Saturday, April 3, 2010

Nicki's April Mom of the Month

Name: Lisa B.
Hometown: Jefferson, WI
Occupation: I currently stay at home with my children while laid off from a sales job. I will have to return to work soon, but I really enjoy being home with the kids to do activities at home and take trips during the week to places like the library or zoo. I wish it could stay like this forever.
Children: Our daughter, Phoebe, will be three in May. Walter is five months old.
How did you decide to cloth diaper? Is it bad that I can't remember? I'm pretty sure I had seen pictures of cloth diapered babies on a moms forum I frequent and decided to look into it. I know I did so much research before that first big buy. I loved the concept of saving money, keeping chemicals off my baby's skin, and helping the environment.
What types of cloth diapers do you use? Our very first diaper stash was a bundle of 12 Bumgenius one-size pockets when Phoebe was three months old. I love pockets the best out of all the types of diapers because I can completely customize them for the kids. They are what I know and work the best for us. I also have used them for daycare providers and grandparents because I find a pre-stuffed by me pocket diaper to be the most similar to disposables many are used to using. Over the two years we've used cloth, I have purchased some other kinds of pockets (knickernappies, fuzzi bunz, haute pockets, tweedlebugs and more) along with prefolds, fitteds (mainly kissaluvs and thirsties), and all-in-ones to try.
What is your favorite cloth diaper and why? While I really love the prints and minkee on some diapers, I love my BGs. I now have the newer colors that were released after that first order and I've paid to have some of them converted to snaps since they don't currently offer snaps on the one size pockets.
What is your favorite non-mommy related activity or hobby? I really love crafts. I paint custom shirts and have been trying to learn to sew. I'm still too scared to use my sewing machine if my mom or grandma aren't around since it's a really old Viking just like my grandma's and I think I'll break it. I've made blankets with tags for the kids and painted things like their Easter shirts this year. I enjoy it and it helps me relax after they go to bed.
What type of music do you play in the car when you don't have your children? The difference in my car is only volume when the kids aren't there. Phoebe and I have sung along to everything from country to Lady Gaga. My guilty pleasure is Glee. I love playing the soundtracks and singing along.
What would you tell someone who is just starting out cloth diapering? I didn't realize there was such a thing as a diaper trial like the 15 Day Wash and I didn't have any friends nearby that used cloth. It worked out that the diapers we chose ended up being our favorites, but there are so many options out there. If you want to start, try something like the 15 Day Wash or find a friend that might have a couple CD options for you to actually see and feel. And you need to use a cloth diaper friendly diaper rash cream or your cute CDs will end up with stains from it (much of our BG stash does now, but they still perform fine). I am a huge fan of LuSa Baby Moon Booty Balm. It won't stain, soothes diaper rash, and smells good.
Anything else we should know about you? I have a tiny little etsy store where I sell my custom shirts and other crafts -

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