in your comment. You can do this as many times as you can get friends to subscribe!
- Talk about Nicki's Diapers on any forum and include a link to
- Sign up for the Nicki's Diapers newsletter (enter your email address on the top right of our homepage).
- Start a thread about this giveaway on any baby or cloth diapering related forum and include a link to your thread. (2 entries)
- Place an order at, or between 8/14/11 and 8/31/11. Include your order number in your entry.
- Tell us where you would wear your Beco Gemini Baby Carrier!

1 – 200 of 410 Newer› Newest»Wow! Incredible giveaway! I follow this blog via GFC/
I like Beco on fb
I like Planet wise, Best bottoms, and nickis diapers on fb - katie stramer
I would wear my Beco Gemini EVERYWHERE! My daughter loves being worn, and this looks like something my husband would be willing to wear too! Thanks for the chance!
I follow this blog via GFC
graceink at yahoo dot com
I follow @nickisdiapers on Twitter and tweeted:!/Graceink/status/103176027743862785
graceink at yahoo dot com
graceink at yahoo dot com
I like Beco Baby Carrier on Facebook (Carolyn Hughesman)
graceink at yahoo dot com
I like Nicki's Diapers, Planet Wise and Best Bottom Diapers on Facebook (Carolyn Hughesman)
graceink at yahoo dot com
If I won, I would wear my Beco Gemini practically everywhere. Particularly the evening walks we take! My little guy loves to face out now and this carrier would be perfect!
graceink at yahoo dot com
I follow Nicki's blog.
ridingsilky at gmail
I would wear the Beco Gemini out at my in-laws house. They live on a river and it makes me really nervous now that my son is walking.
ridingsilky at gmail
I follow you via GFC.
I like Best Bottom Diapers on FB. Ashley Mullen
I follow the Nicki's Diapers blog.
I like Beco baby carriers on Facebook. (Katie Faust Tran)
I like Nicki's Diapers, Planet Wise and Best Bottom diapers on Facebook. (Katie Faust Tran)
I would wear my Beco Gemini for shopping, walks, well everywhere!
follow with GFC
Bridgett Zaidi
princessbridgett at hotmail dot com
liked baco baby carriers on FB
Bridgett Yoches Zaidi
princessbridgett at hotmail dot com
like Nicki's, planet wise and best bottoms on FB
Bridgett Yoches Zaidi
princessbridgett at hotmail dot com
get nicki's newsletter
princessbridgett at hotmail dot com
I would use my Beco carrier pretty much everywhere but mostly running errands and grocery shopping
princessbridgett at hotmail dot com
Fan of Beco Carriers on FB (Natalie Chilicki)
Follow the Nicki's Diaper blog publicly via google!
I follow your blog publicly
I like the Beco on FB
I like Nicki’s Diapers, Planet Wise and Best Bottom Diapers on Facebook - Elita K
I would wear my Beco carrier on long walks in our neighborhood.
Awesome giveaway! I follow the blog.
I like Beco on FB
melissa.tomko @
I like Nicki's, Best Bottoms and Planet Wise on fb (Melissa Tomko)
melissa.tomko @
Where WOULDN'T I wear a Beco?! With two young kids, being able to wear my baby just makes life easier, and I'd love to do it with a beautiful Beco carrier!
I follow this blog publicly!
I like Planet wise, Best bottoms, and nickis diapers, and Becco on fb. I'm Amanda Aebly DeSonia on FB
I like Beco Baby Carriers on facebook!
I subscribe to the Nicki's newsletter
I follow via gfc!
Showlove40 at hot mail dot com
I liked beco baby carrier on facebook!
Showlove40 at hot mail dot com
I follow the blog publicly
I like Beco on FB
I would wear my Beco everywhere! We love to be outside and out and about, and I love baby wearing.
I follow the blog!
I would wear the gemini around town, to the mall, at home... I'm not totally sure where I wouldn't wear it.
Follow the Nicki’s Diaper blog publicly
GFC: Julie G
I subscribed to the newsletter!
Like Beco Baby Carrier on Facebook: Julie Ghrist
I like Beco on FB...FB name Valerie Bacon Eveland
Like Nicki’s Diapers, Planet Wise and Best Bottom Diapers on Facebook: Julie Ghrist
I like Nicki's, Planet Wise, and Best Bottom on FB! FB name Valerie Bacon Eveland
I started a thread on Diaper Swappers!
I would wear the Beco anywhere! outings...even around the house! LOVE to wear my babies! :)
I follow Nicki's Diapers blog Julia Becker jsbecker29 at gmail dot com
I like Beco Baby Carrier on Facebook Julia Becker jsbecker29 at gmail dot com
I would wear Beco Baby Carrier around the state park, a 7.5 walk around a lake!! jsbecker29 at gmail dot com
I grabbed your button jsbecker29 at gmail dot com
Liked Beco, Nicki, planet wise, and best bottom on facebook.
Suggested they like Beco and Nicki.
Trina Graves
i would (and do!) wear by becco carrier everywhere! at home doing chores, the zoo, the pool, out to eat, at church and shopping.
i also "liked" beco on fb. :)
I follow your blog via GFC
taralucida at hotmail dot com
I like Beco on facebook, but would love to love them in person! :) Tara Calabrese Massini
taralucida at hotmail dot com
I like you, Planetwise, and Best Bottom Diapers on facebook - Tara Calabrese Massini
taralucida at hotmail dot com
I would wear this carrier everywhere!
taralucida at hotmail dot com
blog follower
i like beco on FB
I like planet wise, nicki's, and best bottoms on FB - Jenny McClamroch
I would wear this carrier on walks
I like beco baby carriers on face book
GFC follower
Liked beco on FB
Liked the other 3 on FB
Sherry Smith
I would wear my beco anywhere I went, possibly at home also to help get things done with 3 kids.
I follow the blog via GFC
I like Beco on FB
I like Nicki's Diapers, Planet Wise, and Best Bottom Diapers on FB (Jessie Buxton Peckens)
I like Nicki's Diapers and Beco on FB.
GFC follower
jolly_jess_6 @
I liked beco baby carrier on fb jessica jollyjess jolly_jess_6 @
I like Nicki's Diapers, Planet Wise and Best Bottom Diapers on Facebook Jessica Jollyjess jolly_jess_6 @
If I had a Beco baby carrier I would wear it shopping, farmer's market, and hiking. jolly_jess_6 @
I follow Nicki's Diaper Blog
mrandmrsryankolbe @
I like Beco on FB! Corrie M K
mrandmrsryankolbe @
like Beco on Facebook Christina Brundick
GFC follower (Alexandra Pyke)
I follow BestBottoms, PlanetWise, and Nicki's Diapers on FB. Corrie M K
mrandmrsryankolbe @
I follow this blog! Lauren Tobin
I like Beco on facebook! Lauren Meagher Tobin
I would wear my Beco Gemini Baby Carrier EVERYWHERE! I have 4 kids, ages 5 and under, so I need to have my littlest one in a carrier almost all the time, but especially when we are out of the house.
tweet 8/16!/Graceink/status/103529010771935232
graceink at yahoo dot com
Follow the Nicki’s Diaper blog publicly.-Done
kmonkey13 at yahoo dot com
I like Beco Baby Carrier on facebook
kmonkey13 at yahoo dot com
I like Nicki’s Diapers, Planet Wise and Best Bottom Diapers on Facebook (Kiyomi Dickinson)
kmonkey13 at yahoo dot com
I would wear my beco while I worked, shopped, cleaned, and at the craft shows (we take both our kids to most), just everywhere!
I follow this blog via GFC
emily dot espressoshot at gmail dot com
I liked Beco on Facebook, as well as Best Bottoms and I already like Nicki's Diapers
emily dot espressoshot at gmail dot com
I'd wear my carrier on walks... they seem easier to deal with than a stroller!
emily dot espressoshot at gmail dot com
I liked Becco Carrier, Nicki's Diapers, Planet Wise, and Best Bottom Diapers on Facebook:) and commented on the Nicki's diaper Page. User name is Mandy Dunn Marlowe
Blogged about Nicki's diapers and Beco!
emily dot espressoshot at gmail dot com
follow youon gfc
like Beco Baby Carrier on fb
I like Nicki’s Diapers, Planet Wise and Best Bottom Diapers on
diddle poyner
I would wear it while out shopping, walking. pretty much everywhere lol
follow nd on twitter and tweeted!/diddlepoyner/status/103643073434755072
Public follower of Nicki's Diaper blog!
mrandmrsryankolbe @
I like Nicki's Diapers, BestBottom, and PlanetWise on FB. Corrie M K
mrandmrsryankolbe @
I like Beco baby carrier on FB! Corrie M K
mrandmrsryankolbe @
I tagged Nicki's Diapers and Beco in an FB post. Corrie M K
mrandmrsryankolbe @
I follow you on GFC
bonnyejean at gmail dot com
I follow you on twitter and tweeted!!/grateful_mom/status/103816207093870592
bonnyejean at gmail dot com
I like Beco on FB
bonnyejean at gmail dot com
aaf of Nicki’s Diapers, Planet Wise and Best Bottom Diapers on FB
bonnye sensenig
bonnyejean at gmail dot com
I follow Nicki's blog publicly
I follow nickis diapers on twitter and I tweeted about this giveaway...@victoriaandneil...!/VictoriaAndNeil/status/103848021216866304
**I like Becco Baby Carrier on facebook**
I like nicki's diapers, planet wise and best bottom on facebook....fb name is victoria loaiza
I would wear my Becco Baby Carrier everywhere =) My little guy doesn't like to be in his stroller so we're always carrying him =)
tweet 8/17!/Graceink/status/103875037186097152
graceink at yahoo dot com
Thanks for the giveway. GFC follower as Yesenia Morales.
morales_y at yahoo dot com
Tweeted the giveaway!!/newwife777/status/103979477138276352
mrandmrsryankolbe @
Swimbaby button! #1
mrandmrsryankolbe @
Swimbaby button! #2
mrandmrsryankolbe @
Clothdiaper clearance button! #1
(Even though it doesn't show up right)
mrandmrsryankolbe @
Clothdiaper clearance button! #2
(Even though it doesn't show up right)
mrandmrsryankolbe @
I have the Nicki's Diaper Blogbutton #1
(even though it doesn't work)
mrandmrsryankolbe @
I have the Nicki's Diaper Blog button #2
(even though it doesn't work)
mrandmrsryankolbe @
I follow and would love to win one for my sister in law!!
I follow Nicki's Blog!
mrandmrsryankolbe @
I follow Beco on FB.
mrandmrsryankolbe @
I like Nicki's Diapers, BeestBottoms, and PlanetWise on FB
mrandmrsryankolbe @
I follow Nicki's Diapers on twitter and tweeted this giveaway.!/newwife777/status/104181949316349952
mrandmrsryankolbe @
tweet 8/18!/Graceink/status/104244671240351745
graceink at yahoo dot com
i follow via gfc
allisonmdodge at gmail dot com
blog 1:
allisonmdodge at gmail dot com
blog 2:
allisonmdodge at gmail dot com
Swimbaby button #1
mrandmrsryankolbe @
swimbaby #2
mrandmrsryankolbe @
tweet 8/19!/Graceink/status/104572788081311744
graceink at yahoo dot com
I follow your blog
I like Beco on Facebook - Megan Blankenship Hulsey
I like Nicki's Diapers, planet wise, and best bottoms on Facebook - Megan Blankenship Hulsey
I subscribed to the newsletter
If I had a Beco Gemini, I would wear it when I go grocery shopping, on walks, around the house..... everywhere! I'd really love to have one when we go on vacation in a few weeks!
blog follower!
mrandmrsryankolbe @
I like PlanetWise, BestBottoms, and Nicki's diapers on FB!
mrandmrsryankolbe @
I like Beco on FB!
mrandmrsryankolbe @
Where would I wear my Beco, should I win... the real question is where WOULDN'T I wear it? With a new baby, a 2 year old and an almost 4 year old, I would imagine that I would need it almost all the time- dishes, diapers, laundry, shopping, walking, playgrounds, etc.
mrandmrsryankolbe @
tweet 8/20!/Graceink/status/104970034169913344
graceink at yahoo dot com
i follow your blog publicly
ianmarissa @
I follow Nicki's Diaper blog!
mrandmrsryankolbe @
I like Beco on FB! Corrie M K
mrandmrsryankolbe @
I like planetwise, bestbottoms, and Nicki's diapers on FB! Corrie M K
mrandmrsryankolbe @
I follow Nicki's diaper blog publicly as Diane Martinez
I like beco baby carrier on FB as Diane Martinez DeRuyter
I like Nicki's Diapers on FB as Diane Martinez DeRuyter
I like Best Bottom Diapers on FB as Diane Martinez DeRuyter
I like Planet Wise on FB as Diane Martinez DeRuyter
tweet 8/21!/Graceink/status/105407149458460672
graceink at yahoo dot com
follow nickis GFC as kristi rowland
I like beco on facebook
tweet 8/22!/Graceink/status/105663612697317376
graceink at yahoo dot com
GFC follower~jdm2551
tweet 8/23!/Graceink/status/106024206566830080
graceink at yahoo dot com
I follow your blog.
I "like" Beco on fb
Alison King
I "like" Nckis, Planetwise and Best Bottom on fb.
Alison King
I have your button on my blog.
Button on my blog!
I'd love to have a Beco so I can easily still do fun outings with my toddler when we have a new baby!
I follow your blog.
Like Nicki’s Diapers, Planet Wise and Best Bottom Diapers on Facebook
Like Beco Baby Carrier on Facebook as Linda Hawes
Signed up for the Nicki's Diapers newsletter
I would wear my beco carrier around the house, at the grocery store, around our neighborhood as I take walks...practically everywhere! :)
gfc follower kgross954 at gmail
like beco on fb kristin gross kgross954 at gmail
i would wear it shopping or at the park kgross954 at gmail
tweet 8/24!/Graceink/status/106375755331682304
graceink at yahoo dot com
Follow the Nicki’s Diaper blog publicly
Mrs. Smitty
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com
Blogged #1
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com
Blogged #2
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com
Follow on twitter & Tweet
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com
Like Beco Baby Carrier on Facebook
Rebecca Smith
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com
Like Nicki’s Diapers, Planet Wise and Best Bottom Diapers on Facebook
Rebecca Smith
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com
I'd wear my daughter in a Beco to go to the park, the grocery store, the river, the state fair, our community bbq's... the possibilities are endless!
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com
I like Beco on Facebook
I would use the Beco to take my baby everywhere. He likes facing out and needs to be carried everywhere all the time.
I follow Nicki's blog publicly!
mrandmrsryankolbe @
I like Beco Baby Carrier on FB!
mrandmrsryankolbe @
I like Nicki's Diapers, BestBottoms, and PlanetWise on FB! Corrie M K
mrandmrsryankolbe @
Where would I wear my Beco, should I win... the real question is where WOULDN'T I wear it? With a new baby, a 2 year old and an almost 4 year old, I would imagine that I would need it almost all the time- dishes, diapers, laundry, shopping, walking, playgrounds, etc.
mrandmrsryankolbe @
GFC follower
lulio163 at hotmail dot com
follow you on twitter (lulubunny1) and tweeted!/lulubunny1/status/106725944303169538
lulio163 at hotmail dot com
unique tweet #1!/lulubunny1/status/106726713148444672
lulio163 at hotmail dot com
unique tweet #2!/lulubunny1/status/106727019605270528
lulio163 at hotmail dot com
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