Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Nicki's December Mom of the Month

Name: Jené G Where you live: Cincinnati, OH Occupation: Statistical Analyist Children: Charlie, 16 months

What made you decide to cloth diaper? We had been making efforts to live a greener/more sustainable life, so when we found out that we were expecting it just seemed like the next logical step!

What kind of cloth diapers to you use? We started out using a mix of Thirsties, Kissaluvs, BumGenius3.0s, and prefolds. Prefolds pretty much dominated the newborn weeks. I liked all of the diapers I tried, but we settled on the BG3.0s for our go-to diaper. I actually just ordered some Haute Pockets from Nicki’s Cloth Diaper Clearance – I’m looking forward to trying them.

What is your favorite cloth diaper? Our BG3.0s because of the one-size feature. I liked the idea of buying a single diaper stash that would last us throughout the diapering years. If/when Charlie gets a younger sibling I plan to branch out a little more on the diaper options!

What is your favorite non-mommy related activity or hobby? I love to read! I could sit for hours and devour book after book.

What type of music do you play in the car? Right now I have 6 CDs in my player, and I didn’t realize until I made this list how odd my playlist really is:

  1. Bruce Springsteen
  2. Bright Eyes
  3. RATM
  4. Goldfinger
  5. The Beatles
  6. My very guilty pleasure – NKOTB

What is your best tip for a new cloth diapering mom (or dad!)? A lot of people will look at you like you have two heads when they hear that you use/are planning to use cloth diapers. I got a lot of wrinkled noses and raised eyebrows. Don’t pay any attention to the naysayers – you can do it!

Anything else we should know about you? I have a blog - http://theoriginalbean.blogspot.com/

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