Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Pork Chop Kids- Buy One, Donate One!

Nicki's Diapers and other select retailers across the nation are teaming with Pork Chop Kids in a special promotion running March 15th-April 15th. For every pair of Pork Chop Kids purchased during this promotion, one pair will be donated to the charitable organization, "Hannah's Socks".
"Hannah's Socks" was inspired by Hannah Turner of Ohio in 2004 who at the age of 4, gave her socks to a homeless man. Since then, over 22,000 pairs of socks have been donated and collected for the needy.
What are Pork Chop Kids, you ask?
"What could be cuter than your little one's thighs? Pork Chops hug your baby's chops and provide warmth, style and functionality. You can put them on, but they can't take them off! The unique design keeps baby warm, provides padding for those crawling days and diaper changes are a cinch...no struggling with tights.
The stylish colors and fun patterns make even the most understated baby, run-way ready!"
A pair of Pork Chop Kids would be the perfect accessory for your little one's Easter dress or trousers and by purchasing a pair you'd be help keeping two little one's chops warm :-)
Check back on Thursday for your chance to win a free pair of Pork Chop Kids in our Weekly Giveaway!

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