Friday, September 28, 2012

Flats on Friday!

As any mom knows, sometimes you have weeks where you feel like you just can't get ahead. This week was one of those weeks for me. Dinners were thrown together last minute, my laundry pile is growing exponentially, and when I went to move the clean diapers from the washer to the dryer this morning, I realize that the load from earlier this week was STILL in the dryer! Yikes, guess I'm low on diapers today!

Emmett woke up and needed to be changed out of his overnight diaper and as I looked for a pocket or AI2, I realized that my pickins' were SLIM! So, I reached to the back of my changing table, grabbed a flat and pad folded it into an Imagine Diaper Cover. As I lifted Emmett up and notice how trim this diaper is, I remember one of the many reasons why I love flats so much!

Ease- It doesn't get much more basic and much easier than folding up a flat and laying it into a diaper cover. Absorbent flat + waterproof cover = simple and bulletproof!

Fit- Since flats only come in one size, they truly are a one-size fits all diaper. While I prefer the ease of the pad fold, there are endless options for folding that will fit the tiniest newborn to large toddler! And with so many options, you can get an ultra trim fit!

Washing- Flats are a single layer of birdseye cotton, making them a piece of cake to wash. They come clean without a complicated system and are a great option for hand washing since they dry so quickly! I actually have a dozen flats and a handful of covers in our emergency kit for this reason.

Cost- How does diapering from birth to potty training for under $150 sound? Pretty great I'd say! Flats are hands down the most economical diapering option. Pick up 3 dozen flats and 10 one-size diaper covers and you're set!

Maybe next week I'll be more on top of things, maybe not. But even if I've got a full bin of modern cloth diapers clean and ready, I think I'm going to make this a new tradition and love on my Flats on Friday!


  1. i love flats! They are great padfolded in a fuzzibun elite or fuzzibun onesize since the hole to put the insert in is so little!

  2. Flats are my go to diaper! My favorite feature is how flexible they are-I have two in diapers, a two year old and a two month old, and I don't have to worry about keeping track of different size diapers.
