Thursday, October 8, 2009

Yet one more contributing writer!

Hi, I’m Gracie. My husband Daron and I have two children, Zoe who will be 4 in December and Soren who is only 7wks old. I am brand new to cloth diapering and only started when my son was born. At first, I was so completely overwhelmed by the whole cloth diapering world that I almost didn’t do it. There is just so much to learn. When I started telling people that I was thinking about it, no one thought I would or could. One day when I was talking to my mom, she laughed at me and said “Gracie, you don’t do the laundry now, what makes you think you can keep up with cloth?” In my head I thought, “She’s right! What did I get myself into?” But I couldn’t let other people think I couldn’t do it, so I jumped in! I went to Nicki’s store in New Glarus with Annie and Corey and bought Snappis, prefolds, Swaddlebees covers, a couple of Haute Pockets, two Planet Wise wet bags, and a few other things. Me and my pride were going to do this! My first week of cloth diapering was a disaster! I didn’t know what I was doing. I was so sure it was going to be just like disposables just with added washing. How hard can this be? Plus I wanted to have Soren in cloth when I went home to NY to visit my family since I talked it up so much. I had to go home with him IN cloth to save face right? So I got out my Kissaluv 0 and a Swaddlebees ABC wrap and put it on. Within the hour Soren was soaked. Hmm, that’s strange Corey swears by these and her kids never leaked in them. So I tried again (remember my pride is hanging in the balance), and again, and again! Over and over I tried these diapers and every time he leaked through them. All the while I’m thinking to myself, “Boy this design is horrible. Why would they make it snap together like this and have these flaps on the top?” Finally out of desperation I decided to take pictures and send them to Corey and Annie to see if it’s user error. Check it out… Sure enough, I had put the darn thing on inside out! Best part of this story is I went home with him in cloth but leaking at every diaper change. My family is thoroughly convinced I’ve lost it. But I didn’t give up! Once we fixed this little inside out issue, it’s been smooth sailing. Honestly though, I cloth diaper because I want to save money, they’re fun and different from the norm and I love the look when I tell people. It’s a great conversation starter and I love to talk! I hope you’ll find some humor in my stories and my mistakes.
Me, Zoe and Soren! ~Gracie

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