Thursday, November 11, 2010

How I became a Full Time Cloth Head

So, during each pregnancy I have devoured diaper sales and rummage through every Sunday paper in search of fabulous coupons! By the time my last pregnancy ended, at over 41 weeks, I had 96 packages of diapers! Very proud of my bargains, I stacked them by size and stood back to admire my stash! We happily diapered our 4th baby boy in disposables for 6 months. I had never ever giving any positive thought to cloth diapering. “ That “ was for people who had tons of time, not a busy mom like me, and didn’t care about scrubbing poop! Boy was I wrong. If you had told me that by my sons 8 month birthday that I would be full time cloth diapering mom I would have told you that you were off your rocker!!

My current obsession with cloth started innocently on You Tube as I watch videos of moms that clothed their babies. Then I posted my own video about my slight interest in cloth and the encouraging response was overwhelming! I decided I would purchase I few super cheap diapers on eBay……it was all down hill from there! I soon discovered much bigger sites to feed my need for cloth! After figuring out the lingo: inserts, Bummis, AIO, OS, I was hooked!

Today we are a 100% cloth family, with a good sized collection of fluff and even have cloth wipes. I am still shocked by the amount of wonderful product to chose from and the warm knowledgeable community that surrounds cloth but I am over joyed to now know enough to share my experience with other mothers who inquire about cloth. Nearly one month after a life of disposables, we barely have any garbage, will save a ton of money with our next baby (whenever that is ) and whole heartily enjoy putting our chunky monkey in his adorable fluff! Needless to say we have returned all the disposables to the store!

By Guest Blogger: Jennifer Suess - Cloth Addict

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