Monday, April 2, 2012

Light It Up Blue - Autism Awareness April 2nd

This is Jack. Jack is a four-and-a-half year old boy who loves robots, Star Wars, his dog Starr, playing outside, and video games. Jack loves to run, jump, swing, climb, crash, and slide. Jack loves his little brother and his mom and dad. He is an absolute joy and his smile lights up a room.

Jack also has autism. This means that Jack sometimes has trouble communicating -- he can't keep up with conversations as well as other kids, and doesn't always answer questions the right way. He sometimes has a hard time in certain environments -- loud, busy, bright, or otherwise stimulating places or times can be very difficult for him to handle. He gets easily frustrated and can't figure out how to express himself. He doesn't always respond to his name. He doesn't really understand humor or emotions. Sometimes it means that he doesn't understand the games or feelings of other kids. Jack bounces and flaps his arms when he's excited or proud, and likes to quote his favorite shows or characters. Sometimes he gets lost in his own little world.

Jack is my oldest son. He was diagnosed with autism when he was a little over two years old. It didn't bring our world crashing down. It didn't change him. He was still the same Jack as the day before that diagnosis came -- his diagnosis was a relief and a starting point. It meant that we could help Jack grow and learn to be the best Jack he could be. But it didn't come easy after that -- we had to fight for his services, his therapy, his help. It shouldn't be like that. Autism is diagnosed in roughly 1 out of every 167 children, and yet funding for research and programs is far lower than for disorders and diseases facing far fewer children.

That's why I support the Light It Up Blue! campaign -- to bring awareness to autism and to all the families affected by it every day.

Nicki's Diapers is offering 15% OFF the Light It Up Blue! FuzziBunz One-Size Elite Pocket Diapers today, April 2nd in honor of World Autism Awareness Day. FuzziBunz generously donates $1 of every Light It Up Blue! diaper purchased to Autism Speaks. We're also giving one away -- help us raise awareness and win!



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