Thursday, March 1, 2012

Rockin' Green Funk Rock Sale and GIVEAWAY!

Feeling the itch to start your spring cleaning? Are your diapers smelling a little funky or looking a little dingy after a winter of being out of the sun? It might be time to pick up some Funk Rock and give your diapers a nice deep cleaning! Just 4 tablespoons of Funk Rock will get up to 20 diapers smelling like new again! Now through March 31st, pick up a bag of Rockin' Green Funk Rock for only $13.95!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I don't know if we're supposed to leave the blog comment here or not, but I plan on getting a dumpster this spring and cleaning my WHOLE FREAKING HOUSE.

  2. I plan to clean EVERYTHING :) I'm a neat freak with a messy husband and a 7 month old baby who chews on anything and is starting to walk-the whole house is going to need a GOOD SCRUB!

  3. Doing the Project: Simplify over at starting next Monday with my sons' room.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I really should try Funk Rock, I LOVE my Rockin' Green! Can you use Funk Rock to strip diapers, or is it just for ammonia? I plan to clean out my basement-- it is a really nice, finished basement but it seriously needs organization!

  6. We are in the middle of a DEEP spring clean! We have WAY too much stuff. We downsized from a 3 bedroom house with a full casement and garage and are now in a 2 bedroom apartment (moved for school and it's TINY). It feels great to get all of this stuff gone!

  7. I was JUST thinking that we need to do a deep clean.=)

  8. Everything! I need to do a deep clean of the windows, inside and out, and move furniture around and clean!

    huntermb3 at gmail dot com

  9. I plan to clean my whole house! With a baby coming in early summer I want it sparkling!

  10. I need to clean/organize EVERYTHING! Nesting is kicking in. LOL I am starting with my bedroom though. :)

  11. I'm due with a baby girl in JULY and we need to do some serious Spring Cleaning before she gets here!! I just don't know how we accumulate so much junk.

  12. I will clean my home office! It becomes the junk room for everything I don't want to deal with. I really need to spend a weekend working on it this spring.

  13. I'm having a new baby this spring, so I'll probably be nesting very soon! And nesting means deep cleaning the entire house!

  14. Spring cleaning starts today in my house! Kids are going to love me! LOL

  15. I plan on cleaning and organizing our computer room and basement.

  16. I'm going to clean my Indian Pre-folds, of course!

  17. Hoping to get a dumpster this spring and go to town! I would also love to deep clean the whole house.

  18. kitchen, but everything! cant wait to open windows!

  19. I've already started my "spring cleaning". The "nesting" phase hit with my pregnancy and so far I have deep cleaned and rearranged my whole living room, cleaned out our front closet, redid our whole front entrance, reorganized our linen closet and I know that is just the tip of the iceberg for me. My poor hubby...

  20. baby is due in June - so some spring cleaning of the WHOLE house is due soon....
    thanks for the giveaway!

  21. I have a baby due in May, so I'm also getting ready for a whole-house cleaning before I'm a 2U2 mom!

  22. I will clean out the office where all of our unpacked stuff is... we just moved in about a month ago :)

  23. I plan to clean out our totes x 1000 that we've collected in the basement. GARAGE SALE :)
    skklemm at gmail dot com

  24. I'm hoping we'll be moving to a bigger place soon, so I'm getting rid of the clutter.

  25. closets..and the junk drawer in the kitchen.

  26. I plan to clean the whole house! Our little guy walks now, so he will get into toooooo much stuff!

  27. I plan to clean everything! Especially our closets, pantry cabinet, and our son's room. He needs to do some toy purging!! lol. Thanks! bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

  28. The whole house! LOL Our computer/sewing room and dd's play room are the worst!
    tvpg at aol dot com

  29. Finally got my computer fixed so I can enter again. This will be awesome since we are moving and will be doing some major "Spring cleaning" in the process.

  30. I hope to do a lot of organizing and getting rid of excess stuff this spring to prepare for all the baby stuff that will be coming into our house in the next few months!!

  31. I really need to clean and organize the kids' rooms!

  32. i plan to clean my backyard

    debnmike m
    dmoretti1967 at yahoo dot com

  33. We're going to do a massive, whole house spring clean. A new baby girl is coming in May, and we've got to make room for her! :)

  34. I plan to do a big ol' clean out as well! Too much stuff accumulated thats not used and needs to go! Can't wait to weed through it!

  35. What DON'T I plan to clean? :) Actually, we are trying for baby #3 so with that goal in mind we will be cleaning out our "office" and making it into a guest room/baby room (if/when needed). Also, the garage! We need serious organization in there. I'd like to try the idea from Pinterest to hang the bins from the ceiling. :)

  36. The stroller and the linen closet.

  37. I need to clean my entire house lol!

  38. Everything and ceiling fans and window ledges.;)

  39. Our whole house, and we need to get storage. We are hoping to put our house on the market, which means everything has to be cleansed from top to bottom.....literally!

  40. I plan to clean everything. The windows really need a good cleaning tho.

  41. Three months to baby day... Time to deep clean and reorganize the WHOLE HOUSEto get ready for the new addition! :) ESPECIALLY my room where baby will be for awhile! :)

  42. The nursery to get ready for a new addition in october! yay!

  43. I have a 6 month old that will probably be crawling soon. I need to clean everything starting with our floors!

  44. I use Rockin Green to clean almost everything... steam clean my carpets, spot cleaner on furniture, any kind of linens or clothing, and of course diapers

  45. I have yet to try Rockin' Green, but I have heard great things about it!

  46. Oh, and I plan to clean the baby's room! It needs better organization.

  47. Organize my diaper stash! :)

  48. My list includes the basement and the gardens! I've been saying that for years....

  49. We are having an early spring here in Wisconsin so I am already getting the spring cleaning itch and want to clean from top to bottom my whole house,just wish I had more than a weekend to do it.

  50. I really really want to sit out in my yard on the patio furniture I got on sale last fall, which means, I need to clean the yard up!

  51. Finally clean the windows, after a yucky, muddy winter

  52. That cleaning material rocks! Makes it easy for me.
    house cleaner salt lake
