Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Dec. 30th-Jan. 7th Weekly Giveaway (13th)

WIN a 2-pack of Sensible Lines Milk Trays!!

Sensible Lines has come up with something you can really use! Their Milk Trays allow you to freeze your milk in one-ounce sticks in convenient, stackable trays. Just freeze a tray and then transfer your milk sticks to a plastic bag. What a space saver! Since the milk is already frozen when put the sticks into the plastic bag, it is safe to use any freezer-safe zip lock bag or container.

Sensible Lines Milk Tray also eliminates waste because you can use your milk 1 ounce at a time. No more thawing 6 ounces when you only need two! Really convenient when only 1 ounce is needed for baby's cereal. So now you can take advantage of every ounce of milk in a safe and practical way.

Sensible Lines Milk Tray was awarded the 2009 iParenting Media Award for Outstanding Product! It was invented for moms, by moms who know the value of breastmilk. Sensible Lines Milk Trays are eco-friendly, BPA and dye free, and 100% recyclable. They are made from PETG plastic, a FDA-approved medical-grade plastic and meets the highest standards in plastic. Frozen cubes are easily removed from the flexible tray and are perfectly shaped to fit into any baby bottle.

Sensible Lines Milk Trays come with fitted lids that block out freezer burn and odor from the freezer. They have a slim, space saving design. They can also be used to freeze puree for baby, popsicles for kids and even as an ice cube tray.

Each Sensible Lines Milk Tray set comes with 2 trays and 2 lids.

$16.95 for a 2-pack!

To enter to win your free 2-pack of Sensible Lines Milk Trays you will receive ONE entry for EACH option below (you MUST leave a comment for each option saying what you did and where). This means you can get multiple entries increasing your chance to WIN! (each "Weekly Giveaway" may be different): 1. Become a subscriber of Nicki's Diapers Blog or if you already are post it 2. Become a Fan of Nicki's Diapers Facebook page 3. Post a comment on Facebook about Nicki's Diapers including a link to any page on Nicki's Diapers 4. Follow nickisdiapers on Twitter 5. Tweet about Nicki's Diapers including a link to any page on Nicki's Diapers 6. Blog about Nicki's Diapers including a link to any page on Nicki's Diapers 7. Talk about Nicki's Diapers on a Forum including a link to any page on Nicki's Diapers COUNTS AS DOUBLE ENTRY!! 8. Grab one of our buttons and put it on your blog. 9. What is your favorite positive breastfeeding story. *Contest ends Jan. 7th at midnight and winners will be posted the next week. Winners generated by Winners must notify within 1 week.


  1. I just became a fan on Facebook!


  2. I tweeted about NickisDiapers!


  3. I'm following nickisdiapers on Twitter

  4. i'm a fan on facebook! heatheranya at hotmail dot com

  5. I added a button to my blog.

  6. My favorite positive breastfeeding story is my own! We persevered through drastic weight loss, latch problems, and a baby unable to nurse to diagnose her with a posterior tongue tie, have it clipped and get a champion nurser! Without the support, education and resources I had, it wouldn't have been possible. I am grateful every single second I nurse my sweet baby.

  7. Breastfeeding has been a wonderful experience with both of my children, although challenging in the early days of their lives. I am so thankful for encouragement from LLL leaders, lactation consultants, my husband, and online forums. I am proud to have been able to donate surplus milk to the International Breastmilk Project.

  8. I posted about you on facebook with a link to your website.
    Heather Porter

  9. I am also a fan of Nicki's diapers facebook page:)

  10. I follow Nicki's Diapers on twitter, too!

  11. My favorite positive (positively hilarious!) breastfeeding story: while breastfeeding my new baby (who is almost 1.5 now and weaned!) my 4 year old said during breakfast one day: "Mom, did you know that when you drink your milk, it goes down your froat (throat) right into your humps and then the baby drinks it from your humps?" I laughed and laughed:) It sounded so logical! I now affectionately refer to my breasts as the 'humps.'

  12. I tweeted about Nickisdiapers and included a link to the store!

  13. I think my favorite breastfeeding story was when I was at a church potluck and a little girl about 4 years old who was adopted from Africa came up to me. She points at his feet hanging out from under the cover and says, "Why are his feet under there?" I told her I was feeding him. She said, "are you feeding him milk?" I said yes. She said, "from here?" and pointed at her boobs... She had it all figured out!! She was so fascinated with my little boy and she was so adorable with him!!

  14. I am also a fan of Nicki's on facebook!

  15. My favorite breastfeeding story is when my daughter first discovered my nose and would pick it or atleast try to while breastfeeding!

  16. I am a subscriber of Nicki's Diapers Blog

  17. I am a Fan of Nicki's Diapers Facebook page

  18. I Follow nickisdiapers on Twitter

  19. I'm new to breastfeeding -- my babe is 6 weeks old. I don't have a favorite story except the one that happens every day -- when he is at my breast and eating so blissfully, making sounds of pleasure with every breath. I wouldn't trade it for the world!

  20. My positive breastfeeding story is just that I survived 6 weeks of excruciatingly painful breastfeeding and made it until my son was 11 months old.

  21. I'm following you on Twitter (@mommakt).

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. After a morning of shopping Black Friday sales, my brother in law and I stopped at a restaurant for a late breakfast. I was nursing my then two-week-old while we were waiting for our food to arrive when another diner leaned over, smiled & said, "That baby's got the best meal in the house!"

    She totally made my morning!

  24. I subscribe to Nicki's blog.

    wernertjd AT yahoo DOT com

  25. I am a fan on Facebook.

    wernertjd AT yahoo DOT com

  26. I follow on Twitter. @graceandbrynley

    wernertjd AT yahoo DOT com

  27. I have a Nicki's Diapers button on my blog.

    wernertjd AT yahoo DOT com

  28. My favorite positive breastfeeding story/experience so far has been my almost 4 year old daughter watching me feed her sister and then imitate it with her baby dolls.I am completely supportive of her imagination and if she wants to breastfeed her baby dolls, more power to her!

  29. I subscribe to the blog

  30. I'm a fan on facebook.

  31. I loved bfing my daughter until she was about 2. She's 2.5 now and still talks about it fondly. We are awaiting the arrival of our second baby and I'm really looking forward to nursing again and seeing my older daughter's reaction.

  32. I became a fan of Nicki's Diapers on Facebook.

  33. I am a fan of Nickis Diapers on Facebook!

  34. I follow Nicki's Diapers on Twitter!

  35. I have your button on my blog!

  36. I think my favorite breastfeeding story involves going to Disney World when my little guy was just 6 weeks old. We drove from Michigan and I pumped and fed my little guy breastmilk from a bottle so we wouldn't have to stop and take him out of his car seat. I figured if I could do that, I could do anything!

  37. I follow you on twitter. uschicana

  38. Well my positive breastfeeding story is that after the first two hellish weeks of learning to breastfeed with sore and cracked nipples I did not give up the struggle and eventually got the hang of breastfeeding. Im very happy I can provide the best nutrition that I possibly can for my little one.

  39. I have 2 boys I positive breastfeeding storys.
    I think after the first month it gets better you both learn from each other...
    I thimk nursing a baby is one of the best thing you can do for you and your baby!!!

  40. I follow you on twitter, AmandaC040609

  41. Talked about Nicki's at my MDC due date club!

  42. I blogged about Nickis Diapers

    Amanda C.

  43. I have so many breastfeeding stories. I am just so thankful each day for the time I get breastfeeding. I was pressured in the hospital with my first daughter to supplement her with the threat that she wouldn't go home with me otherwise, almost as soon as they supplemented her she started refusing the breast and it only got worse and worse with each bottle she had. I ended up pumping exclusively for 12.5 months for her. Then I successfully exclusively breastfed my second daughter for just shy of 20 months and am now breastfeeding our son...3.5 weeks now :) I just love when my daughters ask about when they were breastfed (we explained to my oldest that she still got mommy's milk, just in a bottle) and breastfeed their baby dolls.

  44. I'm a subscriber of Nicki's Diapers Blog

  45. I have not yet started breastfeeding (due in Feb), but my mom fed each of us 3 kids until we were about 2 to 2.5!
