Thursday, October 28, 2010

I Think I Need an Intervention

When I was a first time mom, at the young age of eighteen, I would slap a thin, plasticy Pampers diaper on my daughter's bum and call it a day. The thought of diapers took up less than 1% of my thinking. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever get obsessed with something my child pooped in.

Then my first BumGenius arrived in the mail. From that moment on the need to acquire an uncanny amount of fluff consumed my spare time. Being a beginner, BumGenius was an obvious first choice. After a few friends had me interested in them, I had merely googled "cloth diapers" and BumGenius was displayed all over my screen. My daughter was fifteen months old at the time and I was very pregnant, so I bought gender neutral colors, not knowing there was a variety of brands and prints out there in the cloth diaper world.

Convincing my husband was one of my first challenges. BumGenius diapers are completely daddy proof, so I'm glad we started with that particular brand. I would convince him we only needed "two more" to have enough diapers for the baby we were expecting. Before I knew it I was rushing to the mail box before he came home for lunch, my addiction was growing. And maturing as well.

 I started to investigate many websites that sold cloth diapers. I only looked at "one size" diapers as well, thinking it would be dumb to have to buy more cloth diapers once my son surpassed a size. And fitteds? What was the point of those?!

I was also a sucker for one particular website because they had "rewards" points. But they also had expensive shipping, which was starting to add up. Then I discovered Nicki's Diapers when ordering my first Planet Wise wetbag. It then became one of my "go to" sites. They had everything from babylegs (another obsession that would continue to grow)  and wet bags, to a variety of prints and colors of diapers that no other site offered. Best of all, almost everything I had purchased included free shipping. Not only was it free...but fast. An addict can NOT receive fluffy mail fast enough. Every time an e-mail notification pops up on my phone, I hope it's a tracking number. Or one of those exciting "Your Order Has Shipped" ones.

Cloth diaper give-a-ways were another way to get fluff my husband wouldn't be mad about. It would have no effect whatsoever on our bank account, therefore he could care less. I even used my daughters cuteness to win a Smartipants three pack when she was their "Baby of the Month". It felt like winning the lottery. Lucy was just entertained with the package it came in.

Pretty soon, I was getting curious about those "fitteds" that everyone was trading on my cloth diaper swaps. And those cheaper "pre folds" that looked extremely difficult to use. BumGenius quickly became my boring diaper. I love BumGenius to death but I was wanting more. I really wanted to know what I LOVED.

Before I knew it, I had sold my complete stashes three times to start over. I am currently divulging in a FuzziBunz fetish, I need to have two of every color. There is no telling how long it will last. I swear it's my final stash...until another brand peaks my attention. Sometimes I feel as though I'm the only one this obsessed with cloth diapers. But I know there are other moms out there right now...browsing, acquiring, trading and hoarding Pay Pal money to help feed their addictions. And all the time I'm our babies feel used? Because we are using their cute tooshes to purchase mounds of fluff?

By Guest Blogger Mandie Medeiros


  1. Haha, hoarding PayPal money...I so know how you feel! It's crazy!

    How I feed my fluff addiction: I bought a case of 10,000 cloth diaper liners (yeah. That's 100 packs of 100) which I sell on I have enough liners to last my son through CDing (though I did just buy a diaper sprayer!) and to earn money for my addiction. Anybody who wants some, let me know....;)

  2. I can totally relate to this. People ask me what diaper I use and I have to recite a list. If it's got a cute print or some interesting feature, I buy one to try it out. My son is now 19 months old and I hope we have another one so the addiction can continue. =)

  3. I can relate with the selling of the stash a few times over... I've been there. I started with prefolds. Then went to Flips and BG's, with some HH's, smartipants and AIO's. Now I have my ideal stash with FB OS and PS, Thirsties Duo diapers and some WAHM's. I can relate to the paypal hoarding also. I keep trying to find stuff around the house to sell on Ebay so I can put it towards more fluff. Although, I know I have more than enough for my two boys!

  4. I have done the exact same thing as you! I was strictly a gDiapers user, then I liked my Booroi then I had to wait for custom inserts for my Booroi and then I found FuzziBunz one-size then bumGenius then I fell in love with wool and fleece soakers then I fell madly in love with prefold fitteds. I have tried every diaper there is and I have this huge tower (literally if you saw my stash you probably wouldn't believe it) that is OVERFLOWING into a large laundry basket this is OVERFLOWING. I find myself also thinking about having another baby just so that I can keep playing with my cute fluff. Crazy thing for a mom of 4 to think about really! I also feel incredibly sad for when my son potties and doesn't need his CD's anymore. I will have lost a fluffy bum that I so love to pat on several times an hour. I'm going to miss seeing him triple stuffed wearing a double layer Covered Caboose wool cover and waddling like a duck down the hall to go to sleep. :( Who would have thought that diapers could do this to a person.

    There are days where I seriously long for the ignorance I lived in where the only thought I had about cloth diapers was massively huge butts covered with big white prefolds, pinned and rubber pull on pants.

  5. Can I just be honest and say ME TOO!!!!! lol I started off with a friends old worn out stash of prefolds and very cheap old gerber nylons just to see if I would like to cloth diaper. then I realized the washing and poo is really not that bad and thus began my journey. I could go on for hours about diapers, how I got started, what kind use most, why, how to wash, and all sorts of other things but I will spare everyone the time. :-D

  6. THese comments are all too familiar and so funny! I even got teary-eyed when I read mary ann's comment about "patting the fluffy bum" and I'm just getting started:)
