Monday, October 24, 2011

Cloth Diapering From Day 1 Series: Introduction

Welcome to the first post in a new series on the Nicki's Diapers Blog, Cloth Diapering from Day 1! Many of you have been reading my posts since the Nicki's Diapers Blog started, but let me re-introduce myself! My name is Annie. I've been married for just over 5 years and have 2 little boys, Ian is (almost) 4 and Sean is 2. We are expecting our 3rd little boy (name yet to be revealed ;-)) in just over 5 weeks! I've been cloth diapering for (almost) 4 years and I've been working at Nicki's Diapers for just over 2 years!

Although we started cloth diapering early on with our boys, I wanted to challenge myself to start cloth diapering from day (or minute!) 1 with this baby. I'm not saying I will never use a disposable diaper, or that I will drive myself into the ground in order to make sure a load of diapers gets into the wash at midnight, but this likely being our last baby, we thought it was something different and positive that we could try!

Soo... here's my plan! I have a series of posts planned out, including some that will come before baby even arrives. I will discuss building a newborn stash, what I plan to bring to the hospital, washing and prepping newborn diapers, using cloth diapers at the hospital, circumcision and cord stump care with cloth, and have feature posts on different types of diapers on newborns. I will try to include as many pictures as possible (because who doesn't love newborns in cloth?!) and we will do some fun giveaways along the way! I welcome any and all suggestions on more topics, so if you have an idea, feel free to leave it in the comments on the blog or post it on our facebook page!

I hope you enjoy the ride! -Annie



  1. Good luck. I am about to have my second son (seriously, with in the next 2 weeks) and am planning on CDing him starting as soon as I can. I look forward to reading how your adventure goes!

  2. I look forward to comparing my journey with yours. Our baby will be here within the next week and I am prepared to start CD her asap.

  3. I am looking forward to keeping up with this part of the blog. I am due to have my 3rd and last baby in January, and I want to cloth from day 1 myself.

  4. CDed from day 3. Will be interesting to say the least! I was worried about the cord constantly, but in Best Bottoms, the top tucked in nicely! Loved it from the moment we started.

  5. Perfect! Having my baby boy in December, so I will get to reap the benefits of your experiences quickly!

  6. Can't wait for your future posts! I just started my third trimester with my first baby, and have been debating if I should go cloth from day one (since everything is new to me!) Looking forward to some helpful advice and to pick your brain in planning!

  7. Thanks for the ideas. There's always something new to learn and improve on in this mad internet world. Uptiming is surely something to keep an eye on. baby diapers
