Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Nicki's June AND July Mom of the Month!

***Since I'm a little behind this month, I'm going to let this mom shine in the spotlight for June and July!***
Name: Kendra S Hometown: Janesville WI Occupation: Stay at home Mom (former teacher) Children: twin girls: Abigail & Emma (2yrs 2 1/2 months) and one due in July How did you decide to cloth diaper? Honestly, I had thought about cloth diapering long before I became pregnant, but didn't discuss it much. After we found out we were having twins, it was a no brainer for us as I would be staying home and we would be on one income. My husband was fully on board; not afraid of it at all. He even does the laundry sometimes. :) What types of cloth diapers do you use? Actually, for the twins we used the cheap Gerber diapers and covers. We are not going that route again. I have also used a few Fuzzi Bunz my sister bought for me. This time we purchased some Thirsties covers with prefolds and Haute pocket diapers. I am looking forward to using these!! What is your favorite cloth diaper and why? At this point, not sure. I do like prefolds (higher quality ones of course). They just seem the easiest to care for and they dry faster. Fuzzi Bunz worked well for one daughter but the other one always reacted to the material and was a heavy wetter. The pocket diapers are nice for times we are out and about or when someone else needs to change their diaper. They don't have to touch the icky part! What is your favorite non-mommy related activity or hobby? I like to garden, exercise and camp- basically be outdoors! What type of music do you play in the car when you don't have your children? I listen to the same music with or without the children, Christian. What would you tell someone who is just starting out? Don't be afraid to go out and about when cloth diapering. Just go out prepared with extra clothes, diapers and a bag to put the soiled diapers in. Always pack more than you may think necessary. Don't be afraid of using prefolds and covers. Try several kinds within your budget/price range and talk to others that have CD. I made it through 2 years of cloth diapering twins with the cheapest CD you could find. I also have two much older step-children that we do a lot of running around for. I CD through it all. It is doable if you want it to be. Anything else we should know about you? Twins run in my family as I am a twin myself.


  1. Yeah for another Wisco mama! Go Packers!

  2. Woohoo! On Wisconsin! Such a nice picture of you and your girls. :)

  3. It's great that you CD'd through twins and plan to keep going. It really can save so much money, especially if you buy cheaper(prefolds/covers!), or buy second-hand (like I did). I've even won some CD's through giveaways, which is awesome!

  4. So cute! Call me crazy, but I've always wanted twins. My father is an identical twin and there are 9 sets of identical twin boys on his side of the family between his mother's and father's sides. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

  5. I love the convenience of pockets too and do the prefold with a cover during the day.

  6. We had our baby July 4, a boy!!! Loving my new CD's!!!
