Thursday, June 10, 2010

June 10th-June 16th Weekly Giveaway

Medela Breastmilk Bottles are designed for long-term and safe breastmilk storage. These 5 oz. bottles have colorful, easy to read marks for both ounces and milliliters. They have a 2-piece lid for safe storage in the refrigerator or the freezeer. The cap will keep the nipple clean and also can be used as a cup for feeding the baby. This safe plastic bottle has been designed to retain breastmilk's beneficial properties. Dishwasher and microwave safe.

Medela Breastmilk Bottles are BPA/DEHP Free and aways have been!

***Please read carefully, we've changed some options and added more ways to enter!***

To enter to win a Medela Breastmilk Feeding and Storage Set 3-pack, leave a comment on our blog with a link to each entry (examples: your blog post, your comment on our FB page, etc.). You may only do each entry option once per weekly giveaway. Winner will be posted 6/17. Winner must email within one week to claim your prize.

1. Become a subscriber of Nicki's Diapers Blog or if you already are, comment on any blog post (saying something along the lines of "commenting for the giveaway" does not quality as a comment). 2. Become a Fan of Nicki's Diapers Facebook page or if you already are, post a comment on the page (saying something along the lines of "commenting for the giveaway" does not quality as a comment). 3. Post a comment on your Facebook page and include a link to the Nicki's Diapers Website 4. Follow nickisdiapers on Twitter 5. Post a fan picture on the Nicki's Diapers facebook page 6. Blog about Nicki's Diapers including a link to any page on Nicki's Diapers 7. Talk about Nicki's Diapers on a Forum including a link to any page on Nicki's Diapers 8. Grab one of our buttons and put it on your blog. 9. Tell us your LEAST favorite thing about summer. 10. Place an order at between now and June 16th. Include your order number and date placed when commenting for your entry.


  1. I'm a subscriber to Nicki's blog! (and now I'll go find something to comment on hehe) I'm also the first comment on here, which is a first for me! :D

  2. Hmmm, my least favorite thing about summer... the sweltering heat. I don't mind being warm or even hot, but it's the super humid heat (without any wind or warm wind even) that really just gets to me after awhile. Oh, and I can see my deck (since now it's not covered in snow) and I realized that we need to sand it and repaint it. Not my favorite thing to do. lol

  3. My least favourite thing about this summer is that my husband has been transferred across the country for 6 months :(
    Otherwise, I love summer!
    ebickell at hotmail dot com

  4. Humm least favorite thing about summer is no a/c.

  5. I am a following Nicki's blog beacuse Nicki's Diaper Best Bottom rocks ! I also just posted a comment on my own facebook page linking to Nicki's Diapers (Jen 'Parker' Talbot). I also posted a comment on Nicki's Diaper's facebook page (Jen 'Parker' Talbot). My least favorite thing about summer is that it never seems to last long enough. I also left a review of the Best Bottom diaper on the Diaper Pin (Parkerfur).

    I hope I am lucky this week !

  6. My least favorite thing about summer is having no A/C. Though, truthfully, we would only need it for a few weeks up here in the Pacific Northwest, but it would still be wonderful to have for those few weeks. :)

  7. I posted a comment over here on this post.

  8. My least favorite thing about summer is the heat.

  9. humidity is my least favorite thing about summer!

  10. I follow this blog through google friend connect

  11. am a facebook fan of Nikkis diapers

  12. I subscribe to your blog

  13. I have your button on my blog

  14. Mosquitoes are my least favorite thing about summer.

  15. I commented on this post

  16. my least favorite thing about summer is horse and deer flies!!!

  17. My least favorite thing about summer is that it ends...

  18. My least favorite thing about summer is the high humidity.

  19. Ugh. I hate the midwest humidity and the bugs (esp mosquitoes)!

  20. I'm a subscriber to Nikki's blog! :)

  21. Currently, My least favorite thing about summer is not being able to help with the yard work since I'm pregnant with our first. But I'm loving watching my hubby do all the work, lol.

  22. Just started following you on Twitter!

  23. I posted comment and a link on my facebook page

  24. Am now a follower of this blog!

  25. My least favorite thing about summer is the humidity!

  26. I am a blog follower. I am 29 weeks along with baby #1 and have heard great things about the medela brand!

  27. I followed you on Twitter! (ILoveClothDipes)

  28. My least favorite thing about summer is just the heat! Ughhh, it's awful. At least if it's cold weather you can just add another layer, but in the summer there's not much you can do about the heat! I just stay inside in the air conditioning as much as possible.

  29. I am your newest FB fan!

    newmommyin08 AT yahoo DOT com

  30. I am your newest Twitter follower too @royaldixie

  31. I am a blog follower too now! Do you follow my blog?

  32. My least favorite thing about summer is the heat! Especially when I am pregnant (like this summer!)

  33. As Laura (previous commenter) already said, my least favorite thing about summer is the humidity.

  34. I follow nickisdiapers on twitter! I am @hell_0kitty

  35. I posted a fan photo!!/photo.php?pid=31356503&o=all&op=1&view=all&subj=145632806625&aid=-1&id=1337266463

    My middle child is wearing a Bumgenius 3.0 and my youngest is wearing a Flip!

  36. My least favorite thing about summer is ants, wasps, bees, flies and any other unwanted critter that makes it's way into my house!

  37. twitter follower
    janel_marie at yahoo dot com

  38. my least fav thing about summer is when it gets over 105 degrees (i'm in phx)
    janel_marie at yahoo dot com

  39. I follow you on twitter @whitelilydreams

  40. My least favorite thing about summer is all the flying bugs!

  41. My least favorite thing amount summer is the humidity.

  42. the least favorite thing about summer are the mosqitos

  43. I'm a fan on facebook and I commented on your question about what the weather was like this morning.

  44. My least favorite thing about summer... spiders in my house, big ugly ones. Yuck!

  45. My least favorite thing about summer is the humidity. At least with mosquitos you have the option of bug spray.

  46. FB comment!/pages/Nickis-Diapers/145632806625?v=wall&story_fbid=129487710406491 Kristen Smeltz Keyes

  47. I just became a follower of the blog but I would have done it even if it weren't for the giveaway lol. I'm new to Nicki's Diapers and I've already bought three things this week. I'm waiting for the okay from my husband to buy more lol.

  48. Cannot wait to receive my Best Bottom diapers!!!
    Date : 14 Jun 2010 - 17:11
    Order ID : 3327793

  49. ^And I'm Tiffany Lacasse on FB. I posted half of my comment there for some reason? Haha. My FB statuses linking to you (by typing in @Nicki's Diapers) were:
    "Tiffany Lacasse just ordered a swim diaper for each girl from Nicki's Diapers' My Swim Baby. I chose the iPlay Ultimate Swim Diapers because I like their sizes and prints. Monday at 12:36pm"


    "Tiffany Lacasse got my cute Happy Heinys diaper from Nicki's Diapers AND a postcard from -- --! JACKPOT MAIL DAY! Monday at 11:48am"

  50. just joined the blogfeed, have been a facebook fan for a while, and just found out that i'm expecting my first baby!!!! many of my friends are frequent shoppers at nicki's and your store is where i bought the pregnancy tests that gave me the good news. i'd love to win the medela gift pack!

  51. Date : 10 Jun 2010 - 19:33
    Order ID : 3323419

  52. I Just started following your blog! yay!

  53. I commented on FB about:

    Shauna Hebert In the future, will there be hemp/bamboo OVERNIGHT inserts for best bottoms? Just curious!12 seconds ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · Flag

  54. Just started following your twitter as Hebesfam too!

  55. My LEAST favorite thing about summer is my HOT office! last year we had unusually hot weather for Washington, and it was 115!! Some places everyone is used to that, and have air conditioners. Not washington. And I couldn't find one anywhere. And I was 9 months preggo. And I was DYING. My office always stays too warm. its usually 10 degrees warmer in my office than outside. its terrible!

  56. My least favorite thing about summer is humidity. It makes doing my hair a pointless endeavor.

  57. My least favorite thing about this summer is a research class for my master's degree.

  58. I have commented on your facebook page about my first cloth diaper I bought and the last one I bought.

  59. Following your blog!!!

    cheapnchoosy at gmail dot com

  60. I like you on Facebook! (My Facebook name: Amy Hawkins Walker)

    cheapnchoosy at gmail dot com

  61. Following you on twitter!

    twitter name: cheapnchoosy

  62. My least favorite thing about summer right now is that we don't have access to a pool :(.

    cheapnchoosy at gmail dot com

  63. Tiffany Lacasse I already "Liked" you, of course and I've posted links to you in every status on my page this week that has been about Nicki's Diapers :) I've bought from you thrice this week...I can't wait to get my swimmie diapers!

    Oh and I've been orders # 3323036 on June 10 and 13080855 on June 14. My least favorite thing about summer is that I pass out in the heat!!

    So that should be several entries for me, hehe.
    Yesterday at 12:53pm · LikeUnlike ·

  64. I subscribed to blog.

  65. Charity Martinez - I liked you on my facebook!!

  66. My least favorite thing about summer is the heat!! I just can't stand it to get all hot and muggy.
