Monday, November 1, 2010

CDAA – Cloth Diaper Addicts Anonymous

It all began as a way to save money. We needed to cut back on things and we had two (yes two) in diapers and the one thing that always came up when money was tight or non existent was diapers. Oh how I hated buying diapers on my grocery shopping trips. Here I was making sure I was watching what I spent and with one quick swipe, you added $40 dollars (for two) to your bill and on top of that, with one quick change, that $40 got thrown in the garbage!

So after much research, we decided to try cloth. At first it was completely economical. I did however love the way their little bottoms looked all fluffy and cute in their cloth diapers but because if costs, we couldn’t afford to completely cloth all the time so we slowly had to build our stash (and in ours I mean mine).

So I was introduced to Nicki’s Diapers. Oh Nicki’s how I love you and hate you, (really I love you but my husband might hate you). At first I was a little overwhelmed but then I got my first deal. I bought 4 diapers for $25! Ok I was hooked and for about a good month I couldn’t stop looking. I had to make sure I got the best deal. I was able to get a bunch of Fuzzi Bunz and for awhile I was satisfied (ok not really but the money maker… aka husband needed a break)

Well I convinced someone to get me diapers as a present (this should have been the first sign there was an…issue). So I was introduced to brand new fluffy, soft, never been used diapers. Oh I was in love! I wasted no time putting them on my son and oh the bright little bottoms waddling around… how can you not love cloth.

For a while I was ok. I stayed away from any of the websites. Luckily the nearest diaper store was an hour away so going that was not an option. So for awhile I think the addiction died down. My son grew out of our first stash and we didn’t have money to buy another one so we switched to disposables (oh the wasted money). I passed on my stash to a friend for her to use (is it normal to miss your diapers?) I did keep the new ones because they were OS so I planned on still using them (ok ok and because I couldn’t bare to part with them).

Well money got tight again and those dreaded disposables were killing me. I started using my 4 diapers and just washing every day. I was then lucky enough to find out our store was giving away free boxes of Econobums. I packed my boys in the car and we drove the hour (over an hour with a two year old and one year old) and got our diapers. This was all it took, one trip to the store and seeing all those cute diapers. I was hooked!

Well I had all these new econobums and some prefolds I bought so I needed come cute covers right? Well I found out that a store opened up locally (oh no, this could be trouble) so I headed there. $50 later I walked out with 2 thirsty covers, fleece liners, disposable liners, some snappi’s and a full blow love and addiction to cloth. It doesn’t help that every cloth diaper store I have been in has a play area so I can shop in peace and my kids are happy.

So here I am, completely in love with cloth diapers. I see it this way; I have boys so I am limited to my fashion choices. How many football shirts or blue shirts can one have? Cloth diapers are my way getting cute without going over board. Who can argue with a little baby bottom in a cow print (I’m expecting that diaper next week and can not wait)? Who cares if I would rather buy diapers then new clothes for myself? So what if my dream job would be to work at a cloth store and get paid in fluff. That doesn’t mean anything…

Ok so I might have a slight problem… Hello name is Christina and I am a cloth diaper Addict!

By Guest Blogger - Christina McMahon


  1. HA! you explained my addiction to a T!!! i have three kids with one on the way. my younger 2 were cloth diapered and both boys! i know exactly what you mean. how bad is it that for the past year i scouer (sp?) the websites looking for diapers and designs and couldn't wait to get pregnant again just to pick out more cloth diapers (i too passed mine on to a friend)...

  2. haha - i just started Cloth Diapering but this is so me...i find myself sneaking orders in here and there...and I convinced my mom to buy some diapers now for christmas haha...its HORRIBLE. No matter where i turn around or look i want this or husband just laughs and asks if we can take a break b/c he doesnt see how we are saving anything right now but it is a serious addiction - just right now i have all one size tho so i keep telling the husband that it will be all good in the end...i have to "build" up my stash (so i tell the hubby) so i dont put so much wear and tear on the ones i have now...(not washing daily)...anything to get just a few more HA (ps i have all boys...but only CDing the younger 2 b/c the other two are potty trained..and my reason for wanting to start CDing was simply b/c every time i turned around we were out of diapers...and it was so fustrating and then as u said 40 bucks a shot)

  3. I know that I'm not the only addict out there, but it's nice to see it in writing... I think my daughter's father and friends think I'm NUTS... and I am. About cloth!! :)
