Monday, August 20, 2012

Dapper Snappers No Mooning!

Meet Ian, my now 4 1/2 year old who was once a 9 pound 11 ounce newborn. If you're thinking to yourself, "ouch", you're right. 

So Ian's life started off a little on the larger side. He ate like a champ, was on the top of the growth charts, out grew his clothing faster than we could buy it, and thanks even more to his cloth diaper booty, he never had a problem with his pants falling off.

Then Ian began walking at 9 months old, and thinned down quite a lot. By 18 months his height and weight were just average on the growth charts. By 2 1/2 years old, he potty trained and that is when his "pants problems" really began! Maybe he inherited my husband's lack of behind (because it's certainly not from me), or maybe toddler size jeans just didn't fit him quite right, but man, I wish I had a nickle for every time I said, "Ian, pull your pants up!" Have you ever had your child's pants literally fall to their ankles and have them sprint down the isle of Target yelling, "Hey, look at me! My pants fell off!" No? I can't be the only one!

Then I ran across this nifty little device, the Dapper Snapper! It's like a belt, but even better. We tried belts with Ian, but trying to undo a belt before sitting on the potty is not ideal for a 2, 3 or 4 year old. In fact, it's downright risky to waste those precious seconds! The Dapper Snapper goes on the back of their pants or shorts. It's elastic so it offers stretch and makes it easy for them to pull their pants up and down while it's attached. And of course, it prevents the dreaded "Plumbers Crack".

Here is great news for all of you who are against droopy drawers. Through August 31st, we're promoting "No Mooning!" with Dappers Snappers and you can get all Dapper Snapper belts 10% off! This is just in time for back to school, don't let your little one be "that kid", help them keep their pants up! There are lots of great colors and prints to choose from, something to match every outfit!

In just a couple weeks Ian is starting 4k! There are already so many things that kids worry about when they begin school, don't let mooning be one of them!


  1. I too have been having this issue lately. I just may have to look into that Dappers Snappers.

    One question: do they make them for adults?!

  2. Janis- they do, but we don't carry them currently :-/

  3. We have one of these and I love it! We definitely want to order more before school starts. Haha, and adult sized ones would be amazing lmao.

  4. I was looking at these and was wondering how well they worked. I don't have any need for them just yet, but I know some people that would get some good use out of them!
