Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Best Bottom Bamboo Inserts- Is it Love?

Many people fall into one camp or another when it comes to Best Bottoms. Either they are devoted to their natural fibers or they love the stay dry microfiber inserts for their baby. I have to admit, we are more on the stay-dry side in our house. I love how they quickly wick the moisture away so Baby Z doesn't feel the wetness. My husband has even told me multiple times that she wasn't really wet because he only felt the top of the insert and didn't realize how much wetness had been absorbed.

Hemp has its place in our house as well though. Overnight we use the dream team combo of a hemp overnight on bottom with a stay dry insert on top. Stay dry quickly wicks the moisture away and hemp absorbs an impressive amount, so we have no leaks in the morning. We have our daytime favorites and our overnight dream team, so why would we make any changes? Change is hard, especially when something is working well.

But then Best Bottoms went ahead and released new bamboo inserts. How could we not try them? Maybe they could have their place in our perfect rotation too. Our daughter is generally an average wetter. At around 20 pounds we use large inserts, have her on the middle rise on her Best Bottom covers, and change her around every 2 hours. Except nap time. Nap time has become a fun trial and error game lately. We recently dropped from two naps a day to one and that one nap lasts somewhere between 2-3 magical hours. To be clear, that's 2-3 magical hours in which I'm positive she just continually pees the entire time. She chugs her milk at snack time, settles in for her slumber, and then pees and pees. We've adjusted to using doublers during nap, just to be sure her sheets stay dry. I wondered if the new bamboo Best Bottom inserts could help fill this nap time gap for us.

We snagged a few of the large bamboo inserts when they were released and went about prepping them to try them out. The first thing you'll notice about the bamboo inserts is that they are so buttery soft that our daughter likes to snuggle them out of the dryer. Many washes and uses later and the softness hasn't changed a bit. In addition to being snuggly soft, they are so extremely trim. It's hard to get much trimmer on Best Bottoms, but the bamboo is so trim it made me second guess whether they could really hold that much during nap time. We pulled out her skinny jeans that we never use, slipped them over her Best Bottom cover with a bamboo insert, and smiled at her adorable fluff butt.

Like hemp, bamboo is a natural fiber, which means they need to be prepped by washing them 4-5 times before use in order to reach maximum absorbency. This means 4-5 times through the full wash cycle (with detergent) and dried, but the good news is that you can wash them with anything, not just diapers. I was impatient, so after 4 laundry loads of diapers and clothes on wash day, I called it good and ready to try.

Here's a comparison between the three insert types. Stay-dry on the left, hemp in the middle, and bamboo on the right. Hemp naturally shrinks some during the prepping process, while stay-dry and bamboo do not.

Along with being soft and trim, the bamboo inserts are extremely moldable. They sink snugly into place in the cover, and fit perfectly, even though we use the middle row of rise snaps. The first few uses we tried them out during her normal change schedule and changed her every 2-3 hours. She's a crazy wild child and basically runs after the dog for two hours straight and we had no issues with bunching or leaking, and they absorbed wonderfully.

Once we'd used them a few times during everyday use, we got real crazy and decided to try them during nap time. We wanted to know their true potential, so we didn't even use a doubler, just one large bamboo insert for her pee filled nap. As usual, she chugged six ounces of milk during her snack, we changed her right before we put her down, and then crossed our fingers and settled in for the test. Two hours and fifteen minutes later Baby Z was well rested and ready to chase the dog some more, and jumping on her DRY SHEETS! Dry I say! No doubler, no wool, just a single buttery soft bamboo insert that was so impressively full of liquid that it was heavy. My skeptical husband was sure it was a one off fluke, but we've tried this option for a full week now and had success every time. (Minus the one day grandma had a chunk of the insert sticking out the top of the cover, but you can't blame the bamboo for that!)

The only drawback we've been able to find compared to our stay-dry inserts is that, like hemp, the bamboo inserts take two full dryer cycles to completely dry, rather than the one for stay-dry. Let's be fair, with how much they absorb, that's probably reasonable. However, the extra dry time is worth the soft absorbency that has been added to our Best Bottom dream team of inserts.

Have you tried the new Best Bottom bamboo inserts yet? Let us know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. I really like the green toy ideas. I'm also thinking about including some sort of flower item, whether for them to watch grow, or a toy. :)
