Thursday, January 28, 2010

January 28th-February 3rd Weekly Giveaway

The ERGO Baby Carrier is one of the most popular baby carriers on the market! It is easy to put on and take off while providing you complete freedom of movement. This baby carrier can be used from infant (by using the Infant Insert) to toddler - just one carrier to meet all your needs. Simple! Even better, it is super versatile and you can wear it on the front, back, and hip positions (moving between the positions is easy). The ERGO Baby Carrier has an ergonomic design that fully supports both you and your baby in a very comfortable and healthy way. For baby this design supports a correct sitting position for their hip, pelvis, and spine growth. This position disperses most of the baby's weight between the hips and thighs helping to eliminate compression of the spine when hanging by the crotch which most other designs require. For parents, the fit of this baby carrier helps keep your body aligned and alleviate common back pain with baby carrying so you can hold your baby longer. With two shoulder straps and a very supportive waist belt the baby's weight is evenly distributed over the parent's body. The ERGO Baby Carrier is great to be used anytime...great for shopping, traveling, hiking, housework, gardening, and any activity you can think of where the parent(s) need freedom yet baby is safely and securely attached. Leave your stroller at home! No more navigating through crowds trying not to run others over. Plus, in the front position this baby carrier is perfect for nursing and simply holding your baby close when they are in need of comfort. If your baby falls asleep (which can happen often in this comfy carrier) the attached sleeping hood is perfect to cover your baby.

The ERGO Baby Carrier is a one size fits most carrier (great for Moms and Dads) and comes in a variety of colors! Each carrier comes with a free instructional DVD. Accessories are available too!

ERGO has a new Infant Insert that is designed to support baby's pelvis, hip joint and leg position along with the head and neck. The specially padded and shaped cushion can quickly and easily be placed in the carrier and readjusted as needed. It snaps closed around the infant, holding the baby in a cozy, protected environment.

To enter to win a free Organic Sea Green Ergo Baby Carrier and Organic Silver Infant Insert, you will receive ONE entry for EACH option below (you MUST leave a comment for each option saying what you did and where). This means you can get multiple entries increasing your chance to WIN! (each "Weekly Giveaway" may be different):

1. Become a subscriber of Nicki's Diapers Blog or if you already are post it 2. Become a Fan of Nicki's Diapers Facebook page 3. Post a comment on Facebook about Nicki's Diapers including a link to any page on Nicki's Diapers 4. Follow nickisdiapers on Twitter 5. Tweet about Nicki's Diapers including a link to any page on Nicki's Diapers 6. Blog about Nicki's Diapers including a link to any page on Nicki's Diapers 7. Talk about Nicki's Diapers on a Forum including a link to any page on Nicki's Diapers COUNTS AS DOUBLE ENTRY!! 8. Grab one of our buttons and put it on your blog. 9. Tell us a positive babywearing story


  1. following on twitter- @saywah
    saywah_j at yahoo dot com

  2. tweeted about giveaway:
    saywah_j at yahoo dot com

  3. I subscribe to your blog.

  4. I'm a Facebook fan.

  5. I tweeted.

  6. Added your button to my blog.

  7. I became a facebook fan today!!

  8. I posted a blog entry along with a link telling my friends.

  9. Tweet tweet!

  10. A Short but VERY sweet blog! =)

  11. Positive Babywearing story...hmmm, what isn't positive with babywearing?!?

    The most memorable would be a tie between nursing while babywearing in our ERGO on the Vegas Strip (crazy that the bebe slept through any of that ruckus) and when I wore baby in a wrap when we went to the pumpkin patch! He had a little pumpkin hat and was so content being worn on my hip while we got pumpkins!


  12. i left a comment on facebook with a link to your website

  13. I've been checking out this carrier! What a fabulous giveaway!! I'm a subscriber to your blog!

  14. I linked your blog in a forum:

  15. Ah I want one of these soooo bad!! haha! Thanks for the giveaway!

  16. I've got your button on my blog.

  17. I meant to say in my last comment that I follow your blog (I subscribe via google reader).

    I made a pouch sling for my daughter just before she was born, and it was a great way for us to continue to be close those first few weeks after she was born. We also had lots of people comment on the pouch and it was a great chance to spread the babywearing love. Several friends even asked me to make them a pouch for their babies. I'm working on a mei tei now since my daughter doesn't really like the sling anymore. Hubby and I would both love an Ergo as well :o)

  18. I tweeted!

  19. I became a fan, and posted a comment about you on my wall. Emilie Wheeler on facebook. I have also subscribed to your blog. My babywearing story is that I had a very fussy baby and the only way I could get him to sleep or get anything done was to wear him. It was so relaxing for me and him. I still wear him now and he's 2.

  20. i grabbed your button.

  21. I have also linked the giveaway in a forum on the Aug. 2009 birth club on babycenter.

  22. I just put your button on my public blog!

  23. Oh how I would love an Ergo!!
    I am a blog subscriber

    Amanda C

  24. I don't have a personal story to share about babywearing but I plan on doing lots of wearing of my babies when they arrive! I've only heard positive stories from friends and family about wearing your baby. How it increases the bond between mommy and baby and how it makes getting everyday chores done much easier!

  25. tweeted.

  26. I am a twitter follower


  27. i love wearing my one year old and i get lots of what a great hands on daddy comments when i do it.

  28. I have your button on my blog

    Amanda C.

  29. I love babywearing! I did it some when my preschooler was little, and I'm doing it a lot with my current little one.

    My husband thinks I'm Super Woman when I can nurse in the carrier while walking with my older DS at the park. It's wonderful to be able to multitask and for my husband to affirm me that way! :o)

  30. I blogged about this site (and babywearing) on my private blog! (If you want an invite, I can send you one.)

  31. I babywear lots but I have to say my absolute favorite was 4th of July 2008. My second daughter was just over 2 and we were going downtown to celebrate. In our city tons of people go and you have to park quite a distance from the actual celebration. With so many people pushing a stroller around is quite the hassle so I wore her in a side carry with my ring sling. It was great so have her so close to me (with large crowds I tend to worry anyways) knowing both of us were comfortable and we could move around the crowd so much easier. I got tons of compliments and lots of people asking where I got it.
    More recently I use the sling when I go grocery shopping so my 3 year old can sit in the cart (grocery shopping goes so much quicker when your little ones are contained ;-) ) I don't know how moms who don't babywear but have multiple children do it! Anyways, I throw the tail of my ring sling over the baby when he nurses and got a compliment from an older lady who was saying how nice and convenient she thought the sling was and how much she wishes they were 'around' (though I'm sure they were, just maybe not quite as much) when she had kids.
    I just love getting positive comments on my sling. So far all I have is my ring sling and a homemade wrap, I've heard great things about the ergo but haven't been able to justify the cost to my husband.

  32. I'm a new subscriber...would LOVE to try an ergo!

  33. I am a subscriber.
    danajewers6352 at msn dot com

  34. Facebook fan!
    danajewers6352 at msn dot com

  35. Following nickisdiapers on twitter - @basketgal123
    danajewers6352 at msn dot com

  36. Just put your link in my status update!

  37. I have a special needs daughter and slings were the ONLY reccomended method for carrying her to protect her spine (low muscle tone). I fell in love with them and used them with my second born. (solo airline travel..bathrooms..need I say more!)
    Now with number 3, I'd love to try an ergo!

  38. Added your button to my blog

  39. No babywearing stories yet but my husband is soooo excited to babywear since he is the stay at home daddy :)

  40. I just posted on forum linking to your store.

    Babycenter March2010

    danajewers6352 at msn dot com

  42. I wore my daughter in our wrap for a plane trip when she was 9 weeks old. I put her in when we got to the airport and she promptly fell asleep. She didn't wake up until I took her out of the wrap 6 hours later to put in the car at our destination! As we were getting off the plane, someone said to me "I didn't even know there was a baby on the plane!"

  43. babywearing story: My second child was very, very colicky for the first six months of his life. I discovered that putting him in my Moby Wrap and bouncing him on an exercise ball would put him to sleep when nothing else would! I did that every night for three months straight. It was amazing.

  44. In the first year of his life, I have worn my son about 6 times on flights. That way, he feels secure, I can discreetly feed him pretty much the second he wants (and believe me, he screeeeeaaaammms until I can get him nursing. Even between sides - you'd think by now he'd realize it's a matched set. lol)

    When we get off the plane, without fail, the surrounding passengers comment that they didn't even know there was a baby on the flight. Baby wearing even allowed me to travel by myself with confidence, making my husband's 4-month deployment absolutely fly by!

    An ergo carrier would certainly allow us to continue easy travels through the next year - and we have a 20 hour flight moving to Turkey in a few weeks!! Even if I don't win the drawing, I may have to invest in one. :)

  45. I have twins and it was so awesome to be able to wear them both when they were born. They were 3 weeks early and so tiny. By wearing them, I was constantly able to have them with me and together, just like the womb. As they got bigger, I bought an Ergo for my hubby. It's so sexy when a daddy wears his baby. Now, with 21 month old twins and a baby due yesterday (literally) I know that babywearing will save us again!!

  46. I subscribe via google reader.

  47. Follow you on Twitter and a fan of facebook. I will also Tweet about you.

  48. I tweeted.

  49. I use babywearing as a therapy for my son with sensory processing issues -- it helps us stay connected and helps him deal with his surroundings in a healthy way.

  50. My first baby is still in utero so I don't have any baby wearing stories yet, but I plan on wearing him a lot when he's here, so maybe I'll have story in a couple of months!

  51. I'm a blog subscriber. :)
    I got a Moby Wrap with our fifth child, and I used it with her for at least two years. So convenient when I usually had another child in a stroller, too! Now, I am using it with #6 (age 2 months). I've always wanted an Ergo, especially for the ease of "set-up" (the Moby requires a little more stamina!), but money is an issue.

  52. Positive baby wearing story? There are so many! My main carrier is a padded shoulder Maya wrap and it's now on it's second kiddo and still going strong. This is hands down the one item that has made my life easier, especially now that I have 2 kids. I also LOVE that I can breastfeed in it, sometimes even while walking around (very handy while shopping, let me tell you). So comfy for both me and my babies.

  53. I am a FB fan and have your button on my blog.

  54. An Ergo for baby #2 (due July 6) would be awesome!!! I'm a Facebook fan.

  55. I subscribe to your blog

  56. I'm a FB fan of Nicki's Diapers

  57. I follow Nicki's Diapers on Twitter (monkeyksmama)

  58. I love babywearing! I use my Moby-type carrier everyday. I would never get anything done if it weren't for babywearing!!

  59. I tweeted

  60. I am a follower of your blog as well as on Twitter and a fan on Facebook. I actually posted about Nicki's Diapers with a link a couple days ago in a forum (Babycenter)
    Here's a link to that:

  61. Our little girl is 2 weeks old and we started "wearing" her from the beginning with a carrier my SIL gave me. It has been great bonding experience and I love nothing more than watching my husband and little girl together.

  62. I'm a subscriber!
    shannoncarman at yahoo dot com

  63. I'm a FB fan (Shannon Carman Finer).
    shannoncarman at yahoo dot com

  64. I have a Nicki's Diapers button on my blog

  65. I follow Nikki's diapers via Twitter (@channynn).

    shannoncarman at yahoo dot com

  66. I'm actually wearing my baby right now! She's in a Kokopax and likes to be back there ALL the time! Baby wearing has been one of my favorite joys of parenting.

    shannoncarman at yahoo dot com

  67. I just posted a link on Facebook!

  68. I love your blog and already follow it!

  69. I commented on Nicki's Diapers' FB page!

    shannoncarman at yahoo dot com

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. I'm following your blog! (Cat Murphy)

  72. I just posted about this in the BWing group at Babycenter. :-)

  73. I left a comment with a link on your facebook page! (Cat Murphy)

  74. I subscribe to your blog! Or follow it I guess. Hopefully that's the same thing! I still get your blog posts in my feed reader

  75. I just tweeted about this.

  76. I posted a comment on my facebook wall!

  77. Here's my positive babywearing story...

    My 2 month old son has colic. When he has his colic moments, he is very difficult to calm down. His colic is an every day thing and had gone on for 2 straight weeks. One night, after several hours of having tried everything else, I put him in one of my wraps and walked around the house. At first, he fussed and fussed, and not too long later, he fell asleep! So ever since then, I keep a wrap or carrier handy for his colicky times.

  78. I think I did this wrong. I will make entries for each one.

    I became a fan on Facebook (Christine VanderWall Wieberdink)

  79. I am a Blog Subscriber! Woo hoo. I am also a Fan on facebook, left a comment on facebook with a link about one of my favorite breastfeeding accessories!

  80. I started following on Twitter @onehtmama

  81. I left a tweet with a link to this page @onehtmama

  82. I am a FB fan and commented on your FB page and discussed your site in a forum. :)

  83. I posted in a forum with a link


  84. I subscribed to the blog (

  85. I blogged about this giveaway with a link (

  86. And now positive babywearing: When my 3 year old was only 6 weeks, my dad was having surgery for colon cancer. I had to fly 1800 miles and go through 6 different airports on my roundtrip with a 6 week old baby and myself -- no help. I put my baby in a wrap and my only carryon was a backpack, so I had baby on the front and backpack on my back. They actually let me go through security with her still on me. She slept the entire trip and didn't make a peep. It reduced the stress for me, her and my fellow travellers like you would not believe!!

  87. I posted a comment with a link on my Facebook Christine VanderWall Wieberdink

  88. I'm a subscriber.

    jdeemarie @

  89. I am a blog subscriber! Have heard SO MANY good things about the Ergo!

  90. I've got one of your buttons on my blog.

  91. subscribed to newsletter
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  92. We went hiking last summer. I was about 26 weeks pregnant and carried my 29 lb. toddler on my back in a simple mei tai. I outlasted most of my family and my husband and I made it almost 3 miles (he wasn't carrying anything but the camera!).

    jdeemarie @

  93. fan of nickis diapers on FB
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  94. I posted this giveaway as my Facebook status.

  95. posted on FB

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  96. follow nickis diapers on twitter @gravsie3
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  97. I posted this giveaway as a link on Facebook.

  98. tweet

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  99. I subscribed to the blog with my Google Reader account.

  100. posted giveaway on mombloggersclub forum! (on jan 28th at 3:13pm)

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com


  101. posted giveaway on mombloggersclub forum! (on jan 28th at 3:13pm)

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com


  102. I posted this giveaway to my attachment parenting forum on Circle of Moms:

  103. have your buttons in my blogroll

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  104. I am already a fan of the FB page, not sure if this will count as an official entry but I thought I'd try :)

  105. I think that my favorite baby wearing story is a few days after my son was born we got out of the house and had him snuggled up right by me as we walked around. Newborns are so wonderful and snuggly!

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  106. I'm a facebook fan and I wrote a comment there :D (What a fun prize!) Thanks!

  107. Posted a status update on facebook about FuzziBunz one-size being my favorite diapers.

  108. I love wearing my little 2 month old in the Baby Bjorn. She is able to snuggle up close (and usually sleeps) while i am able to get my chores or errands done.

  109. I just joined your facebook fandom. Thanks!

  110. I always wear my babies to church and shopping until they are too heavy for my back, or refuse to stay in the sling during church. My favorite comment was someone at church when my oldest was 4 months old, "When are you going to let that baby out of there?" Ha! She was safe, happy, snuggly, and free from other people's hands, faces, and germies!

  111. FB fan, also posted a link on my page

  112. Just became a follower of the blog. Thanks!

  113. This comment has been removed by the author.

  114. I wore my first baby often and loved the closeness of her to me for the snuggle factor and the convenience. I can't wait to wear my second due in April as well. This would be a big help!

  115. blogged

  116. I'm a subscriber to your blog, a fan on facebook, and I love babywearing! My daughter is very much a "mommy's girl" and babywearing allows me to fulfill the need she has to be close to mommy all the time and still get stuff done. I love babywearing and Nicki's Diapers!


  117. our babe is 6wks old now, & just last week we took a family walk around the neighborhood... despite the chilllly MN temps, babe stayed toasty warm inside the moby wrap dad wore. precious, & thankful for all baby-wearing...

  118. tweeted

  119. added button on my blog

  120. I facebooked.

  121. I wear my baby when she gets fussy and it calms her down immediately. Also, I can do a load of diapers with both hands free.

  122. Badge is on my blog.

  123. facebook fan with link

  124. Mentioned the giveaway on modern-bliss forums!

  125. My daughter loved to be close when she was an infant and often was carried in the Bjorn with my husband. It was a great way for father-daughter to bond!

  126. tweeted

  127. my favorite thing about babywearing is letting my baby experience the world and interact with people in public.
