Friday, March 22, 2013

Fridays with Annie- Easter Egg Garland

In the "junk" drawer in my kitchen I have this folder that I call the "inspiration folder." In it are paint chips, magazine clippings, and printed out Pinterest projects that I reference when I need to find something for my husband to do update a room in our home. While cruising Pinterest a few weeks ago I ran across an adorable project that my kids and I could do to put to use some of those paint chips that I've stored up! When we took a trip to the local home improvement store, I let my 3 and 5 year old pick out a couple colors that they each liked to add to our collection.

Today, we got to work on our project!

First I showed my kids a picture of what we were trying to create. I find it's easier to keep their attention if they have an idea of the end product. The OCD pre-mommy Annie in me really wanted to just cut all of the egg shapes out myself so they were perfect. Luckily for my kids (and my sanity) my 5 years of parenting has taught me that Playdoh colors can get mixed, you can color out of the lines, and choppy safety scissor cuts are endearing. So, I just traced the shapes out on the back of each egg and let my kids do the cutting. One egg into it my 3 year old was bored and wanted to play with the hole puncher so my 5 year old and I finished up.

After we finished cutting the eggs out, I helped my 3 year old punch two holes in the top of each egg. Then I had the boys pick a pattern of how they wanted the eggs to go and I strung them on a piece of yarn. We hung the finished product on the mantle. I say for a free decoration, it turned out pretty cute! Do you have any free or almost free Easter projects to share? Post them in the comments!

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