Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Essential Baby Carrier- The Moby Wrap

Now, I want to preface all this by saying I never thought I would be a "babywearer". My first two children were good sleepers and my oldest often cried when I picked her up she loved being down and looking around so much! But, my last baby would just not sleep unless he was next to his mama. While I loved snuggling him up I couldn't spend all day on the couch with him or with a baby in one arm while I was trying to cook, do laundry and all the other things a mother of three has to get done in one day. I needed an extra pair of arms and the Moby was just that for me! I'll admit I was a bit intimidated at the thought of a wrap but at the same time I loved how snuggly and content my friends' babies seemed in them so I decided to give it a try. I got my Moby home, took it out and was determined to give it a good try - I wanted to love it. I practiced wrapping a few times then decided to actually put my baby in it. It was love at first wrap :) He snuggled right into me and after just a few minutes fell right to sleep. For the first time since he was born I had a sleeping baby and two free hands! My love affair with my Moby and wrapping my baby grew. I got really fast at wrapping by the end of the first week and found myself just wrapping it on in the morning and wearing it around the house all day putting baby in and out of the Moby as I needed to. I'd put it on under my coat before leaving for the store and then just pop him in car side and he was as content as could be while I did my shopping. As you can see in the photo, I even got to go with the rest of my family to get our Christmas. Before the Moby I had images of me trying to awkwardly push a stroller through the small forest of trees but this was so much better. All in all I couldn't be happier with my Moby. It is soft, snuggly, supportive, machine washable - everything I wanted. I did realize after the first time with the Moby that I did need to dress a little lighter because the Moby was essentially another layer of clothing but I'd take that any day for a free pair of hands AND a content little boy all day long :) Sarah lives in south-central WI and is the lucky mama to three beautiful children. For your chance to win your own Moby Wrap, check back on Thursday for this week's giveaway!


  1. Yay!! This is the one I want to try too! Will be checking back on Thursday for sure :-)

  2. I couldn't live without my Moby wrap either! They are THE BEST! Very easy to use, I prefer it over the stroller and you can use it as your child grows.

  3. Moby wraps are truly incredibly versatile -- talk about one size fits all!

  4. I'm making a slight 'yuck' face about the Moby. I would recommend Sleepy Wrap over Moby any day! But that's just me.

  5. I got my Moby wrap from Nicki's about 3 weeks ago after Annie convinced me to try it in the store. As soon as I put it on in the store I loved it, and so did my daughter. We have used it so much--shopping, dinners out, chores around the house, church services, etc...and my daughter stays quiet and content through it all. I love my Moby!!

  6. I absolutely love my moby wrap! When I first got I thought it looked way too complicated to wear! Nope! Watched a youtube video a couple of times and we were set! Literally as soon as I put my little one in it he calmed and fell right to sleep! I have been able to get so much done around the house while baby wearing! Love it!!!

  7. My fifth baby was born in January. With my previous four babies, I was always on the hunt for the perfect baby holding/wearing device. I wanted to be able to hold my baby as much as I could, and still be able to have my hands free to get other things done. I tried slings, snugglis, you name it. When I first saw the moby and told my husband, "I have to get that for the next one!", he rolled his eyes because he thought it was just the next in a long line of unused baby holders. Nope! I love it and wish I'd had it with the first one! I tell everyone how great the moby is. I love that not only does if feel the most secure and comfortable of any of the options that I've tried, by far, it goes beyond just being a way to hold the baby. I would actually use it to soothe my fussy newborn when nothing else worked. Love the moby!
